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Turi tribe of Parachinar, very unfortunate of Pakistan


Feb 23, 2008
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United States
Please dont mind the grammatical mistakes. Its written my a journalist residing in FATA.


(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The Turi Tribe of Parachinar Kurram Agency is the only Tribe of Pakistan that has been fighting against Taliban for the last four years and so far. The main City of Kurram Agency Parachinar has also been years long blocked and there is no ground communication of Parachinar with the rest of its own country for the same period of time. The poeple living in the area has been facing severe humanitarian crises due to lack of foods, medicine and other basic amenities. The government of Pakistan is completely silent over the blockage and is unable to solve the problem due to a large number of terrorists present in the area.

Due to the continuous attacks on the civilian convoy vehicles by terrorists, the security forces of Pakistan, some times, arrange convoy carrying people and essential goods from Peshawar to Parachinar. On March 25, 2011, some terrorists were ambushed a convoy which were carrying members of anti-Taliban Shi'ite, the Turi tribe, at Bagun, killing eight and wounding five including seven children and five women.

After a few days ago, Turi Tribe were received the dead bodies of the eight members of its tribe who were killed in the attack. According to the turi tribe, they were unable to identify the dead bodies because some of them were burnt and some were brutally killed into small pieces. They said that the unknown terrorists were just written names on the boxes.

A fresh news floating in the Kurram Agency that is adding sentiments to the thoughts of the Government involvement in killing, kidnapping and the four years long blockage of Parachinar. According to reliable sources and family members of a soldier of Frontior Corpse (FC), a law enforcement authority of Pakistan, belongs to the Turi, was also travelling in the above mentioned Convoy to celebrate holidays in Parachinar. His family was received his dead body after a few days ago of the attack. But according to his family, they were unable to identify its body. When they asked that how they think that he was the same person. They said that we are not sure that it was exactly the same body more than his name which was written on the box by the militants.

They said that we are confused that a few days ago one of the person which is kidnapped by the terrorists called his family that he and the others missing persons of the Turi Tribe are still alive and the bodies which were sent to them were not belong Turis. They were some others people who were against terrorists. He said that the Kidnappers has strictly instructed him to tell that if turis did not arrange the demanded money then no one of the missing persons will be alive. He was told his family that the soldier whose was thought killed is sit behind him and is alive.

After than, Turi Tribe elders told that they are negotiating with the kidnappers to release their missing tribesmen. They said that Government is not interested to solve our problems, therefore, they are negotiating with the militants to reach an end regarding thier missing loving ones. They said that since the blockage of Parachinar , the government and establishment of Pakistan is helping and supporting the Taliban and militants against Turi Tribe of Kurram Agency because we are fighting war against terrorism and Taliban. They also asserted that the establishment is still supporting its Taliban policy.

We, Shia Turi, are a big challenge for the establishment to pursuit its bloody inhuman policy. They said that besides the past evidences, this time it has also proved their involvement. They refered that whenever a soldier of Frontior Corpse is killed then FC is marched around and presents solute to the grave of the martyr. When we received the dead body their Turi FC soldier then we informed FC Head Quarter of Parachinar about its martyrdom. But it is very said to say that FC neither marched and nor condoled his killing by the hand of terrorists. In the beginning we were very dishearten of their this behaviour but, later on, when we realized the fact by receiving a phone call from the terrorists about the ransom. Now, we have come to know that FC was already aware about him that it was not the dead body of him and it is therefore, confirmed that FC has close connections with the Taliban and militants that why they didn't march and solute to that grave.

It is a fact that this is not the first hand to belive that the government and establishment of Pakistan is involved in Killing and kidnapping of turis and blockage of Parachinar. A convoy of civilian vehicles moving to Parachinar from Peshawar, under the safeguard of gunship Military helicopter and Pakistani security forces was also attacked near sadda in April 2008. When the militants attacked, the security forces which were guarding the convoy, were fled from the scene and left the helpless Turis for terrorists. Thus, Violence was broken out in other parts of the area. Violence is continued ever since, with more than 3500 killed and thousands of others turis are injured including years long blockage of the Turi main dominant city, of Parachinar.

More over, Turi Tribe has formed a jirga and have also protested on the issue in front of the Political Agent’s office and at the Frontier Corps fort in Parachinar. On the other hand, Youth of Parachinar has been started hunger strike at Islamabad Press Club near Parliament House of Pakistan. Meanwhile, the jirga of Turi and Bangash elders has decided not to co-operate with the authorities till the recovery of the kidnapped people.


This is very unfortunate. There are many tribes similar to the Turi tribe who go fighting against Taliban but they dont get a single penny or medical help in return. There have been Lashkars formed by the Army and I personally know of a few in Swat alone, and the men complain about lack of support and aid such as guns, ammo etc... and at the end they feel abandoned by their own Army. There have been kidnappings happening for over a decade and shame on Pakistan's institutions for not doing a damn thing about it. No wonder why these people feel isolated in their own country.
i know some one from that area its not Taliban problem its sectarian problem sunni were massacre there so only shia left there an now they cud nt pass through suni areas
Yes the Turii tribe is a Shia dominated tribe, but your ignoring the intention behind this article. People, or Pakistanis are being kidnapped in numbers; in this case an FC soldier was kidnapped and the government has done nothing. FATA is like an independent state in the middle of Afghanistan and Pakistan, Army does no $hit to protect its citizens in FATA, therefore no government control, therefore people feel abandoned and Taliban go roaming around killing/kidnapping Pakistanis. Lashkars within many Tribes are fighting alongside Army, and they get no damn support. This is the reality of Pakistanis living in FATA and even in some parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Yes the Turii tribe is a Shia dominated tribe, but your ignoring the intention behind this article. People, or Pakistanis are being kidnapped in numbers; in this case an FC soldier was kidnapped and the government has done nothing. FATA is like an independent state in the middle of Afghanistan and Pakistan, Army does no $hit to protect its citizens in FATA, therefore no government control, therefore people feel abandoned and Taliban go roaming around killing/kidnapping Pakistanis. Lashkars within many Tribes are fighting alongside Army, and they get no damn support. This is the reality of Pakistanis living in FATA and even in some parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Thats the reality of Pakistanis living all over Pakistan. Balochistan has abnormally high kidnapping rates and that whole province has become more dangerous, Karachi has abnormally high kidnapping rates and target killings. A journalist has been kidnapped, tortured, and killed. In general, all Pakistan is not safe at this time
these lanatee takfiri kharijite TTP terrorists! How much havoc will they spread in the name of "Islam"!

It is these modern day TTP that are the modern day kharijite of our times! Just as Imam ALI (A.S.) waged jihad against these lanatee kharijite in his times, similarly Pak army must wage an ALL OUT war against these pathetic takfiris who killing innocent shia muslims in Parachinar!

They are surrounded by Taliban and being massacred! May Allah have mercy on their souls!
Hi, I belong to Turri tribe. Yes they have traditionally been against not just militancy but extremism in general. They have faced serious issues, especially when the militants cut off the Thall-Parachinar road link which caused a shortage of materials to Upper Kurram Agency

situation is still tense, but things have improved compared to how they were in 2006....there are some ongoing peace-talks but the tension is still there from time to time. Parachinar is a strategic location in that it has closest proximity to Afghan areas like Tora Bora and even Kabul is not so far away. Some bad apples come from the other side into Pakistani side and have often disturbed the peace in the area.
An area of Pakistan has been blocked off for the last 4 years and nobody even knows.....I am surprised that i never read about this in the news.
Thats the reality of Pakistanis living all over Pakistan. Balochistan has abnormally high kidnapping rates and that whole province has become more dangerous, Karachi has abnormally high kidnapping rates and target killings. A journalist has been kidnapped, tortured, and killed. In general, all Pakistan is not safe at this time

Reality of Pakistan? comman yarr, how can you compare this situation with any other situation occuring in other parts of Pakistan? no Pakistani ever hears their damn side of any story other than journalists trying their hardest to display the reality from facts given to them by intelligence officials, thats how independent this place is. At least you get to know who died in Karachi, and which political leader died in Balochistan, Pakistanis dieing in FATA and even in some places of Khyberpakhtunkhwa as well as in Balochistan are a matter of statistics for many of us on this forum, and no offence, to many Pakistanis as well.
build the institutions (including police) and invest more in those areas will be a good start.....also a de-weaponization campaign.
Unfortunate situation for our country GOP should resolve this problem asap
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