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Trump’s Threat To Dispossess 4 Million Palestinians By Violent Annexation Of Jerusalem And West Bank

white evangelicals have been coming out with what their real agenda is. They are oppenly admitting that they are trying to trigger their version of the final days and the 2nd coming. Daesh tier logic...

That's the only reason why they like Israel and the Jews so much they are canon fodder for Rapture from what they perceive
Israel annexed Eastern Jerusalem many years ago.
The fact that noone has recognized the annexation maybe explains the confused article.

You have better watch out. Allah is watching.
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For 40 years pharaoh and his fellows put the hardest pressure on prophet Moses AS and his followers but when the order from Allah came pharaoh and his army drowned and prophet Moses and his righteous followers won.

The Hadith attributed to prophet Muhammad S tell:

There will emerge from Khorasan black banners which nothing will repel until they are set up in Jerusalem

— Ahmad in al-Musnad, 14/383 [4]
When the black flags come from Khorasan go to them,even if you have to crawl on snow, for among them is the Khalifa of Allah, the Mahdi

— Abd al-‘Alim in al-Mahdi al-Muntazar [5]
Surely black flags will appear from the Khorasan until the people (under the leadership of this flag) will tie their horses with the olive trees between Bait-e-Lahya and Harasta(names of places in Jerusalem)

— Nuaim Ibn Hammad in Kitab Al-Fitan [6]
A Nation will come from the east with black flags and they will ask for some goodness (authority) but the people will not give them, then, they will fight and win over those people. Now the people will give them what they asked for but they will not accept it until they will hand it over to a person from my progeny who will fill this earth with justice just as it was previously filled with oppression and tyranny. So if anyone of you finds this nation (i.e. from the east with black flags) then you must join them even if you have to crawl over ice

— Al-Barzanji in Isha’ah li Ashrat Al-Sa’a [7]
Three will fight one another for your treasure, each one of them the son of a caliph, but none of them will gain it. Then the black banners will come from the east, and they will kill you in an unprecedented manner. When you see them, then pledge your allegiance to them even if you have to crawl over the snow, for that is the caliph of Allah, Mahdi

— The Hour will not come until you fight “Jews”

The people who mourn for prophet S family will carry those flags not the fake jihadi groups which are made by zionists to give more security to zionists.

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The people who are behind the seizure and the occupation of the Holy Land are knows as the Freemasons. It is these group of people that had seized full control of the #West and in many parts of the Muslim world.

I thought it was the illuminati, the Skull & Bones Or the Starfleet Command society.

Palestinian Muslims arrive at Al Aqsa mosque for Friday prayer. January 2017. (Photo: Mersiha Gadzo)

Just so you guys know, this is the only photo of Al Aqsa Masjid in this article. The gold dome is Bait us Sukhra, where Israa miraj happened.

The people who mourn for prophet S family will carry those flags not the fake terrorist groups who are made by zionists to make civil wars in Islamic countries.

Interesting take, but last I checked Afghanistan and Pakistan are Sunni majority countries. Khorasaan is centered on the Pukhtoon region, who are also Sunni.

About mourning for Ahlul Bayt, not only Shias feel it, but we don't make it an article of our faith however.

Also you quoted Sunni hadith, which is interesting.

You have better watch out. Allah is watching.

Behave and stop insulting Islamic belief. Next time I will report you.

We don't tolerate mockery of Islam here.
For 40 years pharaoh and his fellows put the hardest pressure on prophet Moses AS and his followers but when the order from Allah came pharaoh and his army drowned and prophet Moses and his righteous followers won.

The Hadith attributed to Muhammad S tell:

There will emerge from Khorasan black banners which nothing will repel until they are set up in Jerusalem

— Ahmad in al-Musnad, 14/383 [4]
When the black flags come from Khorasan go to them,even if you have to crawl on snow, for among them is the Khalifa of Allah, the Mahdi

— Abd al-‘Alim in al-Mahdi al-Muntazar [5]
Surely black flags will appear from the Khorasan until the people (under the leadership of this flag) will tie their horses with the olive trees between Bait-e-Lahya and Harasta(names of places in Jerusalem)

— Nuaim Ibn Hammad in Kitab Al-Fitan [6]
A Nation will come from the east with black flags and they will ask for some goodness (authority) but the people will not give them, then, they will fight and win over those people. Now the people will give them what they asked for but they will not accept it until they will hand it over to a person from my progeny who will fill this earth with justice just as it was previously filled with oppression and tyranny. So if anyone of you finds this nation (i.e. from the east with black flags) then you must join them even if you have to crawl over ice

— Al-Barzanji in Isha’ah li Ashrat Al-Sa’a [7]
Three will fight one another for your treasure, each one of them the son of a caliph, but none of them will gain it. Then the black banners will come from the east, and they will kill you in an unprecedented manner. When you see them, then pledge your allegiance to them even if you have to crawl over the snow, for that is the caliph of Allah, Mahdi.

The people who mourn for prophet S family will carry those flags not the fake terrorist groups who are made by zionists to make civil wars in Islamic countries.

So we may have to add 2022 to the list of 1984, 2000, December 2012, November 2019.
There is nothing in this text that pedicts anything happening in 2022, is there?
Just so you guys know, this is the only photo of Al Aqsa Masjid in this article. The gold dome is Bait us Sukhra, where Israa miraj happened.

Interesting take, but last I checked Afghanistan and Pakistan are Sunni majority countries. Khorasaan is centered on the Pukhtoon region, who are also Sunni.

About mourning for Ahlul Bayt, not only Shias feel it, but we don't make it an article of our faith however.

Also you quoted Sunni hadith, which is interesting.

Behave and stop insulting Islamic belief. Next time I will report you.

We don't tolerate mockery of Islam here.
Khurasan is East of Iran and some parts of Western Afghanistan. Majority of Afghans are Farsi speakers.


In hadiths of prophet S in Sunni references prophet said fellows of imam of Mahdi AS will come from Khurasan in Shia hadiths from prophet and 12 imams it is clearly mentioned in many many hadiths that fellows of imam Mahdi are Ajams, Shiites and from cities of Iran. They will fight Sufiyani (grandson of Abu Sufiyan and Yazid) and Jews in Quds.

1. Iranians

It can be understood from the hadiths that a considerable number of the special soldiers in the army of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) would be Iranians and they have been mentioned in various ways such as the people of Rey (Tehran), the people of Khurasan, the treasures of Taleqan, the Qummis, the people of Persia, etc.

Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “The forces with black banners that will rise up from Khurasan will come to Kufah, and when Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) appears in Mecca, they will pay allegiance to him.”14
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) also said: “The supporters of Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘a) will be three hundred and thirteen persons who will be from the children of the a‘jam (non-Arabs).”15

‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar said that the Prophet (S) said: “God will give your (Muslims’) power to the a‘jam; they are like lions that will never desert the battlefield. They will kill you (Arabs) and plunder your properties.”16

Hudhayfah also narrated a hadith with the same content from the Prophet (S).17 Of course, the implication of the hadith is debatable and problematic. Based on the hadiths, a time will come when the Iranians will unsheathe their swords against the Arabs to spread Islam and make them return to Islam, and they will slay those who oppose them. The condition of the Arabs at that time will be very deplorable with difficult and unpleasant days awaiting them.

Although a‘jam is said to be the non-Arabs, the Iranians are definitely included. On the basis of other hadiths, both in preparing the ground for operations to be conducted prior to the advent (zuhur) and at the time of the uprising of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs), the Iranians will have a pivotal role and they will constitute a large number of combatants.

In a sermon delivered by ‘Ali (‘a) regarding the supporters of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) and their nationalities, the names of some Iranian cities have been mentioned.

Asbagh ibn Nabatah said that the Commander of the Faithful (‘a) delivered a sermon in which he mentioned Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) and his supporters who will accompany him in the uprising, saying: “One is from Ahwaz; one from Shushtar; three are from Shiraz whose names are Hafs, Ya‘qub and ‘Ali; four are from Isfahan whose names are Musa, ‘Ali, ‘Abdullah, and Ghalfan; one from Burujerd named Qadim; one is from Nahavand named ‘Abdur-Razzaq; three are from Hamedan18 whose names are Ja‘far, Ishaq and Musa; ten are from Qum whose names are that of the Ahl al-Bayt of the Messenger of Allah (and in another hadith eighteen have been mentioned); one from Shirvan’; and one is from Khurasan named Darid.

There are also five whose names are that of the Companions of the Cave; one from Amul; one from Gorgan; one from Damghan; one from Sarakhs; one from Saveh; twenty four from Taleqan; two from Qazvin; one from Fars; one from Abhar; one from Ardebil; three from Maragheh; one from Khuy; one from Salmas; three from Abadan; and one from Kazerun.”

Then, the Commander of the Faithful said: “The Noble Prophet (S) mentioned to me three hundred and thirteen persons of the supporters of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) equal to the number of the supporters in (the Battle of) Badr, and he said: ‘God will bring them from both the east and the west to the precinct of the Ka‘bah’ faster than the blink of an eye.”19

As you can observe, among the three hundred and thirteen persons constituting the special corps of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs)—who will accompany him at the beginning of the uprising—seventy two will come from the present cities of Iran. If we also take into account what has been narrated in Dala’il al-Imamah20 of Tabari and the names of cities that were in Iran at that time, the number of Iranians will become more than this.

a. Qum
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “The soil of Qum is holy… Aren’t they the supporters of our Qa’im and callers toward our right?”21

‘Affan al-Basiri said that Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said to him: “Do you know why Qum is named “Qum”?” I replied: “God, His Messenger and you know better.” He said: “It is called Qum because its inhabitants will rally behind the Qa’im of Muhammad’s Progeny (‘atfs) and rise up along with him (‘atfs). Along this line, they will show their perseverance and assist him (‘atfs).”22

b. Khurasan
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: “…There are treasures in Khurasan but they are not gold and silver. Instead, they are men who will gather together on their belief in God and His Messenger.”23 Perhaps, it means that what they have in common is the correct belief in God and His Messenger, or it may mean that God will gather them one day in Mecca.

c. Taleqan
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said: “Blessed is Taleqan! It is because God has treasures there which are neither gold nor silver. Instead, they are men of faith who have really recognized God and they will be the companions of the Mahdi (Guided One) of Muhammad’s Progeny (‘atfs) at the end of time.”24


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Behave and stop insulting Islamic belief. Next time I will report you.

We don't tolerate mockery of Islam here.
That is not mocking Islam.
It is pointing out that Iran fails at the criteria brought up.
There are other Muslim countries that does a lot better.
God willing.

'If you do good, it shall be for your own souls; but if you do evil it is likewise. ' And when the second promise came (We sent them against you), to sadden your faces and to enter the Mosque as they entered it the first time, they utterly destroyed whatever they came across. [Holy Quran7:17]

Google “ end israel 2022 ”


Those are some pretty far-fetched mathematics. Going from solar years to lunar years, and then counting letters in Surahs.

We should not base our faith on something like this, we have our Quran and Sunnah.

About the date, Allahu Alim.

Khurasan is East of Iran and some parts of Western Afghanistan. Majority of Afghans are Farsi speakers.


In hadiths of prophet S in Sunni references prophet said fellows of imam of Mahdi AS will come from Khurasan in Shia hadiths from prophet and 12 imams it is clearly mentioned in many many hadiths that fellows of imam Mahdi are Ajams, Shiites and from cities of Iran. They will fight Sufiyani (grandson of Abu Sufiyan and Yazid) and Jews in Quds.

1. Iranians

It can be understood from the hadiths that a considerable number of the special soldiers in the army of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) would be Iranians and they have been mentioned in various ways such as the people of Rey (Tehran), the people of Khurasan, the treasures of Taleqan, the Qummis, the people of Persia, etc.

Imam al-Baqir (‘a) said: “The forces with black banners that will rise up from Khurasan will come to Kufah, and when Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) appears in Mecca, they will pay allegiance to him.”14
Imam al-Baqir (‘a) also said: “The supporters of Hadrat al-Qa’im (‘a) will be three hundred and thirteen persons who will be from the children of the a‘jam (non-Arabs).”15

‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar said that the Prophet (S) said: “God will give your (Muslims’) power to the a‘jam; they are like lions that will never desert the battlefield. They will kill you (Arabs) and plunder your properties.”16

Hudhayfah also narrated a hadith with the same content from the Prophet (S).17 Of course, the implication of the hadith is debatable and problematic. Based on the hadiths, a time will come when the Iranians will unsheathe their swords against the Arabs to spread Islam and make them return to Islam, and they will slay those who oppose them. The condition of the Arabs at that time will be very deplorable with difficult and unpleasant days awaiting them.

Although a‘jam is said to be the non-Arabs, the Iranians are definitely included. On the basis of other hadiths, both in preparing the ground for operations to be conducted prior to the advent (zuhur) and at the time of the uprising of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs), the Iranians will have a pivotal role and they will constitute a large number of combatants.

In a sermon delivered by ‘Ali (‘a) regarding the supporters of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) and their nationalities, the names of some Iranian cities have been mentioned.

Asbagh ibn Nabatah said that the Commander of the Faithful (‘a) delivered a sermon in which he mentioned Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs) and his supporters who will accompany him in the uprising, saying: “One is from Ahwaz; one from Shushtar; three are from Shiraz whose names are Hafs, Ya‘qub and ‘Ali; four are from Isfahan whose names are Musa, ‘Ali, ‘Abdullah, and Ghalfan; one from Burujerd named Qadim; one is from Nahavand named ‘Abdur-Razzaq; three are from Hamedan18 whose names are Ja‘far, Ishaq and Musa; ten are from Qum whose names are that of the Ahl al-Bayt of the Messenger of Allah (and in another hadith eighteen have been mentioned); one from Shirvan’; and one is from Khurasan named Darid.

There are also five whose names are that of the Companions of the Cave; one from Amul; one from Gorgan; one from Damghan; one from Sarakhs; one from Saveh; twenty four from Taleqan; two from Qazvin; one from Fars; one from Abhar; one from Ardebil; three from Maragheh; one from Khuy; one from Salmas; three from Abadan; and one from Kazerun.”

Then, the Commander of the Faithful said: “The Noble Prophet (S) mentioned to me three hundred and thirteen persons of the supporters of al-Mahdi (‘atfs) equal to the number of the supporters in (the Battle of) Badr, and he said: ‘God will bring them from both the east and the west to the precinct of the Ka‘bah’ faster than the blink of an eye.”19

As you can observe, among the three hundred and thirteen persons constituting the special corps of Hadrat al-Mahdi (‘atfs)—who will accompany him at the beginning of the uprising—seventy two will come from the present cities of Iran. If we also take into account what has been narrated in Dala’il al-Imamah20 of Tabari and the names of cities that were in Iran at that time, the number of Iranians will become more than this.

a. Qum
Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said: “The soil of Qum is holy… Aren’t they the supporters of our Qa’im and callers toward our right?”21

‘Affan al-Basiri said that Imam as-Sadiq (‘a) said to him: “Do you know why Qum is named “Qum”?” I replied: “God, His Messenger and you know better.” He said: “It is called Qum because its inhabitants will rally behind the Qa’im of Muhammad’s Progeny (‘atfs) and rise up along with him (‘atfs). Along this line, they will show their perseverance and assist him (‘atfs).”22

b. Khurasan
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said that the Messenger of Allah (S) said: “…There are treasures in Khurasan but they are not gold and silver. Instead, they are men who will gather together on their belief in God and His Messenger.”23 Perhaps, it means that what they have in common is the correct belief in God and His Messenger, or it may mean that God will gather them one day in Mecca.

c. Taleqan
The Commander of the Faithful (‘a) said: “Blessed is Taleqan! It is because God has treasures there which are neither gold nor silver. Instead, they are men of faith who have really recognized God and they will be the companions of the Mahdi (Guided One) of Muhammad’s Progeny (‘atfs) at the end of time.”24



Well now that the Taliban is consolidating Afghanistan under Sunni Deobandi Islam (same major religious view of Pakistan,) we can clearly see how these poor unlettered herders and farmers have taken down USSR and USA. Even Iranian proxies are now failing in Afghanistan.

Nothing can explain their success but simply that there is something prophetic about these events.

Khurasaan region represents the very eastern portion of the Persian empire (including Afghanistan and Pakistan at one time,) the borders shifted over time as the Persian empire contracted. This is similar to how Sistan/Seistan, originally Sakastan, was centered in Afghanistan and Pakistan, but the name shifted further west as time went on.

Afghanistan and Pakistan represent the extreme eastern edge of the Persianate (Turko-Persian) world.

That is not mocking Islam.
It is pointing out that Iran fails at the criteria brought up.
There are other Muslim countries that does a lot better.

Please don't use the name of Allah swt in your mockery. Thanks.
Every year, newer weapons arrive online for use by the zionist regime and allies.

You had your chance in '48, '67 and '73. Any conflict now and it would be a continuous slaughter. Wait two years, and it would be even worse, every air defense system and airbase would be hit with hypersonic missiles. Then the air force would destroy the tanks and vehicles.

The Chinese know they can't stand up to USA now, they are biding their time and when they get there, even a Chinese-US conflict has risks.

The Middle East has oil and arrogance against the Yankees.

Chinese are not interested in this fight.

Israeli surface defenses, and military is not a joke. Those nuclear weapons aren't decorations either. Time to be realistic.

Israel, West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem can be merged into a single state much like the original British Palestine (One-state solution in short). Every effort for a negotiated-settlement have failed otherwise.

India got away with demolishion of Babri Mosque by the way. Anything to say in this regard? This is the outcome of OIC not having a principle stand in regards to dealing with countries which are oppressing Muslims in broad daylight. The list includes countries friendly to Iran today.

Selective judgements are leading us to nowhere, rather hypocritical and fueling FITNA.
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Racist Europeans dumped their Jewish problem on the Arabs as they were too racist to give them a country in Europe, even after killing millions of them. Germany, being the guilty party, should have been partitioned in to a Jewish homeland. That is of course, if the West really cared about righting the wrongs they did.

Instead, they dumped them in the middle east so they could fulfill their own prophecies about Jesus (as) descending from Heaven and bringing about the end times by slaughtering the Jews and other non Christians. Now they strut about with BS excuses about why they stand with Israel. Including my favourite one, "Israel is the only democracy in the middle east". Well, we can clearly see how much you love and support democracy by your actions in supporting tyrannies in the Middle east around Israel.
Nicely put. :tup:

They did not address the issue of Kashmir between Pakistan and India either. They had something in mind.
Trump is an anti semetic in the literal sense of the word
When Israel annexed East Jerusalem in 1967 there were 68 thousand Arabs. Now over 300 thousand and they live better than ever. They get best in the Middle East Israel health service for free, their minimum wage is over 1500$ a month.

Meanwhile Iran genocides millions of Muslims in Syria.
Meanwhile Iran genocides millions of Muslims in Syria.

Did IRAN send zombies to Syria and make civil war?

ISIS was created to divert the Resistance from fighting Zionism: analyst

They try to divert the Resistance from fighting Zionism to struggling against the Takfiri threat. “Israel” is very much afraid of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance, that’s why it prefers to wage an indirect war against it with the help of the Takfiri puppets.
In an interview with Khamenei.ir, Anastasia (Fatima) Ezhova* talked about Islamic identity, the resistance, Palestine, takfiri groups and more. The following is the full text of the speech:

Do you approve of the idea that today, Islamic countries lack an “Islamic Identity”? If so, how can this empower the enemies to interfere in Islamic countries?

The fact that Islamic countries lack Islamic identity can hardly be denied. We can divide the issue into two main aspects: the first one is the influence of nowadays Western liberal pop-culture and lifestyle; the second one is the problem that many Muslims all around the Islamic world often tend to follow their ancient customs more than the Islamic Shari‘ah.

As for the first phenomenon, people who are charmed with the Western lifestyle that seems to them to be attractive often imitate it in a very comic and awkward way. For example, some girls in Islamic countries apply a very excessive makeup, and they think that by these means they approach the Western lifestyle that seems to them “progressive” and oppose the Islamic lifestyle that they consider to be “backward”. But if you come to Europe you will see that the great majority of women don’t use any makeup in their ordinary life and their clothes are often simple and modest, though surely their style doesn’t fit the hijab requirements at all. And if these “westernized” Muslim-origin girls come to Europe wearing their make-up and hair-dresses, unfortunately they risk to be taken for ladies of easy morals.

This is because it’s not exactly a Western way of life but some special “culture” made for export into those countries that neo-liberal superpowers owning capital want to conquer. The aim of exporting this pop-culture, including fashion, stupid music, messengers, etc., is dumbing down the population of those states they wish to dominate, and making them deviated from any spiritual or ideological path or any aims that come above animalistic consumerism.

It doesn’t mean that the West is free from problems and that shoddy culture is just imposed on those who are outside. Different deviations, such as homosexual “marriages”, the abovementioned consumerism and many similar social diseases do exist in the Western world now, and it’s not a secret that the Western society is totally ill nowadays. That’s why open-minded and deeply-thinking Europeans, Russians, etc. often come to Islam as this religion is revealed for the whole humanity for curing its ailments and eliminating all forms of oppression and injustice.

As for the second phenomenon, namely it’s following local customs rather than Shari‘ah, it’s the ancient disease of the Ummah which has very deep historical roots. From the very beginning some Muslims deviated from the path of the Holy Prophet (as), and that’s why they rejected Ahl al-Beyt (as) who were preserving his Eminence’s political, spiritual and judicial heritage. Now unfortunately no Muslim community, whether Sunni or Shia, can be called totally free from this.

For example, some tribes consider it to be shameful for a girl to be able to read and write, and no one will marry her as she is viewed as “corrupt”, and in other societies fathers take their daughters’ dowry (mahr) as it is considered to be a “custom”. And in any Muslim society there are numerous examples of such violating the Qur’anic prescriptions in favor of “ancestors’ customs”.

This is actually described in the Holy Qur’an: “When it is said to them: "Follow what Allah has sent down." They say: "Nay! We shall follow what we found our fathers following." (Would they do that!) Even though their fathers did not understand anything nor were they guided?” (2:170). And the believers face the same problem which our Prophets (as) and Imams (as) used to confront. This means that to preserve the Islamic identity, not only a political and judicial, but also a cultural Islamic revolution should be launched. The Islamic prescriptions should become a basis for human life and mentality, not just the written law, but a living reality. If not so, enemies can easily interfere in Muslim countries’ politics because they lose the wholesome concept of Resistance which is highly held by Islam. Having said that, Why do you think Islam comes under attacks and pressures from the oppressive powers?

Surely eliminating the Islamic identity is the part of the enemies’ plan as Islam teaches people to resist, to struggle against injustice and oppression by their arms, tongues and hearts. Also, Islam denies the system built upon usury and it condemns inequality in distributing material means, urging to feed the poor and to provide them the means of an acceptable living. Add to this that Islam rejects homosexuality and other kinds of corruption, providing people with a harmonic, supple and viable system of family law. Islam prohibits all means of dumbing people down (like alcohol, gambling, lahwi music) allowing numerous natural and pure pleasures, as well as arts that makes people think and empathize, and not just entertain themselves.

Islam gives people a spiritual and political program of doing away with injustice and rebuilding the social life on the basis of Divine principles. Islam gives people such examples of heroism and self-sacrifice like Kerbela. People brought up on the images of Ashura are not afraid of death and martyrdom, so they turn to be fearless warriors and revolutionaries who cannot be suppressed by frightening them with murder or imprisonment.

That’s why the enemies, the capitalists, imperialists and oppressors see a genuine Islam as a great problem for themselves, as it’s a fatal hindrance on the way of their plans’ implementation. Islam doesn’t allow to suppress and besot people. Islam is the school of Resistance. That's why those who want to dominate the world oppressively and to take other countries’ sources aim to undermine the Islamic identity.

What’s the reason for the failure of Islamic countries to reclaim the right of the Palestinians?

The reason is the lack of unity and the lack of Islamic identity. Many of so-called Muslim rulers don’t follow Islam in any aspect. In fact being Muslim is not an issue of ethnicity and origin, it’s the issue of faith. And they lack this faith and they lack an Islamic identity, because they have sold it for the material and other values that are totally contradictory to the spirit of Islam, though they may have preserved its outward cover in a very distorted and backward form like it happens to Saudi Arabia. In fact the ideology, laws and punishments in Saudi Arabia don’t differ from those of ISIS’ too much, but the world keeps silence, making noise just of executing murderers, rapists and drug dealers in the Islamic Republic of Iran, though many kinds of mortal punishment are also present in USA. So we deal with evident double standards here.

And now we see how Saudis have sold Palestine for a vain price of this world. In fact this is a very bad example that already affects the Ummah negatively. For example, if 10 years ago it was unanimously shameful to deal with “Israel” in Muslim circles, both Sunni and Shia, now many of Muslims and even those who call themselves their “spiritual leaders” establish commercial and other types of relations with the Zionists, and it becomes acceptable in some parts of the Muslim community. And when you openly condemn such people, they answer that refusing to compromise with “Israel” is “a Shia position” that has no relation to their “moderate Sunni stance”. But this is a total absurd, as the oppressed Palestinians are mostly Sunni Muslims, and to tell the truth these people just sell their and our Muslim brothers for a disdain profit, but they simply don’t have the courage to call a spade a spade.

For sure, this is also the sign of a deep crisis of Islamic identity, mentality and solidarity in parts of the Muslim Ummah.

How does the West use terrorist groups to defame Islam?

There are lots of evidences and documents proving that the West arms and treats Takfiri militants; there is such an abundance of facts on this account that the format of an interview is too narrow to mention all of this. Add to that the fact that “Israel” bombs the positions of the Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah Resistance regularly, thus providing Takfiris the military assistance in a direct form. This fact is seen by naked eyes, and it’s surprising, why some of Zionist diplomates, politicians and propaganda employees still try to deny it.

The more interesting and important thing is why the West assists these militants.

First of all, the West wants the Islamic world to be backward. It doesn’t want it to be scientifically, intellectually and culturally developed. That’s why it invests into such obscure trends in Islamic fiqh and ideology that aim to “prove” that “the Earth is flat, and it is derived from the Holy Qur’an; those who deny it are nonbelievers, and their lives, property and women are permitted”; that “all kinds of art are forbidden”, that the modern textbooks on physics, chemistry, philosophy should be prohibited and eliminated, etc.

Due to the same reason the West wishes to weaken the Islamic world by dropping it into bloody sectarian discord. The theological, intellectual, judicial difference between Shia and Sunni, between Muslims and Christians is a normal thing, it’s a subject of a polite scientific discussion and this diversity is a potential basis of development, and not a war or a bloodshed, and it doesn’t pose a problem for a peaceful coexistence of different madhabs and confessions. But the West wants to use these differences for waging a sectarian war, that’s why it helps Takfiris who believe that “killing a Shia is even more preferable than killing a Christian”. This is the direct way to weakening the Islamic world and taking it under control.

Finally – and this aim is the most evident – it tries to divert the Resistance from fighting Zionism to struggling against the Takfiri threat. “Israel” is very much afraid of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance, that’s why it prefers to wage an indirect war against it with the help of the Takfiri puppets. As for Palestinian Resistance, for the Zionists it is profitable to create a Takfiri trend inside of it in order to weaken it due to the innate discord. For example, when some ISIS admirers appeared in Gaza, they began to blame HAMAS of “apostasy” because HAMAS is a part of Muslim Brotherhood and it recognizes some democratic procedures like elections. This trend is very dangerous and Palestinian brothers should confront Takfiri influence in order to preserve their Resistance.

Which Islamic country has been assailed more than others and why?

On the one hand, surely it’s Palestine as it has been suffering from genocide and apartheid for many decades since the creation of the so called “Israel” fake regime. But at the same time we see that at the moment Syria, Iraq and Yemen are also being assailed. And it’s a very painful thing and it’s also a part of the global war that the Western neo-liberal system and Zionists are waging against Muslims and the world of Islam.

I remember Syria in 2010 right before the war as I used to study Arabic there. The country enjoyed security and a very low rate of crimes. The country was clean and flourishing. As a Shia I could pray at any mosque and nobody among Sunni brothers and sisters showed any kind of animosity as confessional tolerance did exist in Syria. You didn’t have any fear to be murdered, raped, or tortured.

But unfortunately Saudis have already spread their influence by the means of TV channels and propaganda, and some part of the population was affected by it. This is because the global system was very much dissatisfied with Syria due to its role in the Axis of Resistance. Zionism has lost in July War of 2006 when it was defeated by Hezbollah Resistance. I’d like to mention that even them all Takfiri sheikhs used to issue sectarian fatwas “prohibiting to support Shia Hezbollah against Zionists”. And the war unleashed against Syria is the attempt of revenge made by Zionists and the world liberal system. But as a Muslim I have no doubt that inshaAllah they will definitely be defeated. The Axis of Resistance will make a triumph over them, though it may take years of fight and sacrifices like it used to be while liberating South Lebanon from the occupants. As it is said in the Holy Qur’an, “So fight you against the friends of Shaitan (Satan); Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shaitan (Satan)” (4:76).
Did IRAN send zombies to Syria and make civil war?

ISIS was created to divert the Resistance from fighting Zionism: analyst

They try to divert the Resistance from fighting Zionism to struggling against the Takfiri threat. “Israel” is very much afraid of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance, that’s why it prefers to wage an indirect war against it with the help of the Takfiri puppets.
In an interview with Khamenei.ir, Anastasia (Fatima) Ezhova* talked about Islamic identity, the resistance, Palestine, takfiri groups and more. The following is the full text of the speech:

Do you approve of the idea that today, Islamic countries lack an “Islamic Identity”? If so, how can this empower the enemies to interfere in Islamic countries?

The fact that Islamic countries lack Islamic identity can hardly be denied. We can divide the issue into two main aspects: the first one is the influence of nowadays Western liberal pop-culture and lifestyle; the second one is the problem that many Muslims all around the Islamic world often tend to follow their ancient customs more than the Islamic Shari‘ah.

As for the first phenomenon, people who are charmed with the Western lifestyle that seems to them to be attractive often imitate it in a very comic and awkward way. For example, some girls in Islamic countries apply a very excessive makeup, and they think that by these means they approach the Western lifestyle that seems to them “progressive” and oppose the Islamic lifestyle that they consider to be “backward”. But if you come to Europe you will see that the great majority of women don’t use any makeup in their ordinary life and their clothes are often simple and modest, though surely their style doesn’t fit the hijab requirements at all. And if these “westernized” Muslim-origin girls come to Europe wearing their make-up and hair-dresses, unfortunately they risk to be taken for ladies of easy morals.

This is because it’s not exactly a Western way of life but some special “culture” made for export into those countries that neo-liberal superpowers owning capital want to conquer. The aim of exporting this pop-culture, including fashion, stupid music, messengers, etc., is dumbing down the population of those states they wish to dominate, and making them deviated from any spiritual or ideological path or any aims that come above animalistic consumerism.

It doesn’t mean that the West is free from problems and that shoddy culture is just imposed on those who are outside. Different deviations, such as homosexual “marriages”, the abovementioned consumerism and many similar social diseases do exist in the Western world now, and it’s not a secret that the Western society is totally ill nowadays. That’s why open-minded and deeply-thinking Europeans, Russians, etc. often come to Islam as this religion is revealed for the whole humanity for curing its ailments and eliminating all forms of oppression and injustice.

As for the second phenomenon, namely it’s following local customs rather than Shari‘ah, it’s the ancient disease of the Ummah which has very deep historical roots. From the very beginning some Muslims deviated from the path of the Holy Prophet (as), and that’s why they rejected Ahl al-Beyt (as) who were preserving his Eminence’s political, spiritual and judicial heritage. Now unfortunately no Muslim community, whether Sunni or Shia, can be called totally free from this.

For example, some tribes consider it to be shameful for a girl to be able to read and write, and no one will marry her as she is viewed as “corrupt”, and in other societies fathers take their daughters’ dowry (mahr) as it is considered to be a “custom”. And in any Muslim society there are numerous examples of such violating the Qur’anic prescriptions in favor of “ancestors’ customs”.

This is actually described in the Holy Qur’an: “When it is said to them: "Follow what Allah has sent down." They say: "Nay! We shall follow what we found our fathers following." (Would they do that!) Even though their fathers did not understand anything nor were they guided?” (2:170). And the believers face the same problem which our Prophets (as) and Imams (as) used to confront. This means that to preserve the Islamic identity, not only a political and judicial, but also a cultural Islamic revolution should be launched. The Islamic prescriptions should become a basis for human life and mentality, not just the written law, but a living reality. If not so, enemies can easily interfere in Muslim countries’ politics because they lose the wholesome concept of Resistance which is highly held by Islam. Having said that, Why do you think Islam comes under attacks and pressures from the oppressive powers?

Surely eliminating the Islamic identity is the part of the enemies’ plan as Islam teaches people to resist, to struggle against injustice and oppression by their arms, tongues and hearts. Also, Islam denies the system built upon usury and it condemns inequality in distributing material means, urging to feed the poor and to provide them the means of an acceptable living. Add to this that Islam rejects homosexuality and other kinds of corruption, providing people with a harmonic, supple and viable system of family law. Islam prohibits all means of dumbing people down (like alcohol, gambling, lahwi music) allowing numerous natural and pure pleasures, as well as arts that makes people think and empathize, and not just entertain themselves.

Islam gives people a spiritual and political program of doing away with injustice and rebuilding the social life on the basis of Divine principles. Islam gives people such examples of heroism and self-sacrifice like Kerbela. People brought up on the images of Ashura are not afraid of death and martyrdom, so they turn to be fearless warriors and revolutionaries who cannot be suppressed by frightening them with murder or imprisonment.

That’s why the enemies, the capitalists, imperialists and oppressors see a genuine Islam as a great problem for themselves, as it’s a fatal hindrance on the way of their plans’ implementation. Islam doesn’t allow to suppress and besot people. Islam is the school of Resistance. That's why those who want to dominate the world oppressively and to take other countries’ sources aim to undermine the Islamic identity.

What’s the reason for the failure of Islamic countries to reclaim the right of the Palestinians?

The reason is the lack of unity and the lack of Islamic identity. Many of so-called Muslim rulers don’t follow Islam in any aspect. In fact being Muslim is not an issue of ethnicity and origin, it’s the issue of faith. And they lack this faith and they lack an Islamic identity, because they have sold it for the material and other values that are totally contradictory to the spirit of Islam, though they may have preserved its outward cover in a very distorted and backward form like it happens to Saudi Arabia. In fact the ideology, laws and punishments in Saudi Arabia don’t differ from those of ISIS’ too much, but the world keeps silence, making noise just of executing murderers, rapists and drug dealers in the Islamic Republic of Iran, though many kinds of mortal punishment are also present in USA. So we deal with evident double standards here.

And now we see how Saudis have sold Palestine for a vain price of this world. In fact this is a very bad example that already affects the Ummah negatively. For example, if 10 years ago it was unanimously shameful to deal with “Israel” in Muslim circles, both Sunni and Shia, now many of Muslims and even those who call themselves their “spiritual leaders” establish commercial and other types of relations with the Zionists, and it becomes acceptable in some parts of the Muslim community. And when you openly condemn such people, they answer that refusing to compromise with “Israel” is “a Shia position” that has no relation to their “moderate Sunni stance”. But this is a total absurd, as the oppressed Palestinians are mostly Sunni Muslims, and to tell the truth these people just sell their and our Muslim brothers for a disdain profit, but they simply don’t have the courage to call a spade a spade.

For sure, this is also the sign of a deep crisis of Islamic identity, mentality and solidarity in parts of the Muslim Ummah.

How does the West use terrorist groups to defame Islam?

There are lots of evidences and documents proving that the West arms and treats Takfiri militants; there is such an abundance of facts on this account that the format of an interview is too narrow to mention all of this. Add to that the fact that “Israel” bombs the positions of the Syrian Arab Army and Hezbollah Resistance regularly, thus providing Takfiris the military assistance in a direct form. This fact is seen by naked eyes, and it’s surprising, why some of Zionist diplomates, politicians and propaganda employees still try to deny it.

The more interesting and important thing is why the West assists these militants.

First of all, the West wants the Islamic world to be backward. It doesn’t want it to be scientifically, intellectually and culturally developed. That’s why it invests into such obscure trends in Islamic fiqh and ideology that aim to “prove” that “the Earth is flat, and it is derived from the Holy Qur’an; those who deny it are nonbelievers, and their lives, property and women are permitted”; that “all kinds of art are forbidden”, that the modern textbooks on physics, chemistry, philosophy should be prohibited and eliminated, etc.

Due to the same reason the West wishes to weaken the Islamic world by dropping it into bloody sectarian discord. The theological, intellectual, judicial difference between Shia and Sunni, between Muslims and Christians is a normal thing, it’s a subject of a polite scientific discussion and this diversity is a potential basis of development, and not a war or a bloodshed, and it doesn’t pose a problem for a peaceful coexistence of different madhabs and confessions. But the West wants to use these differences for waging a sectarian war, that’s why it helps Takfiris who believe that “killing a Shia is even more preferable than killing a Christian”. This is the direct way to weakening the Islamic world and taking it under control.

Finally – and this aim is the most evident – it tries to divert the Resistance from fighting Zionism to struggling against the Takfiri threat. “Israel” is very much afraid of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance, that’s why it prefers to wage an indirect war against it with the help of the Takfiri puppets. As for Palestinian Resistance, for the Zionists it is profitable to create a Takfiri trend inside of it in order to weaken it due to the innate discord. For example, when some ISIS admirers appeared in Gaza, they began to blame HAMAS of “apostasy” because HAMAS is a part of Muslim Brotherhood and it recognizes some democratic procedures like elections. This trend is very dangerous and Palestinian brothers should confront Takfiri influence in order to preserve their Resistance.

Which Islamic country has been assailed more than others and why?

On the one hand, surely it’s Palestine as it has been suffering from genocide and apartheid for many decades since the creation of the so called “Israel” fake regime. But at the same time we see that at the moment Syria, Iraq and Yemen are also being assailed. And it’s a very painful thing and it’s also a part of the global war that the Western neo-liberal system and Zionists are waging against Muslims and the world of Islam.

I remember Syria in 2010 right before the war as I used to study Arabic there. The country enjoyed security and a very low rate of crimes. The country was clean and flourishing. As a Shia I could pray at any mosque and nobody among Sunni brothers and sisters showed any kind of animosity as confessional tolerance did exist in Syria. You didn’t have any fear to be murdered, raped, or tortured.

But unfortunately Saudis have already spread their influence by the means of TV channels and propaganda, and some part of the population was affected by it. This is because the global system was very much dissatisfied with Syria due to its role in the Axis of Resistance. Zionism has lost in July War of 2006 when it was defeated by Hezbollah Resistance. I’d like to mention that even them all Takfiri sheikhs used to issue sectarian fatwas “prohibiting to support Shia Hezbollah against Zionists”. And the war unleashed against Syria is the attempt of revenge made by Zionists and the world liberal system. But as a Muslim I have no doubt that inshaAllah they will definitely be defeated. The Axis of Resistance will make a triumph over them, though it may take years of fight and sacrifices like it used to be while liberating South Lebanon from the occupants. As it is said in the Holy Qur’an, “So fight you against the friends of Shaitan (Satan); Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shaitan (Satan)” (4:76).
Prior ISIS rebels controlled most of the Syria. Assad was rapidly losing ground. Then came ISIS (Baath officers trained in Russia and Russians citizens) and started attacking rebels and Kurds. As result Assad recovered.

Under excuse of fighting ISIS Iran and Russia genocided millions of Syrians not related to ISIS at all. And they continue this genocide right now.
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