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Truth and lies about UK Hindu conversions to Islam

MashAllah.. My friend convert from Hinduism to Islam too; When I was in grade 11. Now he prays more then me :lol:

God gives "hidath" who ever he wants.
^^ WTF IS THIS IS THIS NOW GOING TO BE PDF? MIR cut the BS, we are not here to accept your cleric termed scholars propagandas on Hinduism, Thousand times you got the best religion the best path the best everything, kickass live with it and leave us.

That guy whos talking there is TALKING FULL OF BS.

I have absolute reservation when these abrahmic faith goes on rampage attacking whatever values of other faith, the habbit of "pursueing ideas" rather than "souls" is what they need to learn from dharmic faiths.

I dont see any kind of attack; the guy was just telling the reasons.
A Rahman I did not see the video, but I did saw a video before Where whatever truth he was speaking and the comments all were quite extremist type.I dont care if one converts to Islam/Christianity, but interpreting Hinduism falsely and creating a propaganda through it be it politically or socially is what I'm against.

Lastly, I'm not up for the penis contest of my god is bigger than yours and by book is truer than yours.
Hindu Bhraman Dr. Meena Embraced Islam in English & Malayalam, She explain her way to Islam

Brothers and sisters : You have many misconept about islam, please see this link then think , you might see Islam is the true religion from god.

She is introducing herself in video and explaining her experience.
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lets not discuss religon because when people start discussing religion they suspend normal rational thought process. Being a muslim i believe in a god that i have never seen heard or talked too. the concept of religion is to have faith in something that normal thinking cannot explain.
lets not discuss religon because when people start discussing religion they suspend normal rational thought process. Being a muslim i believe in a god that i have never seen heard or talked too. the concept of religion is to have faith in something that normal thinking cannot explain.

so you are saying that religion is irrational ? and then you claim to be affiliated with Islam. strange I tell ya.
No body is downgrading any religion, so there is no need to be so sensative, these video's are already available for public on youtube, google, live leak, let us listen what people say about their personal experiences as this topic is regarding "Truth and Lies about UK hindu Convertions to Islam", and it was started by an Indian friend.

We can clearly see in these video's what is truth and what is lie.
This is the first time I watched the video from post #9, and guess what this guy comes to the mosque which is near my house. :)
We can clearly see in these video's what is truth and what is lie.
I'm on very slow connection so cannot watch the video, hell PFf takes 5 minutes to load.

but what your saying is nothing but bs, If the video is about "How great Islam is" , I'm ok with it, if the video is about "I changed to Islam because how bad the religion which I was is" , Is nothing but BS propaganda.

search the internet You wont find any exception, jews have such videos on Islam/christians/dharmic faiths, Christians have such video on Islam/Jews/dharmic faiths , Islam is no exception, so which truth to believe?

The very idea of pursueing Souls rather than Ideas of Abrahmic faith is what I consider flawed, as it seeks political ideological leanage through conversion.

Ever heard of a hindu "sage" talking about how bad Islam is? and people should convert?

I'm not for my gods dick is bigger than your contest, The very idea of "throw the book" at non-believers of Abrahmic faith is not what i consider right nor do i consider people who tries to justifies another faith through it as normal.


Dont behave like little kids, BTW how old you are? Actually this lady converted to Islam, she is from a Barhaman family and a Doctor by profession, she is telling about her experience on a journey for truth, should we stop her?

We can not stop people Joey, these are their personal experiences and they have a right to share it, just watch and write here what wrong she said in her video or why you dont agree with her, this is dot come era and these videos are available to public, can we shut up every person on earth, its not our choice my dear friend.
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I have people who converted from Islam to Christanity and other religions. Search Youtube and you get the same video's where they just bad-mouth islam. my own cousin is married to a woman who was a muslim before she married him. Do you know what they think of Islam.
Mir, I'm not surprised your not able to interpret what I'm saying because your never taught to think the way I think nor you will ever able to.

So stop using ad hominems like kid , Or I'll bound to report to mods to take disciplinary action against you.

You have problems with my post why dont you interpret what i said? hah! because it is way above what you can understand!

I'm sure peoples like baazi or Neo has got what I meant!

The very reason there is absolutely no use to reply to someone like you whos trolling is because your not here to discuss things, your POV is to push thing not "prove" things.

I said i cannot watch the vide as my connection is slow, You can put what she says about Hinduism, And I'll reply what is right what is wrong!

Try pushing more, without proper analysiation , I wont hesitate to push the ignore button from my profile.

happy merry making,
You can press any button on your key board, thats the place where you have absolute control !

If you can not even watch the video, I wonder how do you post comments??

Is not it trolling? Batter press ignore about topics which you dont like, and you are not the only member for which these video's are made for, these are the feelings of people who adopted the right path.

Either get some better connection or stop crying!
Last edited by A.Rahman : Today at 02:50 AM. Reason: its better.. not batter :P

Finally, Thank you
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