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TTP executes 23 Frontier Corps prisoners of war after 4 years of captivity.

that includes so called librals like IMRAN KHAN,s?

What includes?? Yes i am against anyone being in a position where he becomes an unquestionable authoritative figure and his words are appraised as Holy Writ. But usually politicians, even the most corrupt ones, have to tread the path carefully because they are judged by every tom dick and harry. The reason i mentioned religious leaders is not because they are necessarily the only ones having blind supporters but due to the constant check and balances in the form of media and public that shows that they are held accountable for most of their actions. The religious leaders on the other, hand play with the sentiments of the masses, the attachment that we all feel towards our religion is exploited so in a partially illiterate society its bound to subvert those who are at a disadvantage.
dear, sir!
he is right in a sense, that not every averege pakistani, can come to PDF & tries to find out the answers in his mind?
local , uneducated & foolishly blinded poilitical supporters , allways watch & follows, the paid journalits traitors like hammed mir?
yes the genrl population belives, these crazy theories?its the duty of our political leadership to inform, the locals about whats going on in reality but they are bzy shelteting the TTP terrorists, by negociationg them?

that includes so called librals like IMRAN KHAN,s?

Mate , I am not absolving the terrorists sympathizing media by any chance , I really am not . But seriously , to put the blame of the whole thing on a certain TV anchor , is anything but delusional and getting into the ridiculous of the highest order . I know my naive and confused nation very well and their mindset , but thinking of Taliban as being the " little angels " who have been led astray by some foreign powers and their actions being influenced and directed by media is most unwise , these terrorists are masters of manipulation . They aren't your average Joe with an ever changing mind . What is my nation's obsession with conspiracy theories anyways ? What is my nation's obsession with proving these scumbags foreign and infidel anyways , when all they are , are local ? Seriously , just what is it ?
The increasing educational and intellectual discrepancy among the citizens is at the core of why the state is so confused on so many levels. When religious leaders are practically above the law and the citizens adhere slavishly to their fatwas even at the expense of burning their homes they would gladly and feverishly do so. So its unnatural to expect from them to question those they blindly follow. For a certain section of our society if you wear a turban and grow a beard before murdering someone you automatically attain a morally reasonable pretext to get you off the hook.

For me, the example of two states that are actually trying to put a lid on their extremist section stands out - one is Bangladesh and the other is Egypt - kudos to them.
What includes?? Yes i am against anyone being in a position where he becomes an unquestionable authoritative figure and his words are appraised as Holy Writ. But usually politicians, even the most corrupt ones, have to tread the path carefully because they are judged by every tom dick and harry. The reason i mentioned religious leaders is not because they are necessarily the only ones having blind supporters but due to the constant check and balances in the form of media and public that shows that they are held accountable for most of their actions. The religious leaders on the other, hand play with the sentiments of the masses, the attachment that we all feel towards our religion is exploited so in a partially illiterate society its bound to subvert those who are at a disadvantage.
sory not a strong defence you came up with for politicians?
who stopped imran khan, munnawar hassan when they were telling the peoples of pakistan that , TTp dogs needs to open offices?
who & when hve held accountable when with every bomb blast done by TTp?
IK & MUNNAWAR were telling pakistanis that , thier army soilders killed by TTp are not shaheeds?
or who the hell ,asked any dam question to them, when they kept thier political support for TTp?
dear friend, you may be heavly educated, or maybe great with books, but in pakistan both mullhas & politicians have explioted the religion of islam just for thier own wellbieng, nothing else?
mullhas & politicians in pakistan are 2 different sides of the same coin?
in support of TTp terrorists, they are hands in hand?
thats the reality is, we as a nation needs to shut it, down?
& bring peoples like yourself into some vital policy ,making positions?
with damocrazy no its not possible, but with patriotic milirty revolution, yes it is?
sory not a strong defence you came up with for politicians?
who stopped imran khan, munnawar hassan when they were telling the peoples of pakistan that , TTp dogs needs to open offices?
who & when they hve held accountable when with ever bombbladt done by TTp, they were telling pakistanis that , thier army soilders killed by TTp are not shaheeds?
or who the hell ,asked any dam question to them, when they kept thier poliyival support for TTp?
dear friend, you may be heavly educated, or maybe great with books, but in pakistan both mullhas & politicians have explioted the religion of islam just for thier own wellbieng, nothing else?
mullhas & politicians in pakistan are 2 different sides of the same coin?
in support of TTp terrorists, they are hands in hand?
thats the reality is, we as a nation needs to shut it, down?
& bring peoples like yourself into some vital policy ,making positions?
with damocrazy no its not possible, but with patriotic milirty revolution, yes it is?

Why, am i hired for defending politicians?? I admire Imran Khan for certain reasons but that in no way means i would grant him or any other politician impunity if i believe they have been mistaken. I believe even the last time you mentioned "the whole opening offices of TTP" issue and i told you even then that i don't agree with it so sadly the blame game that you are itching to play here won't work.
Mate , I am not absolving the terrorists sympathizing media by any chance , I really am not . But seriously , to put the blame of the whole thing on a certain TV anchor , is anything but delusional and getting into the ridiculous of the highest order . I know my naive and confused nation very well and their mindset , but thinking of Taliban as being the " little angels " who have been led astray by some foreign powers and their actions being influenced and directed by media is most unwise , these terrorists are masters of manipulation . They aren't your average Joe with an ever changing mind . What is my nation's obsession with conspiracy theories anyways ? What is my nation's obsession with proving these scumbags foreign and infidel anyways , when all they are , are local ? Seriously , just what is it ?
nothing to dissagree to you sir!
but its been 1000 times proven, our media is being hugly finnanced by our enemies?
just a fact, sir!
in support of terrorists, our media, our politicians are on same side?
only pakistanis & PAKARMY is on suffering side, why?
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Even after killing of 23 FC officials IK is still crying for talks in his tweets .............

Why, am i hired for defending politicians?? I admire Imran Khan for certain reasons but that in no way means i would grant him or any other politician impunity if i believe they have been mistaken. I believe even the last time you mentioned "the whole opening offices of TTP" issue and i told you even then that i don't agree with it so sadly the blame game that you are itching to play here won't work.
no blames at, all!
my hounrs to you mam!
if you are with the nation, i will never , never speak a word against you?
thats what, we are, were & ever will be, the PATRIOTS!

Even after killing of 23 FC officials IK is still crying for talks in his tweets .............

its clear now, he has that JEW agenda!
In the current state of Pakistan, the best gift India could give Pakistan is a full scale invasion.

Seriously, no trolling!!!!!

A month of frantic war activities would mean TTP getting no coverage + they would be unable to conduct any bomb blasts since it would be seen as pro India activity.

It would provide Pakistan with a psychological clean slate.
yes you got it :)

the moral of the story is... that a stronger side has allowed a low life scum-bag to flourish to the point that it has been able to do what the bear did to the lion.

the story might make me look like a pacifist.. and that the Loin should have heeded to the call of the Lioness and let the bear bark and F off.

far from it. the lion should have gagged the bear ages ago when he started screwing with people. you know..

the most horrible and dangerous situation is when a low lie scum bag who is through out his life kicked, spat at, ridiculed gets some kind of a power... then his revenge and his carnage knows no bounds.
you better leave the area... as he makes the generations suffer his revenge.

the Mullah has been a butt of joke in Pakistan (its hard for you to believe but we used to joke about them). always dismissing them as sex hungry, food devouring, fat b@stards that only use rhetoric and lack basic social skills to argue and just slap religion to win an argument.

now the joke is on the entire nation.

you know the ritual of breaking the coconut at the doorstep India as a good omen yea? the ritual goes back for centuries but you would also know that back in the days (very very long ago) a head of a child belonging to untouchables was used instead (we human have very novel and creative ways of dispatching our own kind dont we?).

now that dreadful custom may have stopped in India but its being practised on the roads of Pakistan. recall that video of that mass execution of Passengers of Northern areas few years ago? lucky ones just get shot in the head and die immediately but if children are accompanying the victims then Taliban smash their heads on the rocks and toss their bodies in the the River before executing their parents.

how is that eh? a fellow Indian states that Pakistan has surrendered to taliban. I beg to disagree.. we have embraced Taliban and soon there will be taliban caliphate in Pakistan.
you guys must have talks shows and debates on how to deal with the new Pakistani Caliphate.

Bro, hats off to you for your eloquence!

You have really struck a dreadful note for the future but it's very hard to see any other realistic outcome.

Believe me the whole region, including your enemies i'm sure, hope that the Army and the nation of Pakistan is victorious here because there is nothing more dangerous for our gullible populaces than a propaganda win for the extremists.
Fcuk Man! Your post made me laugh, cry, smirk and be terrified all at the same time...
I share your feelings. rest assured when shit really hits the fan then I wont be around to witness it. what can be worse than the current situation?

International intervention? and UN sanctioned invasion to save Pakistan? who knows that will be even more messier.. the TTP and AL Qaeda will love the situation and will work many fold in the ensuing chaos. because more people will die due to collateral damage, only helping the cause of Al Qaeda and Taliban.

for Taliban and Al Qaeda we and you are same, our Islam means fck all to them and they are so sure of their faith that it causes the ordinary people a weak bladder syndrome and they actually accept their fate at the hands of Taliban just like the Hannibal Lector convinces you that killing you is the best thing he can do for you.

the solution is eliminating the entire educational system of Pakistan madrassah's and ordinary schools and replacing it with something which gives at least 10% out of the total to the value of life and respect for fellow human. of course that will never ever happen.

lets wait for the military operation which Taliban already know is going to happen, all they wanted was few weeks of reprieve & relief in the harsh winter and thanks to the Nawaz league they have got that. they managed to move their exposed leadership and the supplies in safer locations after the strikes from the military were stopped by Nawaz.. (his way of saying thanks for the taliban support in the elections).

the real operation needs to happen in southern Punjab... Waziristan only has some low level dispensable grunts that are cannon fodder and wont be missed by the smarter ones that live all smug in the settled areas of Pakistan.
lets wait for the military operation which Taliban already know is going to happen, all they wanted was few weeks of reprieve & relief in the harsh winter and thanks to the Nawaz league they have got that. they managed to move their exposed leadership and the supplies in safer locations after the strikes from the military were stopped by Nawaz.. (his way of saying thanks for the taliban support in the elections).

the real operation needs to happen in southern Punjab... Waziristan only has some low level dispensable grunts that are cannon fodder and wont be missed by the smarter ones that live all smug in the settled areas of Pakistan.

If and when a military operation is launched and an effective one at that, no half messures, then it won't matter what season it is, where they have hid their supplies and logistics. They will be finished. Operation will span through months and years, there will be many winters to come. It should be a multi pronged operation. Army should launch the main offensive and later on in the month and years, police and and intelligence agencies should carry the mantle and do the picking off. Himate mardan marday khuda.
@Oscar @Azlan Haider @Armstrong @Icarus @niaz @FaujHistorian @Slav Defence @Irfan Baloch

You will not fight the Taliban and win with this " denial " , " blame shifting " and " confused to the core " mindset . I am not pointing specifically at this member , but at my nation . I have seen this thought pattern in a great many , I have come across and interacted with . Looking at the media and knowing my people , there's little doubt that the rest are any different . It has become a sort of a nature of our people , to look for a foreign third hand or infidel to explain things . You see they are ready to blame everyone from Indians , Israelis , Afghans , Mossad , RAW , CIA , MI5 , Martians , Khaad , Northern Alliance and who - not ! The whole world , my friends , is united to fight against the innocent Pakistanis . But by no chance and I say none whatsoever for the people , can these worse than animals , psychopaths be a citizen of Pakistan , locals , people of the same country . They can be Hindus , Jews , Christians , Zionists and all that comes into the mind , but again they cant be Muslims .


You see that ? :D

Lest we forget

February 18, 2014

Once Osama Bin Laden was just a myth created by imperialist America to attack Muslim countries. He is now a celebrated martyr – the Shaheed.

Once these terrorists in Waziristan were Indian-backed miscreants entrusted with the task of destroying Pakistan. They are now, ‘Pakistan’s own.’

Once Ulema and Mashaikh meant scholars from all sects of Islam. In this Saturday’s Mulla moot – the Ulema and Mashaikh Conference – only clerics from the Deobandi School of thought were included. (Perhaps it seemed irrelevant that more than 50% of the Muslim population of Pakistan constitutes Barelvi Muslims. This leaves aside Shias of course; long time targets of the terrorists who are overwhelmingly Deobandi).

Once there was a consensus that the terrorist group headed by Mulla Fazlullah and his father-in-law Sufi Mohammad should be eliminated from Pakistan’s Swat. It is near consensus now that the group under the same Fazlullah should instead be negotiated with.

Once a cleric heading Islamabad’s central Lal Masjid got drunk on the power of his pulpit and violently challenged the writ of the state. This occurred under the prying eyes of the 24/7 live media culture who demanded the use of force against him. That same man sits now on those very media shows and speaks endlessly each evening against the state and constitution of Pakistan.

Once there were rights’ activists campaigning for the restoration of democracy as part of the famous ‘Lawyers’ Movement.’ These individuals became ‘civil society representatives’ for their role in the Lawyers’ Movement. Now, when they are opposing negotiating with terrorists, they are ‘on a mission to destroy Pakistan for foreign dollars.’

Once the country’s prime change monger, the Mighty Khan was against the proposed Shariat Bill announced by the incumbent Nawaz government in 1998. The same Khan is now the tallest proponent of the Islamic welfare state and panders to the ultra right.

Lest we forget
but its been 1000 times proven, our media is being hugly finnanced by our enemies?
just a fact, sir!
in support of terrorists, our media, our politicians are on same side?
only pakistanis & PAKARMY is on suffering side, why?
I am sorry but did you mran to say that the media financed by "enemies" is responsible for pro ttp media sentiments..If meant the west and US to be "enemies" then can you show a single media iutlet financed by them having pro ttp stance..? As far as I have observed,those section of media which are supposedly financed by west are liberal/anti ttp/pri drone strikes..express tribune and dawn for example.

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