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TTP to launch wave of 'revenge attacks' in Pakistan.

You have yourself answered your question. Go ahead from their masters in Afghanistan - Who are their masters? Isn't it Taliban who use to be a strategic asset for pakistan and its army to control Afghanistan policy?

One need to get out of good terrorist and bad terrorist mindset.

You need a special hug (read face palm) for not keeping up with recent updates. Their masters are karazaai and third parties who are giving Fazlullah a safe passage in Afghanistan and with whom Afghan government were in long contacts providing them tactical and materialistic support.

Like I said, If you don't know about anything, then stop repeating your old age mantra instead of reading who is Latif mehsud and waht americans did to him and what Karzaai spokesperson admitted.

ANd neither you know shyte about why PA is holding back it's OP in N.Waziristan because of the OPS in other FATA agencies and army resources tied up in their. Neither you know about geography of the area and how Operation will likely to be failed

Like I said, You need to expand your IQ and mental horizon about this particualr region and the conflict going on in there
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I do wish for peace but that does not mean i have to surrender to a popular opinion at the cost of innocent lives. I gave my opinion and i am entitled to it i did talk about how they should proceed with the peace talks until Hakimullah got droned, not because i support them in the least trust me you aren't the only concerned patriotic Pakistani here lots of people want to end this mess sooner rather than later and i am one such person i said they should pursue that option because for over a decade we have fought them and still there is no sign of them retreating. Obviously if they had diligently pursued that option instead of just harping about it repeatedly then we would have seen if it worked or not but at least we could have tried another option. Otherwise if you think any Pakistani or in fact any human being for that matter supports the likes of such just because they hold a different point of view in terms of solving the issue, then you are sadly mistaken.
if they halted thier terrorism, you could hve your chances, but going to ask them peace with out any credible deterence, you think bucthers will listen to your worries?
wow, but let me tell you all of your liberal dreams for them are , just another kaffirana view?
think about mallala, & then look at yourself?
are you ready to take a head shot like her?
i m opposing, your thinking but, its been proven its not the solution?
PAKARMY is just holding them, just because of stupid politicians were using them, for thier political gains?
here is damocrazy, they ever wanted ?
its more bloody, more croupt ,& its just give more opportunities to terrorists?
all of these politicians, just want to tie the hands of PAKARMY against TTP terrorists , & give PAKARMY its time of hell, for its takeover, which just happened because of the crouption & letting down pakistani state in front of enemy in 1999.
SAWAAT & MALLAKANDN were great examples, where terrorists were given all of they wanted, by the the so called damocratic politicians, but then in the fearing thier lives, they have to call , PAKARMY?
result is in your veiw today, pakistani flag flying high?
this world runns, with power but not on the, lovly dreams you may hve!
my dear friend!
You are Ignorant not I.

Kiyani said that Haquani is strategic asset. Hamid gul accepted in many public conversation that he supported and created many militant organization Initially to fight with America and subsequently diverted to India. 

Yes good way to not listen what you do not want to listen. This was very much expected . I live this this thread Man. Enjoy.

Lanat ho on your IQ. How come TTP is the creation of Pakistan and their strategic asset? You deserve a special triple facepalm on your face for not knowing what's happening in tribal areas. I see you are slowly deluding in to your wet dreams. No body want's to hear your wet dreams, so kindly keep it with you

Now they will go to judiciary, where they will be released due to lack of evidence.... tell me is their dress not evidence enough?

If they some how got declared guilty, they'd be released by PTI activists.

As i said earlier, before going after TTP, go after PTI confiscate all of their property and seize there bank accounts, throw them in rotten jails.
Ok sir if there's no talks then there'll be war. Now tell me one thing? Here on one side JI and JUI are saying that Pakistani soldiers killed fighting Taliban should not be called shaheed? PTI already does not support any further operation. Only MQM and PPP will suppory mil opr. Now tell whether the Army be able to fight such a war in such utter confusion and chaos thinking if we get killed whether we'll be shaheed or murdar? What would be the morale of such a fighting force. To me they are already mentally defeated before getting the defeat on the battle field. Your take?

Fazl, Munawar continue to make statements in favour of Taliban - thenews.com.pk
wow what a joking post, you hve created from the TORA BORA islamic factories created by the, anti-pakistan elements, which were against the creation of PAKISTAN, who use to call our great QUAID e AZAM (kaffir e azam)?
you seriously, think that pakarmy give any dam to these, foolish paid mullas?
who allways took the lead, cleaning the militry boots with thier dirty tongues?
if, PTI or even PMLn, which i think will ever be going for any of surender to the TTp clan, but if they want any surrender, should pakarmy throw its weapons, & wellcome the dirty mullha sawati in islamabad & should kiss its dirty feets?
no my, friend!
then just strt lokking at, the pace egyption army is killing the terrorists & thier supporters!
its an example!
but if PAKARMY were pushed in that corner, just belive me, you will not be able to even be thinking some thing called TTp!
Ok sir if there's no talks then there'll be war. Now tell me one thing? Here on one side JI and JUI are saying that Pakistani soldiers killed fighting Taliban should not be called shaheed? PTI already does not support any further operation. Only MQM and PPP will suppory mil opr. Now tell whether the Army be able to fight such a war in such utter confusion and chaos thinking if we get killed whether we'll be shaheed or murdar? What would be the morale of such a fighting force. To me they are already mentally defeated before getting the defeat on the battle field. Your take?

Fazl, Munawar continue to make statements in favour of Taliban - thenews.com.pk

Extending Mullah Logic, Hazrat Usman (R.A) and Hazrat Husaain (R.A) can not be termed martyrs because both killed by muslims themselves!
TTP - From Deobandi links to Salafi influence


TEHREEK-i-Taliban Pakistan, which was formed as an umbrella organisation for more than two dozen militant outfits in December 2007, in South Waziristan has since evolved considerably from its roots.

From the very start, Salafi and Arab influence was visible, but initially it was restricted to funding. The slain commander of TTP Baitullah Meshud once admitted in an interview that Arabs and Al Qaeda provided the initial funds for forming the TTP.

No wonder then that within two years of its formation, Arab groups with links with Al Qaeda were given representation in the central council of TTP. Experts say this was the first instance of direct Salafi influence on the decision-making process within TTP.
The Deobandi link was there too – many of its foot soldiers and some of its leaders come from Deobandi madressahs.

But this Deobandi side of the TTP identity got diluted with time especially as banned militant and sectarian organisations which had been shifting their operations from mainland Pakistan to the tribal areas began making inroads into the TPP.

Among these were splinter groups of Laskhar-i-Taiba (a Salafi organisation), ‘rogue’ and radicalised elements of the Jamaat-i-Islami and other militant organisations who now dominate Tehreek-i-Taliban’s decision-making process.

Some sectarian and anti-India militant organisations such as Sipaha-i-Sahaba Pakistan, Lashkar-i-Jhangvi and Harkatul Jihad-i-Islami are now part of Pakistan Taliban’s organisational set-up and now take active part in the Taliban-led terrorist attacks on the urban centres and government installations and personnel.
Hence, apart from the TTP head Hakimullah, Hafiz Gul Buhadar and the late Maulvi Nazir (the latter two groups have loose agreements with the Pakistani army) there are at least 10 other groups that have their own strongholds in Fata such as Maulvi Faqir Mohammed of Bajaur who has been expelled from TTP as well as Mullah Fazlullah of Swat currently operating out Nuristan province in Aghanistan.
These 10 groups include the main leadership of the “Punjabi Taliban” that is based in NW. Asmatullah Muavia is the main leader of the Punjabi Taliban.

Other groups that are perhaps not so high profile but continue to operate from the tribal areas and enjoy influence with the TTP include the Rasheed Ghazi force and Jundullah. These groups are focused on carrying out attacks inside Pakistan.
You need a special hug (read face palm) for not keeping up with recent updates. Their masters are karazaai and third parties who are giving Fazlullah a safe passage in Afghanistan and with whom Afghan government were in long contacts providing them tactical and materialistic support.

Like I said, If you don't know about anything, then stop repeating your old age mantra instead of reading who is Latif mehsud and waht americans did to him and what Karzaai spokesperson admitted.

ANd neither you know shyte about why PA is holding back it's OP in N.Waziristan because of the OPS in other FATA agencies and army resources tied up in their. Neither you know about geography of the area and how Operation will likely to be failed

Like I said, You need to expand your IQ and mental horizon about this particualr region and the conflict going on in there

Lot of text with no substance rather than a pathetic try for being sarcastic.

Try hard "I know all" kid.

TTP is just an extension of Taliban with same ideology. You are just trying to indict Karzai and indirectly US for known reasons.
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Lot of text with no substance rather than a pathetic try for being sarcastic.

Try hard "I know all" kid.

TTP is just an extension of Taliban with same ideology. You are just trying to indict Karzai and indirectly US for known reasons.

Brain and mouth farts without much knowing TTP and afghan taliban are fighting two different entities. I don't give two hoots about your mental diarrhea since you nothing know about anything
Brain and mouth farts without much knowing TTP and afghan taliban are fighting two different entities. I don't give two hoots about your mental diarrhea since you nothing know about anything

Are you mistaking your mouth with some other orifice? Whatever is coming out is $hit. Can't you talk in a decent and matured way?

Fighting different entities - my foot. They are terrorist and both claim to fight against US. TTP is fighting with pak gov because of pak support to US war on terror. The other entity which both of these groups fight with is freedom and liberalism.

You can go on classify these scums based on region, targets, interests and all and claim to be highly erudite, but in the end its all talk with no substance.
. .
Isnt killing 40,000 of their fellow country men and women, majority of them fellow Muslims, not enough for these deviants?

The only cure for their deviancy is a well aimed drone.
Isnt killing 40,000 of their fellow country men and women, majority of them fellow Muslims, not enough for these deviants?

The only cure for their deviancy is a well aimed drone.
if you want to stop them simply go kill them all otherwise be ready for 1 million even they don't care .
if you want to stop them simply go kill them all otherwise be ready for 1 million even they don't care .

Agree with you there is no other option but to fight and if there needs to be any talks it should be based on a position of strength not of surrender.

Meanwhile, let the drones do some clean up.
Why do these TTP shitheads think that they have a good chance against a well trained army :/

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