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Truth and lies about UK Hindu conversions to Islam

I have people who converted from Islam to Christanity and other religions. Search Youtube and you get the same video's where they just bad-mouth islam. my own cousin is married to a woman who was a muslim before she married him. Do you know what they think of Islam.

I came across a pretty lady in London a few years ago called Anita Mehboob Ali. ( I am old but not "Dead") I tried to strike conversation with her. She was Sindhi Hindu from Bombay but now her family was doing business in West Africa. Naturally I was intrigued by her name. Apparently, her family had converted to Islam and changed the name to Mehboob Ali; however when English conquered Sindh from the Taalpurs, her family converted back to Hiduism but kept the muslim surname.

You are right Adux in the sense that there have been conversion fron muslims into other religions. But that it is an exception. There are many reasons why Muslims seldom convert to other religions:

It is a lot easier to do simply what ever you want ( become non practicing muslim). Despite the fact the alcohal is forbidden in Islam, a lot of muslims drink it anyway. Islam really is a very simple straight forward religion with very clear do and donts. As long as you believe in one God, his books, his angels, prophets, good and evil and in life after death, you remain a muslim, no matter how evil you are. There is deep rooted belief that Allah is very forgiving and you would be forgiven virtually anything if you sincerely ask Allah's forgiveness.

It is a tragedy that Indian Hindus have provided converts to other religions. 95% of Indian Muslims, nearly all the Sikhs and Christians in India, Pakistan and Bangla Desh are descendents of the converts. IMO opinion the real reason is the caste system. It is virtually impossible for a low caste Hindu to improve his status in the society. Conversion provides this opportunity.

I think the caste system is not a part of Hindu religion but a left over from the Aryan effort to keep their blood line pure. Light skinned races have always looked down upon darker skinned people. This is as true of the English/Europeans in India, Africa and Americas in modern times, as of Aryans invading India circa 1500 BC. Very unjust but nevertheless a fact.

There had to be some reason why Islam spread so easliy in India, Central Asia and Africa but not in Europe. Muslims ruled India from eleventh century to 19th Century; nearly 800 years. Muslim rule in Spain lasted 700 years and Turks ruled East Europe and Greece for 500 years but conversions were very few, some even forced as for Ottomon Janissaris.

I came to the conclusion that the reason was that converts to Islam in Europe had very litlte to gain. Of course some converted because they truly believed Islam to be a superior religion. I have deliberately avoided this argument, because for me each one is free to practice what they feel is right in their heart.

Additionally Hindus, Jews and Buddhist no longer openly invite people to convert as Muslims and Christians do. This is the primary reason for continued conversion to these two religions even today.
I have met hundreds of Muslim who have converted from Hindu's in Malayisa. A close friend of my wife have converted and changed her name, she is working at a top level state post, actually the contractor who takes care of my garden is also a convert from Hinduism.

In Malaysia one can find thousands and thousands Hindu's who are converting to Islam, almost every day you would hear a news, these people are educated, well off financially and mature and accept Islam as a way of life by their understanding.

As the religion is a personal matter, so, one should not condemn others who feel batter in following the right path.

Some people might give an impression that in Malaysia, Hindu's are being force to convert to Islam, but as I have met a lot of them personally, none of them would convert due to pressure as most of these people are socially and economically indipendent and enjoy good status in society.
niaz what you said part of it is factually correct, but historically wrong, Islams spread in subcontinent was different, There was no Aryan invasion theory it is a myth, Aryans were a Tribe who existed throughout Iran/Central; Europe/Present day Pakistan/Sindh.

The muslims who invaded India via north were mostly or Turko-mongol origin and they had their "own" version of Islam IIRC, They plundered everything they came by, OTOH in South India Muslims arrived through trade and were much peaceful, And thus you wont find "too many" ruins of historical empires.

Like Goa has Goa inquisition where Christians took out their plunder, there exists ruins till today.

The Caste system IMHO when you say "not" a part of Hinduism is wrong, It was written by Manu in Manu smriti, But it clearly mentioned, It is based on "your work" , Which effectively peoples used as leverage to gain power, Then the british has used it against Indian psyche,"Agar mai apka namak khata hu to main apka sewa karunga" stuff. The caste system was "the then" social hierchary which I'm sure is there among "all" religions in way or other.Non-relevance of Caste system never defines Dharmic faith like Hinduism.

IIRC There exists Caste system Among muslims too in this subcontinent and you wont find a difference between that (Zamindari system) and hegemony of self-porclaimed priests in remote villages, because both people tries to seek power through a system which has been used against for over 200 years.

Hinduism was badly badly stricken during last of 18th century and begining of 19th century,

Sati was rampant, dowry was de-facto factors all bought under banner of religion by the self-porclaimed british raj arse licker Zamindars.

Brave freedom fighters fought against such mis interpretations which whole India still havent got rid of as a whole, As we all know Sati was started by Padmini and later introduced in eastern part of India by Ballal Sen under the banner of "Kulin Protha" , means Child marriage.

Let me Tell you again, That video is nothing but propaganda, A convert can shout in the street My religion is best my truth is truest, its cool with me; NOT WITH FALSE REPRESENTATION OF YOUR TRUTH IS FALSE HERE AND MINE IS TRUER HERE, That is what i call


I'm on very slow connection so cannot watch the video, hell PFf takes 5 minutes to load.

but what your saying is nothing but bs, If the video is about "How great Islam is" , I'm ok with it, if the video is about "I changed to Islam because how bad the religion which I was is" , Is nothing but BS propaganda.

search the internet You wont find any exception, jews have such videos on Islam/christians/dharmic faiths, Christians have such video on Islam/Jews/dharmic faiths , Islam is no exception, so which truth to believe?

The very idea of pursueing Souls rather than Ideas of Abrahmic faith is what I consider flawed, as it seeks political ideological leanage through conversion.

Ever heard of a hindu "sage" talking about how bad Islam is? and people should convert?

I'm not for my gods dick is bigger than your contest, The very idea of "throw the book" at non-believers of Abrahmic faith is not what i consider right nor do i consider people who tries to justifies another faith through it as normal.

Read my previous post again which was not possible for a fellow indian-hater to interpret because he like many others argues "dogmatic theology" not " reasoning and abstract philosophy"
As the religion is a personal matter, so, one should not condemn others who feel batter in

following the right path

Some people might give an impression that in Malaysia, Hindu's are being force to convert to

Islam, but as I have met a lot of them personally, none of them would convert due to

pressure as most of these people are socially and economically indipendent and enjoy good

status in society.

Like this?

Joey, sadly you have a habit of posting things with out even reading, the news you have mentioned is about a minor girl who have two parties claiming the custody, a grand mother and a mother who was later declared as insane by medical board.

This was a purely a court matter and nothing to do with conversion issue.

I am living with these Muslim conversts from Hinduism, and know a lot of them, if you want I can provide you the phone numbers of people who have choosen Islam as way of life with their free will and are satisfied with their decision.

I would advise you to get some batter connection and try to watch the videos above, specially the experience of Dr. Meena, who is an educated and professional lady.
People will convert in / out depending on their level of understanding etc. And they will complain of bad muslims, or erroneous & cultural interpretations, not actual Islam. It's undisputed that scholars from all religions convert to Islam. The most inspiring man I've met was the professor of comparitive religion in Stockholm, Dr. Thomas McElwain. I've yet to meet Professor TJ Winters of Cambridge, but hopefully soon at some islamic convention in UK.

There's just so much to read so much to learn, you will never understand Islam to its potential, we can exhaust the meaning of Tawheed, but still not have covered a fraction of its knowledge.
Muslims converting to Hinduism? Thats a new one!

These people are coerced and offered money to become Hindus or Christians. Christians missionaries do this openly in hospitals they own. Some just want to eat pork and get free of moral boundries.
Muslims converting to Hinduism? Thats a new one!

These people are coerced and offered money to become Hindus or Christians. Christians missionaries do this openly in hospitals they own. Some just want to eat pork and get free of moral boundries.

i have two previous muslims in my family,
a 40 year old man and a 33 yr old woman.
I am sure Islam is the only path to god.
Christainity and other's are just farce.
Maybe they wanted to drink Alcohol & eat Pork freely. who knows.

since you are talking about my relative's let me add in a small point,
they dont drink, i dont know wether eat pork?, they found solace and salavation in another path to god.
I dont think people change religion's to drink and eat pork. I know a lot of muslims who do the same.
It would be nice of you to respect them for their happiness, not cuz they turned hindu; but they found what they were looking for,

I eat pork and drink alcohol, i enjoy my pork very much, thank you

Lot of people dont find Islam as the right religion, as lot of people dont find hinduism or christanity right for them.So they change their religion.. It is called individual choice, you or me are nobody tell anyone else about how they should live their life. I have a complete different path to god, not hinduism, not christainity not certainily islam. Its my wish my life.
Ofcourse they don't find Islam right for them that is why they stray. My question is why they dont find it right?

I can fill page after page of reasons a person like to leave Hinduism or Christianity. Your relatives should tell you why they strayed. Its not a hard question.
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