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TTP chief claims responsibility for Mosque attack

Well i guess the main problem is with the media.. first of all if they have contacts with TTP through which they get this sort of mis information they should give that info to the security forces secondly even if they get such a news/ Info from some idiot .... they bloody well should have mind of their own that which sort of news is to be published or not .. our media is the biggest culprit in this present situation of our country ... may Allah give us leaders who sort out the media of our country
TTP should not be trusted..and media must not highlight TTP's claims...media should play a constructive and positive role as far as pakistan's security is concerned
TTP should not be trusted..and media must not highlight TTP's claims...media should play a constructive and positive role as far as pakistan's security is concerned

Yeah u r right and a positive media is the need of the hour... no one ever sees any news about the wrong doings of US or NATO in the International media.. but ours is ready to put anything on the desk which gets the attention of masses and then pollutes the minds of innocent people

TTP is a terrorist outfit hence it can not delcare anyone munafiq or otherwise.

This is the claim of PA. Who is backing this claim? Can you name any religious figure who is backing this claim?

Those who joined TTP are 99% criminals and in Islam a criminal can not be poised.'

Another allegation! Anyway, the fact remains that TTP claims to be fighting for Islam. While the fact remains that PA is coerced by US.

Jana, you know that both PA and TTP have been trading allegations. TTP have claimed that PA is unislamic because they are working as agents of Kufr US, the PA has claimed the same regarding TTP. So, how does one decide who is islamic and who is not?
Condolences to all those who lost near and dear ones and those who were injured.

But TTP claim that those who killed were not muslims but munafiqs and thus their prayers or their moque is not worth it.

they are not God; only God has the power to decide if one's prayer was worth it or not
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