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Truth about Gandhi dynasty

1. In a recent biography of Indira it is stated that Siddharat Shankar Raywas one of herlovers.

2. Nehru women were found of Muslims. Vizaylaxmi Pandit had a famous affair with a Muslim. Yunus Khan, a close relative of Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, Feroze Khan and a PMA GC were someof Indira's Muslim lovers. The first Drumming Out parade in PMA was done on one of her early lovers. They were in love pre-47 and continued thereafter. The GC went to New Delhi on one of the breaks and was caught by Nehru in the arms of Indira. In those early days no passport / visa was required to travel between India and Pakistan. Nehru phoned Liaqat about the matter. The boy was handed over to Pakistan Police by Indian Police. Meanwhile, the GC was declared a deserter for remaining absent for long.Eventually he was brought to PMA to be drummed out.
1. In a recent biography of Indira it is stated that Siddharat Shankar Raywas one of herlovers.

2. Nehru women were found of Muslims. Vizaylaxmi Pandit had a famous affair with a Muslim. Yunus Khan, a close relative of Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, Feroze Khan and a PMA GC were someof Indira's Muslim lovers. The first Drumming Out parade in PMA was done on one of her early lovers. They were in love pre-47 and continued thereafter. The GC went to New Delhi on one of the breaks and was caught by Nehru in the arms of Indira. In those early days no passport / visa was required to travel between India and Pakistan. Nehru phoned Liaqat about the matter. The boy was handed over to Pakistan Police by Indian Police. Meanwhile, the GC was declared a deserter for remaining absent for long.Eventually he was brought to PMA to be drummed out.

Here starts the informed informer.

Mujib, is there anything you don't know with complete authority , like you have 'been there , done that" on everything & every subject ?

Care to provide authentic links to these claims or are they also one of those ' I have heard..' ones ?
Misquoted you.

I understand your blind love for congress,but business insider is pretty reliable in their assessments World's Richest Politicians - Business Insider she is damn rich and you know it..if you live in delhi and close to it you might have heard about the property and other business ventures of Robert Wadra,Damaad of India.Sheer ignorance on your part if you cant accept it.

Man ARE YOU STUPID? This guy, who no one has heard of says SOniaji is either 2 billion rich or 20 billion rich. And you think this is credible?
And lemme also tell you- they most probably are quite wealthy and it is not necessary for them to be corrupt to get that wealth. Power attracts money through legit means too. I can tell you that if RG wanted to marry Mukesh Ambani's daughter today as 'most eligible' bachelor, said ambani will get it done in 2 hrs flat. RG can be 50 billion rich in 2 hrs if he wants- that's what power does.
Here starts the informed informer.

Mujib, is there anything you don't know with complete authority , like you have 'been there , done that" on everything & every subject ?

Care to provide authentic links to these claims or are they also one of those ' I have heard..' ones ?

Sorry, there were no cell phones with video those days to record Indira's amours.
Man ARE YOU STUPID? This guy, who no one has heard of says SOniaji is either 2 billion rich or 20 billion rich. And you think this is credible?
And lemme also tell you- they most probably are quite wealthy and it is not necessary for them to be corrupt to get that wealth. Power attracts money through legit means too. I can tell you that if RG wanted to marry Mukesh Ambani's daughter today as 'most eligible' bachelor, said ambani will get it done in 2 hrs flat. RG can be 50 billion rich in 2 hrs if he wants- that's what power does.

Wtf is wrong in your head?Raul vinci marrying mukesh ambani's daughter?:lol: thats one good hypothesis.
Sonia gandhi didnt marry anyone who is ultra rich i guess? What legit ways are you talking about?
You sir are a special kind of worshipper of sonia gandhi.

Spare him he is Indian version of ZH

The link is a blog http://dayalshankargiri.blogspot.in/2012/04/truths-n-facts-to-my-fellow-indians.html
Happy?I thought i shouldnt link a blog,mods might not like it.
Wtf is wrong in your head?Raul vinci marrying mukesh ambani's daughter?:lol: thats one good hypothesis.
Sonia gandhi didnt marry anyone who is ultra rich i guess? What legit ways are you talking about?
You sir are a special kind of worshipper of sonia gandhi.

The link is a blog http://dayalshankargiri.blogspot.in/2012/04/truths-n-facts-to-my-fellow-indians.html
Happy?I thought i shouldnt link a blog,mods might not like it.

So, you give me link of blog which was written by another fool.
Here starts the informed informer.

Mujib, is there anything you don't know with complete authority , like you have 'been there , done that" on everything & every subject ?

Care to provide authentic links to these claims or are they also one of those ' I have heard..' ones ?
Lol his name is not mujib, you can verify that with mujib in bd military forum. ;-)
1. In a recent biography of Indira it is stated that Siddharat Shankar Raywas one of herlovers.

2. Nehru women were found of Muslims. Vizaylaxmi Pandit had a famous affair with a Muslim. Yunus Khan, a close relative of Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan, Feroze Khan and a PMA GC were someof Indira's Muslim lovers. The first Drumming Out parade in PMA was done on one of her early lovers. They were in love pre-47 and continued thereafter. The GC went to New Delhi on one of the breaks and was caught by Nehru in the arms of Indira. In those early days no passport / visa was required to travel between India and Pakistan. Nehru phoned Liaqat about the matter. The boy was handed over to Pakistan Police by Indian Police. Meanwhile, the GC was declared a deserter for remaining absent for long.Eventually he was brought to PMA to be drummed out.

And frusted Indira breaks Pakistan in two parts.

You are not eligible your Proffessional title. You rants without proof along words 'I heard'
LoL. No source and a lot of things that makes no sense. And most of the article is nothing but personal attacks. If I decide not to vote for someone then it's because they are corrupt or done something illegal or they are not a suitable leader and not because of their personal life. I never understood those photos that are so popular on FB showing Nehru smoking either. They just doesn't make sense.

We all know how corrupt and stupidly pseudo-secular the congress govt. is. If you want to have a reason for not voting for them, make those as your reasons not the personal life.

P.S: If Feroz KHAN has changed his name to Gandhi then how come his father and fore-fathers have the same last name too??
The funny thing is EVERYBODY is WRONG :lol:

Feroz ‘Gandhi’s FATHER was a MUSLIM called Jehangir Faredoon Khan, a marine engineer and his MOTHER was a PARSI lady called Ratimai. Ratimai converted to Islam to marry Feroz and was promptly DISOWNED by her family. She remained a muslim till her death.

Nehru was STRONGLY against Indira marrying Feroz Khan as he was a muslim and refused to give his permission for this marriage. Mahatma Gandhi finally managed to convince Nehru after converting Feroz to Hinduism and declaring him his son and gave him the name Gandhi.

Indira and Feroz ‘Gandhi’ was finally married as per Vedic rites in Hindu tradition.

This marriage only lasted for less than 5 years and Indira and Feroz separated after the birth of Rajiv Gandhi. She went back to live with her father.

But Feroz was no Saint. It is recorded in the memoirs of M.O. Mathai, who was a long time Private Secretary of Nehru , that Feroze used to harass Nehru frequently for money and also interfere in Nehru’s political activities. Finally Nehru got fed up and left instructions never to allow Feroz into the Prime Minster’s residence. Feroz tried to get back at Indira and Nehru by trying to destroy Nehru’s career and became his opponent. He raised the Haridas Mundhra scandal involving the LIC to try and make Nehru resign as PM, but Nehru being the smart politican he was, saved his chair and then then Finance Minister had to resign. In fact even the parsi community turned against Feroz after he advocated of taking over TELCO by the govt. of India.

After his death, Indira Gandhi had him cremated (maybe for electoral gains) but his ashes were buried in the Parsi cemetery in Allahabad dispite objections from the Parsi community leaders of that time.

Now here is the strange part ….

Feroz claimed he was born on the 12 September 1912 at the Parsi maternity home, however there is NO RECORD of his birth in that hospital and even in those days the parsi hospitals used to keep all their records. In fact he has never shown his Birth certificate and it was never found even after his death.

It gets stranger. Ever since his birth, Feroz lived with his mother’s sister Dr. Shirin Commissariat while his supposed parents lived in Mumbai with this other siblings. This is what led to the suspicion that Feroz was actually the Bastard Child of Dr. Shirin and her lover, Advocate Raj Bahadur Prasad Kakkar of the Allahabad High Court. Feroz himself was a Womanizer of some repute and was fond of his daily ‘drink’. This is one of the reasons that led to Indira separating from him.

These are the unadulterated facts……congress has tried to suppress enough of these facts and you guys are doing the rest of the spin job.
Now to correct a few other misunderstandings.

Priyanka Gandhi is most probably NOT a Hindu.

Her Husband Robert Vadra is certainly a christian. In fact there was bit of a controversy when she was getting married. Robert Vadra had approached the Sacred Heart Cathedral for solemnize his wedding with Priyanka, but the Delhi archdiocese has refused to bless Priyanka's marriage till she became catholic.

Rajiv Gandhi was barely a practicing Hindu and since he died when the kids were small and they did not have anybody else in the father family, both the children i.e. Rahul and Priyanka were raised as Catholics but there is no data available if they were ever baptized abroad.

However only one thing is certain. All Priyanka, Rahul and Varun has NEVER completed their GRADUATION.

All the children of the Gandhi family including Menaka and Sonia are NOT GRADUATES :lol:
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