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TTP extends truce to hold peace talks with Pakistan

Nothing short of a complete surrender if this happens.
It goes to show if you fight the state and army they will eventually cave into your demands.
Brothers I’ve never said this for years but the future looks very bleak.
c'mon now.. when did the so called Bajwa doctrine fail us?? This guy has been on a roll.. /s
Sad reality, i have been saying this for ages its the military itself is using these organisation and keeping them alive to keep relevance in the political affairs of state, you need a enemy outside and in side to keep the control.

India as a boogeyman wasnt enough so a new boogeyman was created.

Why military never actually went against those are funding and providing funding to thugs whats the point of having intelligence organisations only to keep eye on politicians, record them in hotels when they having fun so can be used later ?
Surely they cant be agreeing to these terms to a terrorist outfit, its pretty much giving up sovereignty. Next other terrorist outfits like BLA will want the same and then Pak will become multiple countries within countries.
Nothing short of a complete surrender if this happens.
It goes to show if you fight the state and army they will eventually cave into your demands.
Brothers I’ve never said this for years but the future looks very bleak.

Army is between rock and hard place. If they continue operations then pashtuns cry, if they don't then pashtuns nationalists cry again. In both cases Pakistan suffer from TTP terrorism. If TTP can guarantee peace then handing them over FATA or pashtun majority areas isn't a bad deal. Pashtuns have no problem with TTP style of government as we have seen in Afghanistan.
From presumably being "defeated" in 2017 to this. I am a Pashtun myself but the military and security apparatus must do something to stop this madness in FATA. We have a genuine problem that requires solutions on multiple fronts.
It’s all BS confirmed. No such terms have been discussed.
That being said I wouldn’t have been surprised if it were true due to the shameful surrender monkeys running the government.
Ehsan ullah ehsan escape news was also fake :lol:
inhi na ab koi nhi ladna inki ladai ab airf imran khan sa ha
After Ehsan's escape , IK personally met with Faiz, and did not say anything damning afterwards, or sack anyone.
This rebuttal makes this all very suspicious.
My guess is that it was a 'leak', hence the rebuttal i mean no wonder why, this is EXTREMELY contentious, anyways it's not fake per se. It's been openly talked about ever since the fall of Kabul since these are TTP demands, but let's see what comes out of the new rounds of negotiations.

The first 4 purportedly accepted demands make sense as Pakistan has wanted to reduce forces there for a while, they can't keep so many forces tied down there. Sharia has been something Pakistan is fully ready to accept thought it was reluctant at first during the first round of negotiations when Kabul freshly fell. I don't know what Nizam-e-Adl is but i am guessing it pertains to law? Pakistan's original red line was that all terrorists who participated in 'major' attacks (i am recalling from memory so may be erroneous) be tried however that has shifted, it was never feasible to begin with.

One thing that is creating immense pressure on the negotiating team i am guessing is the closing window, you see the golden hour is running out where TTP is not strong enough to wage the war it wants and Pakistan has more leverage on the Taliban. But that is changing day by day, contrary to the claims of TTP fracturing there have been regular reunifications and absorbing of militias/factions at a steady pace signifying their growing strength. So like i said last year on the thread of the Fall of Kabul, time is not on our side.
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