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TTP agrees to extend ceasefire


Dec 18, 2006
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Professor Ibrahim says government and army are not on the same page over prisoners’ release.
NORTH WAZIRISTAN (Dunya News) - A meeting of banned Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) shura held at an undisclosed location on Monday.

Key Taliban commanders attended the meeting and discussed matters including ceasefire and prisoners release.
The meeting expressed concerns over the delay in release of non-combatant prisoners and govt refusal over formation of peace zone. However, Taliban agreed to extend ceasefire with the government.

According to sources, TTP spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid would formally announce ceasefire within few days.

A pamphlet was distributed among the participants of the meeting of shura. The pamphlet said that there were no differences among Taliban groups.

The statement further said that all members of the shura were united. It said that the enemies were planning to murder key Taliban commanders and all such plots would be foiled.

On the other hand, Taliban’s negotiation committee member Professor Ibrahim said that the government and army were not on same page over the issue of prisoners release.

Another Taliban committee member Maulana Yusuf said that a meeting with Taliban would be finalised soon and the ceasefire would remain effective.

Meanwhile, Afghan Taliban has expressed concerns over the clashes among different factions. They appealed rival factions to end their differences.

Afghan Taliban chief Mullah Umar in statement said that the rival factions should end their clash.

It is pertinent to mention here that two groups of TTP, Shehryar Mehsood and Khalid alias Sajna have clashed over the issue of South Waziristan leadership.

According to the sources, more than 40 members of both factions have been killed during these clashes. However, TTP statements have been differing in this regard.

Tehreek-e-Taliban spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid in a statement said there were no differences while in another he said that media was exaggerating number of killings in the clashes while both groups have ended.
TTP agrees to extend ceasefire | Pakistan | Dunya News

It Seems TTP has lost their leverage they thought they had again PA .
It Seems TTP has lost their leverage they thought they had again PA .

They talk of a Shura. And they talk of Maulanas.

I want to ask a simple question. Where have these TTP Maulanas obtained their education? What are their credentials? I would like to know where did Maulana Yusuf of TTP get his qualification from?

No Maulana from any group or Sharia can EVER order mutilating human bodies and playing and keeping as souvenir the heads of murtads [ Pakistani soldiers ], unless these people have nothing to do with Islam
This is nothing but a vigilante gang of power hungry opportunistic criminals. Now that they have a power base, they believe they can rule FATA.

It is against morality to negotiate with criminals.
these scums are only gaining time to run in Afghanistan wit help of Indians..
no need to extend cease fire .. its now or never
It is important to remain optimistic in regards to our shared peace objectives. We have made a lot of sacrifices, lost many brave soldiers and innocent people, in our shared quest for peace. Pakistan in particular continues to face the wrath of terrorism. The ongoing internal rift between the Taliban certainly complicates the peace negotiations. But the need of the hour is to remain encouraged and hope for the best. According to various news sources, the TTP seem motivated to carry forward the peace talks. We simply wish to see a peaceful Pakistan for the betterment of the region. We stand by the government of Pakistan and fully support their efforts to restore peace in the country.

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
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