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Tuaf destroys Pantsir/BUK/S-300Airdefence

According to international law, Syria is right IF it chooses to do so since Turkey is guilty of illegal aggressive action against Syria's sovereignty. But that would give NATO a potential excuse to attack Syria under the guise of defending Turkey,

Tbh, the way it is now is the best. LEt the Turks come into Syria. Let them keep up supply lines, keep their ground forces with no air defense, keep the S300s and S400s active at all times and shoot down F16s that cross over...sooner or later these Turks will bleed to death slowly....Erdogan has no option but to accept a face saving "relief" that Putin gave him.

Russia is currently the top deal maker in the Middle East. Turkey will listen to RUssia..eventually.

All Turkey can do to me is retaliate:

TUrkey will retaliate against EU and US by sending ex-ISIS terrorists to EU without the needed ID EU needs to convict them + new wave of refugees.

Turkey will retaliate against Assad for him not handing over Idlib to TUrkey by destroying Syrian military facilities and equipment.

Its just a sophisticated tantrum.

"He who laughs last, laughs best". In this Syrian civil war, Turkey laughed first- letting aaaallll those ISIS euro terrorists into Syria....lovely. enjoy your payback now.

I have no personal problem with Turkey. i respect Turkey as a Muslim and Mediterranean power Turkey is. BUUUT, TUrkey's recent actions like support AQ and HTS directly??/ that made me say no. whatever Turks get in Syria they deserve. Haftar and Russia already cut off Turkey's hand in Libya. learn to mind your business next time OK? i'm out!
Putin knows he cant do jackshit and his military is no match for TSK. it will be suicide for Iran and russia to send more dogs to syria especially after its air defence is proven to be complete failure. This war is turning out to be a marketing ploy for turkeys drones and weapon system
Pakistan will remain neutral on this issue and just make ambiguous statements that do not take any particualr side, but it would be madness to abandon China for Turkey.

This Pakistans, silly national neutrality is losing us our most favoured and hardened friends every where recently.

That’s not clever or good for us at all.

And why is it always a zero game against us to do nothing! Let’s call it China you choose us Pakistanis or Syria?

Turkey fits into our nations interests and China understands this. Very well

if u came from a rich country i would've respected this comment.

But you respect our nuclear bombs don’t you! :-)
If you think thats what gonna happen you dont know Pakistanis. We are a very emotional bunch.

China still sees Pakistan as a very strategic ally due to oil pipelines that will reduce the effects of Indian Navy blockading China's oil supply (which China mostly imports) in the
This Pakistans, silly national neutrality is losing us our most favoured and hardened friends every where recently.

That’s not clever or good for us at all.

And why is it always a zero game against us to do nothing! Let’s call it China you choose us Pakistanis or Syria?

Turkey fits into our nations interests and China understands this. Very well

But you respect our nuclear bombs don’t you! :-)

Because China is the dominant power here and if it chooses Syria, what exactly would Pakistan do about it? Throw a tantrum and cut off the billions of dollars China are investing in Pakistan to make it better?
TSK’ya ait SİHA Serakib’te rejim güçlerini böyle vurdu



Rejim hedeflerine 300mm CNRA atisi. 20-120km menzil, 10m’den az sapma, 70-80m etki yaricapi, GPS/GLONASS destekli INS gudum ve elektronik karistirmaya dayanikli yapisiyla 2 tip Kaplan fuzesi yuksek oncelikli buyuk hedeflerin imhasina cok uygundur.
We will operate our own UCAV as far as PAF is concerned. The 'semi indigenous' UCAV incorporates Turkish and Chinese expertise and is better tailored by PAC thus making it more suitable for our own requirements.
Navy has yet to finalize its UAV.
Drones are needed, needed in numbers, needed in different roles, needed in different services, that is why indigenization is a necessity.
Drones are needed, needed in numbers, needed in different roles, needed in different services, that is why indigenization is a necessity.

Pakistan lacks human capital due to low intelligence caused by the proliferation of first cousin marriages. Educated classes are also having less children while backwards classes are having many. This issue must be confronted by the Pakistani government by banning cousin marriages and incentivising smart Pakistanis to have more children while promoting birth control amongst the backards classes.
Pakistan lacks human capital due to low intelligence caused by the proliferation of first cousin marriages. Educated classes are also having less children while backwards classes are having many. This issue must be confronted by the Pakistani government by banning cousin marriages and incentivising smart Pakistanis to have more children while promoting birth control amongst the backards classes.
This is exactly what I was discussing with my father 10 minutes ago, but they give reference of Quran and islam again and again....
this sam cannot work in isolation and depends on proper coordination of data link and expertise of its operators for results,it is better for us and now we can negotiate its acquisition at more favorable terms with much low price after its bad reputation due to incapability of its operators

In war a system which can not work effectively without network support is good as dead.
This is exactly what I was discussing with my father 10 minutes ago, but they give reference of Quran and islam again and again....

Low intellegence typically results in less rationality and a proclivity to believe literally in religion. Religion is a good mortar to bind the people together but it must be edited to suit the current scientific consensus. It is a vicious cycle as less intelligent people are more likely to believe religious nonsense and then this nonsense makes them engage in behaviour which makes their children stupid also.

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