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TTP Murdered 11 foreign mountaineers at Nanga Parbat base camp.

Hello safriz....i was thinking you are the only think tank who has such amazing views about FATA...

I can't be nice to people like you....living in Pakistan ehile having loyalty for Afghanistan...
that's being a traitor....nobody likes traitors..
Extremely shameful act by TTP yet again. Every thing that bastard Ehsan-Ullah-Ehsan is saying is bullshit. This attack has nothing to do with American drones etc. It is an act directly targeting Pakistan relationship with China. Another attempt by the enemies of Pakistan to damage its friendship with China. TTP want to isolate Pakistan and thats the clear proof that they are foreign funded stooges. Very sad incident.
Pak Army need to eliminate these Khwarjis with full military might. No more goody-goody. Its do or die time. both here in FATA and Balochistan also. And i would like to add that if any media person or CJ or people like Asma Jahangir come in the way, just give them a shut-up call. Set up military courts and shoot in the head anyone attacking Pakistani Army or its state.
Both TTP and Afghan taliban are one and same thing.
Foreign hostages in Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
6 bodies are still unidentifiable...the terrorists took away the travel documents and parts of their climbing kit as well...this indicates that they had a lot of time and did their assault in a calm way. Not a hit and run.
It won't affect relations in any case.

This was clearly an act by militants operating outside of the law.

Dear Bro, i know Chinese friends. But for how long will we allow these foreign funded terrorist to target our friends. Its not the first time that they have targeted Chinese, both here and also in Balochistan. Chinese are Pakistan greatest friends and they know what is going on. If we just point out the countries who have burning ***** from the day when Pakistan has an agreement with China over Gwadar port. You will get the real faces behind this crime.
I can't be nice to people like you....living in Pakistan ehile having loyalty for Afghanistan...
that's being a traitor....nobody likes traitors..

NATO arrived in Pakistan illegally took Kayanis wife....Took his respect, and instead of resigning he came out his house and said So what?

Pak army is disgrace to Pakistan, A bunch of extremists at the top and their blind followers.... oh yeah sounds familiar to another group in the country! TTP... yeah sounds about right
I think TTP is trying to target area with low security. Hopefully this should be line incident and not just beginning of incidences in this area. RIP to dead.
I can't be nice to people like you....living in Pakistan ehile having loyalty for Afghanistan...
that's being a traitor....nobody likes traitors..

No offence but what are you doing in U.K, why you have british nationality? The country which occupied subcontinent for two centuries. Which was responsible for aggression on various muslim countries....
6 bodies are still unidentifiable...the terrorists took away the travel documents and parts of their climbing kit as well...this indicates that they had a lot of time and did their assault in a calm way. Not a hit and run.

There is more to this, jumar (ascender/descender), figure8, ropes, harnesses are bulky kit. Why would they Biden themselves with this? Nope something is not adding up. And if it was a full on attack why tie up the locals and leave witnesses behind. I suspect foul play somewhere.
No offence but what are you doing in U.K, why you have british nationality? The country which occupied subcontinent for two centuries. Which was responsible for aggression on various muslim countries....

Bro Nothing wrong with being a UK national, to understand human concept you got to think out of the box. Let me give you an example, if in that century Muslims were strong (or the most powerful nation on earth was lets say Afghanistan), they would have done the same, its a jungle out there (we all are humans and nearly operate in the same way). sometimes i argue with my black mates, that slavery and bringing them to America was the best thing happened to them in the recent history. We can debate on this somewhere else if you want.
No offence but what are you doing in U.K, why you have british nationality? The country which occupied subcontinent for two centuries. Which was responsible for aggression on various muslim countries....
Pakistan is my country of birth.....and UK is my country of residence...
won't do anything ever to harm UK and won't insult Pakistan...

What the likes of you do?
FATA is more welcoming for Afghanis than a Punjabi....
that shows your two faced mentality...
These attacks should be stopped. Gilgit Baltistan has become a hotbed for strife in this nation and no one is doing anything to end the bloodshed taking place. Taliban should be utterly vanquished. I believe an operation is required in Gilgit Baltistan as well.
No they are not. TTP was solely setup to push Pakistan into chaos. Today i have a meeting with 3 pakhtoons from Lucky Marwat. I believe their narration rather then you. The way TTP and their allies Uzbik/Tajiks have made lives miserable of locals is a known reality.

Uzbeks and taliban from waziristan were indeed making our lives miserable, we didnt welcome them.....the infilteration of uzbeks in lakki marwat suddenly stopped, a haqqani network guy told me that it was them who issued warning to TTP to keep themeselves away from this region.
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