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TTP Murdered 11 foreign mountaineers at Nanga Parbat base camp.

How can this attack be justified? These b@stards don't seem to care care for even their own preachings. Killing unarmed people that too guests.
My condolences to the families of the fallen.
A spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the assault, which he said was in retaliation for American drone strikes in the tribal belt.

The Taliban spokesman, Ehsanullah Ehsan, said they belonged to a Taliban affiliate named Jundul Hafsa, and that the attack was a response to an American drone attack that killed the Taliban deputy leader, Wali ur-Rehman, on May 29.

Mr. Ehsan added that the Taliban sought to ‘'awaken'’ international opinion about the drone campaign, although it was unclear how attacks on Chinese and Ukrainian nationals was a response to an American action — except, perhaps, to increase pressure on the newly installed government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

In any event, the incident is likely to badly damage what remains of the country’s tourism sector. Until now, mountaineers were considered one of the few groups that remained impervious to the perceived perils of visiting Pakistan.


So, now Chinese and Ukrainian have to pay for American actions around the world?
THIS IS WHY PAKISTAN has become so isolated.

Extetreme FANATICAL groups THAT hate the world &everybody in it....
This is a sad day. And fatso (I had far too many insults to say, but the unmanly mods here would get their panties in a twist) Sharif is probably sucking on some pork chops
No matter how much angry they are with perceived Pakistan policy of helping kill Osama or aiding US, there is no justification of killing foreigners.

It was done to isolate the country. And the people who want to isolate Pakistan are actually enemies of Pakistan. I have no doubt in my mind that these excuses are foolish and the real perpetrator of terrorism and supporter of such crimes is a very determined enemy of Pakistan. Naming that enemy or enemies is the responsibility of the elected government.
No matter how much angry they are with perceived Pakistan policy of helping kill Osama or aiding US, there is no justification of killing foreigners.

It was done to isolate the country. And the people who want to isolate Pakistan are actually enemies of Pakistan. I have no doubt in my mind that these excuses are foolish and the real perpetrator of terrorism and supporter of such crimes is a very determined enemy of Pakistan. Naming that enemy or enemies is the responsibility of the elected government.

I have a feeling that these attacks are very much foreign funded. It seems like they want to plunge Pakistan into an ethnic, sectarian war and they are trying to isolate Pakistan from China as well.

Put you can't ignore the fact that these attacks are carried out by Pakistani people, so there is a deeper problem, foreign enemies are just taking advantage and trying for their own interest.

In retaliation of drones??

didnt know chinese, ukranian and russian drones are being flown over pakistan.

the CIA must be laughing.
Disgusting savages. Not content with killing over 100,000 Pakistanis now they turn their attentions to our foreign guests. Until someone really goes to work on these people they will continue with their crimes. They all need to be liquidated.

RIP to our Ukrainian, Lithuanian and Chinese comrades. You folk came to Pakistan with love in your hearts and a thirst for adventure and you found death and savagery. I'm so sorry, as are the vast majority of Pakistanis.
And now, even after these henious attacks, I'll see PTI and JI supporters still advocating peace with the TTP. In civilised world, even indirectly supporting the enemy in times of war is treason, but in Pakistan, it's cool.

Mr. Imran Khan and Munawwar Hassan should die with shame today. Their buddies killed Chinese, Russians and Ukranians in response to US drone strike. WHATTA DAMN LOGIC! Laanat on TTP apologists!
And now, even after these henious attacks, I'll see PTI and JI supporters still advocating peace with the TTP. In civilised world, even indirectly supporting the enemy in times of war is treason, but in Pakistan, it's cool.

Mr. Imran Khan and Munawwar Hassan should die with shame today. Their buddies killed Chinese, Russians and Ukranians in response to US drone strike. WHATTA DAMN LOGIC! Laanat on TTP apologists!
oh bhai the problem is not like whether you want peace talks or whether you want to crush them, but for god sake do something, look at US, they are very clear on their actions, When they want to crush Taliban, they pwned them with hellfire missiles and Covert ops, and they hold talks with full commitment when they want to do.
The case here they are not doing anything, they are not willing to crush them neither they want to hold talks. JI, PTI wanted to hold talks with TTP, and PMLN / Nawaz Sharif was named by TTP to negotiate with. SO whats the issue, negotiate with them. If you don't want to negotiate than crush them down , but don't stand like than.

Ch. Nisar , as you hold Interior Minstry and PM Nawaz Shariff as you hold Executive and Defence minstry- have some shame when you appear in front of media for a briefing
And now, even after these henious attacks, I'll see PTI and JI supporters still advocating peace with the TTP. In civilised world, even indirectly supporting the enemy in times of war is treason, but in Pakistan, it's cool.

Mr. Imran Khan and Munawwar Hassan should die with shame today. Their buddies killed Chinese, Russians and Ukranians in response to US drone strike. WHATTA DAMN LOGIC! Laanat on TTP apologists!

Using the incident for you own vile political motives?
Surely a PPP guy...thir politics is always based on the dead..
expert but isn't the aim of these guys to terrorise? As such attacking one where one feels safe (relatively) has got to have a far larger impact than a similar attack in,say, Karachi or Quetta. Also the sad fact is that the death of tourists/outsiders is going to garner far more attention than an attack that kills an identical amount of Pakistanis. And,as has been pointed out, this are in GB seems to be one of the more peaceful parts of Pakistan so naturally tourists/outsiders will be found here.

Also, and I don't know quite how much this plays into it, but could this not be show of force from the TTP ie "we can touch you anywhere in the country, nowhere is safe".
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