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TTP withdraws demand of reversing FATA merger


Mar 21, 2007
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TTP withdraws demand of reversing FATA merger

Security official says Pakistan emphatically rejected two key demands at the very onset of negotiations

Jamshed Baghwan
November 27, 2021

ttp members say ceasefire deadline could be extended if negotiation process progressed successfully photo reuters file

TTP members say ceasefire deadline could be extended if negotiation process progressed successfully. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE

PESHAWAR: The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has withdrawn its demand of reversing the merger of the erstwhile Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) into Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa following a tough stance by the government on the matter, The Express Tribune has learnt.

A senior security official privy to the ongoing negotiations with the TTP said on Friday that Pakistan has emphatically rejected two key demands at the very onset of negotiations between the two sides.

The official said that the TTP had demanded reversal of former Fata’s merger into K-P. The group had also expressed reservations over the ongoing local government elections in the tribal region.

Pakistan has rejected the TTP's demand and made it clear that Fata's integration into K-P is not the decision of a single individual but of the people of the region and the parliament.

The former Fata was merged into K-P through a constitutional amendment and its withdrawal would require a parliamentary approval.

The group was also told that the government had spent billions of rupees so far for the region’s merger.

In response to a question, a senior official familiar with the talks told The Express Tribune that the TTP had never demanded the establishment of a political office abroad.

The official added that Prime Minister Imran Khan-led government initiated dialogue with the group so that the Pakistani Taliban living in Afghanistan could be pardoned if they accept the writ of the state and lay down arms.
“That is why the demand for a Taliban office in any foreign country cannot be justified,” the official said.

The officials have also indicated the possibility of further progress on the talks in the next few days.

Pakistan and the TTP entered into a month-long truce starting November 9. The ceasefire was the result of a series of meetings held between the Pakistani officials and the TTP representatives in Afghanistan. The talks were brokered by the Taliban government, particularly the Haqqani Network. Both sides held at least three rounds of talks—one in Kabul and the other two meetings took place in Khost.
There should not be any negotiations with TTP. Just kill them like rats.
If military can't do it, give their home locations to people. There are hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis who lost their loved ones by the hands of TTP.
People will take their revenge.
Imran bonga Khan is being what he is "bonga".
Nuclear Armed country is negotiating with an organization / party which few days ago was labeled by itself as a terrorist organization?

The benefits of playing religion, which controls a person's soul, to raise a credible opposition, to a popular leader / government, is BACKFIRING.

If something similar happened in another province, in the past, the results have been completely different.

The hegemony and arm twisting being enforced upon the smaller provinces, in the name of NATIONAL Institutions, and BLIND PATRIOTISM, is not in the interest of this country.

How can criticism be unlawful when Man is NOT THE PERFECT creation but only the best creation, for the perfect being is only ALLAH.

A wedding on a cantonment / military land is more EXPENSIVE than a wedding function in FIVE star Hotel.

Billions of rupees of Commercial activities, in the name of giving benefits to serving and retired officers, but YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY TO BUY MRAP, TO PROTECT THE SOLDIERS?
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There should not be any negotiations with TTP. Just kill them like rats.
If military can't do it, give their home locations to people. There are hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis who lost their loved ones by the hands of TTP.
People will take their revenge.
Imran bonga Khan is being what he is "bonga".
Nuclear Armed country is negotiating with an organization / party which few days ago was labeled by itself as a terrorist organization?

The benefits of playing religion, which controls a person's soul, to raise a credible opposition, to a popular leader / government, is BACKFIRING.

If something similar happened in another province, in the past, the results have been completely different.

The hegemony and arm twisting being enforced upon the smaller provinces, in the name of NATIONAL Institutions, and BLIND PATRIOTISM, is not in the interest of this country.

How can criticism be unlawful when Man is NOT THE PERFECT creation but only the best creation, for the perfect being is only ALLAH.

A wedding on a cantonment / military land is more EXPENSIVE than a wedding function in FIVE star Hotel.

Billions of rupees of Commercial activities, in the name of giving benefits to serving and retired officers, but YOU DON'T HAVE MONEY TO BUY MRAP, TO PROTECT THE SOLDIERS?

Who’s a bigger enemy for you india or ttp?

If it’s india, make peace with ttp and focus on india
If it’s ttp, make peace with india and focus on ttp

But we don’t have enough resources to fight a long war with both of them. We don’t have enough resources to be fighting on eastern and western front at the same time
There should not be any negotiations with TTP. Just kill them like rats.
If military can't do it, give their home locations to people. There are hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis who lost their loved ones by the hands of TTP.
People will take their revenge.
Imran bonga Khan is being what he is "bonga".
The country you live in bother to ask them how they defeated IRA. Did they manage to take out all of them. Even IRA had blood of thousands on their hands. If you are totally clueless how insurgencies are fought around the world and how they are defeated than stop blaming Khan. It's you who yourself is sitting in UK but wants Pakistani soldiers and public to keep dying. Sorry won't happen. We have downgraded TTP. TTP will have a chance to surrender. Hopefully majority would surrender and those who won't will than be taken out.
Seriously, guys who are these scumbags? I mean, I never get this TTP organization. Where the hell do these dogs come from? Are they tribe people or what?
The country you live in bother to ask them how they defeated IRA. Did they manage to take out all of them. Even IRA had blood of thousands on their hands. If you are totally clueless how insurgencies are fought around the world and how they are defeated than stop blaming Khan. It's you who yourself is sitting in UK but wants Pakistani soldiers and public to keep dying. Sorry won't happen. We have downgraded TTP. TTP will have a chance to surrender. Hopefully majority would surrender and those who won't will than be taken out.
IRA Never killed children inside their school.
TTP did that and will do again.
There should not be any negotiations with TTP. Just kill them like rats.
If military can't do it, give their home locations to people. There are hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis who lost their loved ones by the hands of TTP.
People will take their revenge.
Imran bonga Khan is being what he is "bonga".

Lmao at give their locations to people:lol:

You should hand over your location and few others who are cunning for trouble locations first. You would be saddened to know the ISI would eliminate these garbage mourners who are cunning for trouble like you

Everything has it's time and date that chapter is closed.....

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Seriously, guys who are these scumbags? I mean, I never get this TTP organization. Where the hell do these dogs come from? Are they tribe people or what?

They are Afghans and most probably break bread with Taliban and they have sympathizers in FATA.

Miramshah literally became a bomb and suicide bomber making town. The whole town population was in on it, can you believe this level of treachery. I would love to send in 300k troops in there with tanks and air cover, full assault.
Negotiate the f*** outta them they are at a major disadvantage right now. Corner them into being limited to within 50 feet of their homes. Near house arrest. Only solution.

Make their senior leadership die off in house arrest. And slowly de condition their younger and junior ranks. I hope some Uncle general or bureaucrat is reading this.

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