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TTP Murdered 11 foreign mountaineers at Nanga Parbat base camp.

RIP to dead

They belonged to different nationalities including some chinese,ukranian and russians .
Just saw this news on TV .. The question is why would TTP or any sectarian group would go against these innocent tourists ?

Or it is done by same foreign elements who just wants to malign Pakistan in every possible way ?

Ho ho ho ...foreign elements got killed by local elements:what:
thank you media for never failing to create security complications..

@ Marsha....not scolding anybody...

How is it a security complication?

There are a million ways of checking that. flightradar24 being one of them.

Then there was a video footage of the plane at Gilgit Airport and bodies being loaded there...

No security complication here...stop making a mountain out of a mole hill.
and there you are with your usual response :sick: . BTW i remember you mentioning that its been a while since TTP attacked any innocent but here it is, not one but 10 lives were taken

Innocents? The exact word i used was civilians (pakistani)........by that i meant not the collateral damage in their attacks but specific targeting of civilians in large blasts that we observed around 2009.
This incident is in its own catagory, like killing of chineese engineers by them.
Pakistani invasion of FATA?
why dont you take you sorry tribal arse back t the hell hole called Afghanistan?
free heroin.....can shoot anybody....happy days...

Hello safriz....i was thinking you are the only think tank who has such amazing views about FATA...
Sad for that, rip to the dead.
That's why I always don't like Non-government militants, they are always without any scruple. Internal Security is very important for a country, we should provide more to Pak government to operate the country more safe and stable,non-government militants(Such as tribal militias of Middle East,Pak,Afghanistan and maoists of India) not only attack and rob foreigners but also main attack own nationals.
Extremely shameful act by TTP yet again. Every thing that bastard Ehsan-Ullah-Ehsan is saying is bullshit. This attack has nothing to do with American drones etc. It is an act directly targeting Pakistan relationship with China. Another attempt by the enemies of Pakistan to damage its friendship with China. TTP want to isolate Pakistan and thats the clear proof that they are foreign funded stooges. Very sad incident.
Pak Army need to eliminate these Khwarjis with full military might. No more goody-goody. Its do or die time. both here in FATA and Balochistan also. And i would like to add that if any media person or CJ or people like Asma Jahangir come in the way, just give them a shut-up call. Set up military courts and shoot in the head anyone attacking Pakistani Army or its state.
Now only if our security forces had helicopters in place they would have caught the culprits, and they wouldnt have to rely or military. Civil leadership needs to either kick military at the bottoms or taking matters in there own hands. They are telling me they cant have a chopper for civil defence authroities in place or they cant buy one?

THe MoI does have AW139's...although stationed at Islamabad.

They could have caught them still...the Army and Scouts were near the area and had known of the incident within half an hour...and supposedly did erect nakas...

They could have been caught if a wider cordon was set...as the tour operators said, it takes 18 hours to travel to the nearest settlement and there are only 3 ways to exit.
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