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Trump’s Threat To Dispossess 4 Million Palestinians By Violent Annexation Of Jerusalem And West Bank

In reality it doesn't matter. The sooner its done with the better. There is no political solution to the occupation of Palestine. As soon as the political solution is dead - we can look into an alternative.
I am so exited, Trump is just accelerating the procedure of liberation of Al Quds, the train of the Khilafa is about to reach its final destination, maybe Arabs and Iran will perish in a zionist nuclear strike but the Khilafa is going to be established and Al Quds will be its Capital
Singapore with Muslim minority is one of the most successful states.
But singapore is one of the most advanced states plus there was no history of violence between various groups of course another example is switzerland but they are literally the state where the richest people keep their money it’s the only country that is truly neutral even hitler nor us/soviets never dared to occupy this state in other words singapore and switzerland are two special cases
But singapore is one of the most advanced states plus there was no history of violence between various groups of course another example is switzerland but they are literally the state where the richest people keep their money it’s the only country that is truly neutral even hitler nor us/soviets never dared to occupy this state in other words singapore and switzerland are two special cases
Israel is also very advanced. There is virtually no violence inside Israel between Jews and Arabs, the violence comes from outside.
Israel is also very advanced. There is virtually no violence inside Israel between Jews and Arabs, the violence comes from outside.
Yes it is but there is stark difference between israel and singapore for example in singapore they have common national identity there’s no sectarian division between ethnic groups in singapore and most importantly there are no political parties with controversial statements
As i said there are pretty good relations between arabs and jews there are even some mixed and couples i have no doubt in this yet its far away from saying that majority arabs and jews leave happily in israel i think if political parties and israeli government was normal then situation would be much better same thing can be said about PA and hamas all these three authorities are collectively in joint efforts destroying jewish-arab peaceful coexistence
Hamas spokeman is saying we will end jews
on the other side netanyahu is telling we will end palestinians as long as there is such political climate there won’t a real normal social life among ordinary people
Of course i am not yet talking about media ultra religious zionists(counterparts of wahabbies jihadists evangelical and other religious fanatics) they are even bigger problem especially these ultra zionists
As far i as know while secular jew has between 1-3 children his religious counterpart has 8+ even today as minority they have pretty much influence on israeli government imagine what would happen in 2030 when they reach majority
More or less similar situation with palestinians i think normal jews and palestinians are very small minority i am worried that in not so distant future they would become totally irrelevant a marginal error of total population
Yes it is but there is stark difference between israel and singapore for example in singapore they have common national identity there’s no sectarian division between ethnic groups in singapore
Thats not true. Obviously u never seen any Singaporean before.

and most importantly there are no political parties with controversial statements
Thats because Singapore is an authoritarian regime.
Palestinian Rejection: End Of Oslo Peace Process And The Trump-Netanyahu Apartheid “Steal Of The Century”

The Palestinian leadership has entirely rejected what is known of the Trump plan for Israel and Palestine, and warned that they see it as destroying the Oslo Peace accords. The Trump administration did not consult the Palestinians in drawing up the plan, which gives away East Jerusalem and 30% of the Palestinian West Bank to Israel. The Palestinians may as well, Palestine foreign minister Saeb Erekat said, just withdraw from the 1995 Interim Agreement on Oslo.

Trump appears to have decided to unveil the Israel-Palestine plan on Tuesday to take the pressure off from his Senate impeachment trial and to shore up his support from the Jewish and evangelical communities. A majority of Americans in polls say they want Trump impeached and removed from office.

Trump’s plan may also bolster beleaguered Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who has been indicted for corruption and is fighting for his political life as Israel’s third election in a year approaches. Rushing the details of an important policy like Israel and Palestine for the sake of politics, however, could backfire big time.

Erekat also warned that the plan virtually assures that Israel will ultimately have to absorb the Palestinians, and give them the vote inside Israel. Mr. Erekat may, however, be overly optimistic, since it is much more likely that the Palestinians will be kept in a Warsaw Ghetto type of situation and simply denied a meaningful vote entirely.

Al-Quds al-`Arabi reports that Donald Trumpattempted to call Palestine president Mahmoud Abbas during the past few days and that Mr. Abbas refused to take the call.

The plan, according to details leaked to the Israeli press, will propose a Palestinian statelet on 70% of the West Bank, to be established in four years. The hope is apparently that Mahmoud Abbas will no longer be president of Palestine in four years, and his successor will be more pliable.

This so-called state, however, will be demilitarized and will lack control over borders and airspace, and will be denied the authority to make treaties with other states. In other words, it will be a Bantustan of the sort the racist, Apartheid South Africangovernment created to denaturalize its Black African citizens.

Netanyahu has pledged that there will be no Palestinian state as long as he is prime minister.

Palestinians are under Israeli military rule and are being deprived of basic human rights, including the right to have citizenship in a state. They do not have passports but only laissez-passer certificates that are rejected for travel purposes by most states. Israeli squatters continually steal their land and property and water, and Palestinians have no recourse, being without a state to protect them.

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So is Israel. Netanyahu is president for life. Just like Turkey and Russia and Egypt and Syria.
In Singapore Parliament government has 82 seats out of 100.
Netanyahu has only 32 seats out of 120 (less than 27%). And he is under 3 trials in court now.
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