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TTP reject any links with Peshawar curch bombing says its conspiracy

TTP denying they have done bombing in peshawar curch. saying its conspiracy against peace.

local urdu papers poor/misreporting for unknown reasons.
they have accepted the blast from rueters

PESHAWAR, Pakistan | Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:49pm EDT

(Reuters) - A pair of suicide bombers blew themselves up outside a 130-year-old Anglican church in Pakistan after Sunday Mass, killing at least 78 people in the deadliest attack on Christians in the predominantly Muslim country.

Islamist violence has been on the rise in Pakistan in past months, undermining Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's efforts to tame the insurgency by launching peace talks with the Pakistani Taliban.

Within hours of the attack, Sharif toughened his stance considerably but fell short of calling for outright military action against insurgents holed up in tribal areas on the Afghan border - an option supported by Pakistan's all-powerful army.

"Such incidents are not conducive of peace talks," Sharif said in televised remarks. "Unfortunately, because of this, the government is unable to move forward on what it had envisaged, on what it had wished for."

Explosions struck the historic white-stone All Saints Church in the city of Peshawar, near the frontier tribal areas where Islamist militants have their strongholds, as hundreds of parishioners, many of them women and children, streamed out of the building.

"I heard two explosions. People started to run. Human remains were strewn all over the church," said one parishioner, who gave only her first name, Margrette.

Her voice breaking with emotion, she said she had not seen her sister since the explosions ripped through the area around the gate of the church enclosure.

Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan said the death toll of 78 included 34 women and seven children, in remarks televised live from Peshawar. More than 100 people were wounded.

"Who are these terrorists killing women and children?" Nisar said.

The Taliban-linked militant group TTP Jundullah claimed responsibility within hours of the attack.

"They are the enemies of Islam, therefore we target them," said the group's spokesman, Ahmed Marwat. "We will continue our attacks on non-Muslims on Pakistani land."


An assault of such scale and audacity could be a turning point for Sharif after months of inconclusive efforts to engage the Pakistani Taliban in talks, offering him a cue to give in to the tougher approach backed by the military.

The army, which keeps thousands of troops in the tribal belt, an area where insurgents are based, opposes talks with the Pakistani Taliban, saying previous attempts to bring the militants to the negotiating table yielded no results.

Christians make up about 4 percent of Pakistan's population of 180 million, and tend to keep a low profile in a country where Sunni Muslim militants frequently bomb targets they see as heretical, including Christians and Sufi and Shi'ite Muslims.

Attacks on Christian areas occur sporadically around the country but Sunday's assault, in a densely populated Christian residential area in the old walled city in Peshawar, was the most violent in recent history.

In 2009, 40 houses and a church were set ablaze by a mob of 1,000 Muslims in the town of Gojra in Punjab province. At least seven Christians were burnt to death. Seventeen Christians were killed in an attack on a church in Bahawalpur in 2001.

Some residents, enraged at the lack of adequate security at the church, took to the streets immediately after the attack, burning tires and shouting slogans.

Shops were closed in the Kohati Gate area where several other churches are located.

"Terrorists have not spared mosques, temples and churches. Please have mercy on us," one man outside the church, his face distorted by fear and anger, told Pakistan's private Geo television channel.

Protests by Christians were also reported in other cities including Multan and the violent port city of Karachi.

A bomb disposal source said two blasts had been set off by a pair of attackers. More than 600 parishioners were inside the church for the service.

(Writing by Maria Golovnina; Additional reporting by Hameedullah Khan in Peshawar, Syed Raza Hassan in Islamabad, Saud Mehsud in Dera Ismail Khan and Asim Tanveer in Multan; Editing by Andrew Heavens)
Yes we knew it already that uncle sam was not happy with these peace talks from day one. the latest drone attack in waziristan has delivered the message so no need for you to say that again and again.

I don't know anything about YOUR UNCLE " SAM ". I am a Patriotic Pakistani who does not trust these animals who call themselves TTP. They are nothing but " Kiraeei kay Tuttoo " or Paid Agents of India who have killed over 60,000 Pakistanis. Pakistan should destroy these Kafirs who have blood of innocent Muslims on their hands.
Yes we knew it already that uncle sam was not happy with these peace talks from day one. the latest drone attack in waziristan has delivered the message so no need for you to say that again and again.

It is sad that people like you support these Kafirs.
Check out the post above mine.........! Madrasas needs to be closed down, all of them.

What do you think mate, If we go full on these Non-humans Can we defeat them or make them even weaker & then turn to talks ON OUR TERMS?

Your honest Opinion? @Armstrong

Mate, its very difficult....very...very difficult ! But yes the Madrassas need to be closed down, the Human Development Index of those areas needs to be considerably improved upon through targeted social development & economic upliftment & targeted operations against those responsible must be enacted no matter the cost because these vermiiiin feed off our inability to shape a counter-narrative to theirs & because our half-measures & incessant procrastinations make us weak & unresponsive !
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They are lying.

and even if they had not done it we don't care. We don't want any talks with TTP scum

Ok here is one of the approaches which society has adopted especially after the incidents of Upper-Dir and Peshawar, this approach look quit logical but emotional.

To analysis, this incident I think we should focus on three things

1- Target
2- Suspect
3- Timing

Target: Christen community became the target of this terrorist act but as far as we know there is no history of terrorist attack on Christens community and their Churches by ‘Afghan or Home grown’ elements.

There could be many reasons of this historic fact but for me there are two basis reasons, since 1979 Pakistan has faced two type of Terrorism in general Sectarian terrorism & Political terrorism as Christian community does not fit in any of these criteria therefore they were not the ‘Favourable Target’ for any element be it was home-grown or foreign element.
Secondly, Christens community is a peaceful community and they do not have any social, economical, or political conflict with the rest of society (as of now).

Based on these facts, we can assume that the implications of this terrorist attack would be at least of sub-strategic level if not of strategic level as it indicates the change dynamics of terrorism in Pakistan, to understand this change we have to answer a question

“Why Christians become target in WOT in Pakistan, when there is no local reason of attack on them?”

Pope Francis termed this attack as an act of hatred that might be the case but why that hatred took 30+ years to carry out one single suicidal attack.

Suspect: Whenever any suicidal attack carried out in Pakistan TTP name arise as perpetrator, and they claim responsibilities of attacks, same is the case this time as well. Jund-ul-Hafsa group a newly formed fraction of TTP claims the responsibility of this attack.

This group is a relatively new and unknown group having no history of operations prior to Nanga Parbat base camp (Gillgit-Baltistan 24th June,2013) attack on foreigners in the month of June this year, in that attack they killed five Ukrainians, three Chinese and one Russians.

One thing to be noted here that the attack was carried out just few days before the Nawaz Sharif visit (03rd July, 2013) to China after taking oath as Prime Minister of Pakistan the main agenda of that visit was regional Security and Economic Cooperation.

Now here are the questions need to be answered

Why this ‘new group’ of Taliban came in existence?

Jund-ul-Hafsa has vowed to kill ‘foreigners in Pakistan’, Why...?

All Killed in Peshawar attack were Pakistani Citizens so why they were being targeted?

Timing: There may be the number of reasons because of which this particular timing is chosen to conduct this act of inhumanity but in my opinion following two reason could be the main factor of this carnage.

1- Government and TTP is expected to initiate Dialogues any time soon, that peace process could provide a breathing space to the new government and Pakistani society as a whole even if it does not resolve the Issue of Terrorism on permanent basis.

We should keep in mind that there are some foreign forces who interfere and sabotage all such efforts in the past in one-way or other. Further, if Pakistan somehow get succeed to resolve it internal terrorism her role and weightage in the resolution of Afghan issue would increase many folds.

PML(N) and PTI both are right wing political parties hence more suitable to negotiate with TTP or if required could take decisive decisions, before that incidents both were in favour of negotiations but recall IK statement after Dir incident and now read Nawaz Sharif yesterday stamen after Peshawar incident.

2- Nawaz Sharif is visiting New York to attend United Nation general assembly session; it is an important visit for lot of obvious diplomatic reasons but an important side-meeting is also expected between Nawaz Sharif & his counterpart Indian Mr. Manmohan Singh.

Now compare this attack and with the Nanga Parbah attack mention earlier same tactics are employed here and selection of timing as well, that attack was just before the visit to China this attack is during the visit of UN.

Therefore, I don’t think that this carnage is a routine act of terrorism, if I am foreseeing correctly I am afraid of more such attacks on particular community which may result an orchestrated reaction of some scale.
Of course Pak army can never defeat this ideology they started it and instigated it during Zia's days by backing ******'s on 'kafir' Hindustan, how many persons in the Pakistan military over the years have links with terrorist outfits? I can name quite a few and who killed Saleem Shahzad for trying to expose the links between the ISI and the so called 'state' assets it was indeed the ISI.

And you expect Pakistan army to wipe them out? lol you must be joking they will only care if Punjabis in Lahore come under attack, if a bomb goes off at a shia shrine or in Karachi why they care?

Dear Mr. Yeti (SENIOR MEMBERS ...... don't know on what basis..... :undecided: ) i would really appreciate your insight knowledge of Afghan and Pakistan situation, if could only enlist 10 name of Afghan leaders with their origin and area of operation


(I hope that you would not use google for this tiny task ..... :wave:)
The problem is they(ttp) are in 60+ groups

the small groups will try that all fight together as 1 group cant damage army or pakistan as 60 groups together

Are we going to talk peace with 60+ groups or only ttp? How does anyone intend to stop terrorism this way? Anyone that demands anything from the government with the threat of weapons is enemy of the state.
Well, rest aside, do you want me to show you proofs that Jundallah operates alongside TTP, and they are allied. There's a ton of video evidence to support that, Umar Media, TTP's premiere media wing and Jandullah have many times made videos in collaboration with each other. Do you want me to show you that beheading videos?

You're quite knowledgeable when it comes to these matters, but don't think you know it all.
Jandullah is not part of that Taliban Shura Mr Taliban shura has 36 or 37 members and Jandullah is not part of that group and Jandullah mainly operates in Baluchistan Sir and in Iran they are mixture of ethnic blaochs and Religious guys
BS. You deny it your partners will accept it, no matter who they are. The fact is all these rented terrorists are united & they are united to harm Pakistan, this is what the corrupt, incompetent & spineless politicians don't understand & they are dying for peace talks with these rented terrorists who are taking full advantage of the time given to them by these incompetent politicians.

Shame on IK he went for cheap shots on Gen. Musharraf by blamming him for everything. If IK was in a similar position I am sure he would had shitted out his dippers. Instaed of accepting his fault he just like other incompetent politicians did the same by blaming Gen. Musharraf. OH lanty accept your failure, Pakistan does not need mobile courts because judges are not punishing the culprits & rented terrorists, Pakistan's most important issue is terrorism & the only way to deal with them is to give Pak Army & the Intel Agencies free hand, give them that power & see what they will do for Pakistan but each & every politicians balls have fell long time ago & they cannot do what is good for Pakistan & they will never understand the problems for Pakistan.

Instead of accepting their failure they will always blame others, which clearly shows that these incompetent politicians have failed & they are not capable of doing anything good for Pakistan. IK is a man with long tongue & promises filled with lies. The smallest of respect that I had for him Is now completely finished & now he is officially one of the incompetent politician, just like the others.

Haters can go to hell but this here is the truth.

No negotiations with these rented terrorists, Pakistan should always come first & it is not in the best interest of Pakistan to negotiate with these rented terrorists.

The Christian community is blaming IK for all this.
The "current Assets" & punjabi Tal!ban freely operate from Punjab...!

You cant just make it up.

Its a joke mate.................!

Punjabi Taliban as you call it have been toned down. Do you see any mess in Punjab? I for one support Nooras in their political prowess. If other provinces cant match them at their skills its not Nooras headache. They're seasoned politicians.

Now go on another rant about Punjabis this and that. Zindagi bhar kurdtay hi rahogay. Kuch kar nahin paogay aap UK se.
Pakistanis are so confused about TTP, they dont know any thing about them.
This @Spring Onion claims to journalist but her lack of knowledge on these matters is always evident.
TTP has already denied any connection with this mysterious jundullah during sukkar attack.
Two factions of TTP responsible for Sukkur attack: Taliban commander – The Express Tribune

1. I don't need to prove my knowledge to you. The media knows more than a mere mortal internet warrior knows. BUT every organization including media works within some rules of own arising from protection to own community.

2. You are supporting TTP just because they carry Pashtun tag on their forehead and you are passing through some identity crisis since you had to prove yourself to Afghanistanis that you are more Afghan than Afghanistanis themselves, whereas you still have to use your Pakistani identity to survive. The later one is the fact. BUT I don't support TTP I have NO identity crisis. I am a Pakistani first. ethnicity can fk itself a big time.

3. As far as TTP and other local Taliban factions are concerned all these sissies are connected to each other. Punjabi Taliban are a big part of TTP. LeJ scums had been providing suicide bombers to these scums.

4. TTP even if rejects this bombing of Church, still TTP is not trustworthy neither deserve any talks kind of talks.

5. What is TTP agenda? are they fighting against foreign occupiers?? what they are fighting for? Sharia?? BUT what Sharia? these illiterate militants cant even recite Ayatul Kursi by heart. So first they should learn Islam and then convince us through tabligh NOT bombs.

6. There is also this notion circling in media circles here that main target of this attack might had been shias but they end up attacking the Church. In both the cases these terrorists don't deserve any flexibility on our part
7. You talked about leaving the forum in the other thread but it was closed down. I would say Wish you good luck. And a sisterly advise try to make your own identity instead of banking on foreigners.

Last but not the least if threats of extremists dint deter me from speaking against them, and leaving this forum then I am sure you are safe very safe because establishment don't have time to waste on internet warriors but extremists do have. So relax.
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Are we going to talk peace with 60+ groups or only ttp? How does anyone intend to stop terrorism this way? Anyone that demands anything from the government with the threat of weapons is enemy of the state.

60 or not, as long as YOU don't have an upper hand, you can't talk peace and expect anything useful coming out unless you are willing to share power with Taliban, which I hope you are not.

Then the writing is on the wall.
I have never heard of such hue and cry over other incidents where hundreds of muslims have been killed...or is it people have got used to muslims getting killed...
This mess should be cleaned by the people who created it...
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