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TTP threatens more husband-and-wife bombings

OBL was found in pakistan- so Uzbeks bombs pakistan
OBL was found in pakistan- so TTP bombs pakistan.
OBL was found in pakistan- so US bombs pakistan.
OBL was found in pakistan- so Afghans raid pakistan checkpost.


Only India and china does not interfere and watches silently.

Members may not like me bringing the name India , but i can see that India Pak border is now the safest place.
you got a good point there!!
OBL was found in pakistan- so Uzbeks bombs pakistan
OBL was found in pakistan- so TTP bombs pakistan.
OBL was found in pakistan- so US bombs pakistan.
OBL was found in pakistan- so Afghans raid pakistan checkpost.


Only India and china does not interfere and watches silently.

Members may not like me bringing the name India , but i can see that India Pak border is now the safest place.

True :tup:

Other than border shootings every other month or so, the Indo-Pak border seems to be relatively safer than compared to FATA and the tribal areas of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan.
What is "husband-and-wife bombings" , how they are different from other suicide attackers? All terrorist attacks are terrorist attacks.
Indo-Pak border is nothing like Afghan border. Comparison is useless.

We dont have mountains,ravines and valleys all along , instead we have deserts and plains where fences can be easily constructed.

We dont have tribals and their blood relations living on either side of the border unwilling to erect a fence inbetween

The land itself was not ungoverned or a sort of no-man's-land the Afghan border is.

The Indian or Pak govt does not claim any part along the International Border except the small stretch of LoC or Sir Creek while there the Afghans claim the entire KPK province or atleast the FATA region,
These Uzbeks say they can not operate in Uzbekistan because Uzbek President Islam Karimov is very cruel and he does not allow them to do their activities. That is why they want to go to heaven via Pakistan and send Pakistanis to hell as they have become heretics after not listening to their goals.
"We dont have tribals and their blood relations living on either side of the border unwilling to erect a fence inbetween"

@ gounder..we do have families with relatives which are on both sides of the border and do not want to fence the border. Their Ultimate dream is to cross the border freely and meet their relatives.
"We dont have tribals and their blood relations living on either side of the border unwilling to erect a fence inbetween"

@ gounder..we do have families with relatives which are on both sides of the border and do not want to fence the border. Their Ultimate dream is to cross the border freely and meet their relatives.

That is few and far in between.

Moreover you without a doubt hold your allegiance to India while they to Pakistan, but it is not the same with the tribals in FATA. Their only loyalty is towards their tribe and their clan not Pakistan or Afghanistan.

That's the difference.
The argument that the takfiri make, that their attacks are revenge for wrongs, is a total fallacy, they want to overthrow the democratic state and establish their emirate and take us back into the dark ages.

It is a fact that the people who fall for their bs have been had, these douches are only hungry for power, end of story.
That is few and far in between.

Moreover you without a doubt hold your allegiance to India while they to Pakistan, but it is not the same with the tribals in FATA. Their only loyalty is towards their tribe and their clan not Pakistan or Afghanistan.

That's the difference.

That is generalizing the tribal people too much - in many cases you will have soldiers fighting the taliban and they will come from the same tribe, FATA is a complicated place.
I know but according to some people here, they carry out these attacks because they have lost family members in drone strikes and thus are acting in revenge.

Firstly, why are Uzbeks here, they should stay back in their own place and overthrow their own Gov first.

For the same reason why they were operating in kashmir... These are Frankenstein monster, they can eat there master too.. Leave other country aside...
That is generalizing the tribal people too much - in many cases you will have soldiers fighting the taliban and they will come from the same tribe, FATA is a complicated place.

Maybe I am generalizing but it is not far off from truth if I say their first loyalty is towards their clan and the loyalty towards the country comes behind.
Maybe I am generalizing but it is not far off from truth if I say their first loyalty is towards their clan and the loyalty towards the country comes behind.

Yes but their are many soldiers who come from these clans, and are fighting their clan mates, so tribal society has many nuances and defies generalization.
These Uzbeks say they can not operate in Uzbekistan because Uzbek President Islam Karimov is very cruel and he does not allow them to do their activities. That is why they want to go to heaven via Pakistan and send Pakistanis to hell as they have become heretics after not listening to their goals.

The reason people like to come to Pakistan, because there are areas in Pakistan which are not governed by GOP. These areas also has none military person's carrying firearms. This makes a perfect place for them, since they can easily operate without the fear of the government.

That is why US government says that Pakistan should start operation in NW, so that there is no area in Pakistan which is not governed. If you cannot govern the area, then give it to US.
Yes but their are many soldiers who come from these clans, and are fighting their clan mates, so tribal society has many nuances and defies generalization.

I said that to illustrate the difference between the people on either side of the Indo-Pak border where such clan loyalties are no as much split as by a fence on the Durand Line. They may fight for monetary benefits or some temporary benefits but that loyalty is tenuous at best and cannot be compared with a die-hard allegiance a Pak Punjabi may have towards Pakistan or an Indian Punjabi may have towards India.

Its relative. Hope you get what I mean.
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