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Trump's Presidency And What It Would Mean For Iran - Attempt 2

Trump.... we here in the US are going through massive protest and racial tensions all over the place so he himself could be the start of a bigger national unity problem or expand the alreday dire situation, .....

Really ? Where do you live, Teheran ? Because while there are tensions you make it sound like there is fighting in the streets and martial law. Not quite, junior. The only douche bags protesting are the anarchist Bernie Sanders fucks. And they're only a few hundred in my town.:usflag:
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your points are not quite valid , trump is no more of an idiot than obama was , moreso over , he is not an ahmadinejad elected by americans , cause america is not iran , he will send the US economy into a deep recession i agree , but that's where the US economy was headed anyway , with or without Hillary
He's the president but i would assume most his decisions concerning iran would be made by his vice man Pence , or other people around him ,
he also might have a daughter married to a jew , but that would only make him slightly hateful of jews not in favor of jews

From here now on , it really depends on how iran would get along with Trump , not the other way , he's stated that himself ; if we continue to hear things like "Trump has eaten too much 'sugar' " from senior iranian politicians , then we can't really expect much. Cause trump , unlike Obango , is quite eccentric , he might tolerate bad words about the USA but not about himself.

Oh , and "Mexicans" don't really exist , there are codewords for iranian americans and other muslims in america. He's a businessman like you said yourself , and businessmen don't really hate mexicans ..
Really ? Where do you live, Teheran ? Because while there are tensions you make it sound like there is fighting in the streets and martial law. Not quite, junior. The only douche bags protesting are the anarchist Bernie Sanders fucks. And they're only a few hundred in my town.:usflag:

No I'm from the North East and yes I meant what I said. Thousands of protest and public disapproval of Trump constitutes wide spire tension on a national scale ( I support Trump over Hillary just thought you'd like to know).

Lol you know there is wide spread racial tensions that resulted in that the death of around 50 cops these past two years alone. And many more examples (FBI reported that violent crime wentry back up on 2015 and the trend is on an upward path).

I would also appreciate it if you didn't call me "junior".

I care deeply for the US (since I was birn and I lice here) and I would like to see us go in a direction that is prosperous.
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I care deeply for the US (since I was birn and I lice here) and I would like to see us go in a direction that is prosperous.

Boy, if you care about the US you will respect the democratically-elected president of the United States Donald J. Trump
Boy, if you care about the US you will respect the democratically-elected president of the United States Donald J. Trump

Please do tell where did I show my disapproval of president elect Trump. In my post ealier before, I had given my perspective on the situation that is all.

Using derogetory words like "boy" even though you know nothing about me to reach that conclusion, taints your own sense of civility and only ruins the future prospect of us both having a civilized conversation. I would like to believe that persons on the forum have a level of professionalism when they a dress another but that seems to not be the case.

Trump is the president-elect and that's all he is right now, until he proves himself he doesn't deserve respect, only dictators and despots demand respect from thoughs beneath them. My respect lies with my fellow American and the electoral system that I hope is still true and just. He is elected, I supported him over Hillary (knowing Hillary has a criminal record that if it had been anyone else that had done what she did, they'd be in jail no questons asked).

As I told someone else just recently do not call me "boy" or "junior" for that matter it's disrespectful. I certainly wouldn't call you "boy", just because I want to say a simple message.
US president-elect not to accept Iran deal as it is: Advisor
Fri Nov 11, 2016 9:22AM
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President Barack Obama (R) and President-elect Trump met at the White House Thursday to symbolically begin the transition of power.

US President-elect Donald Trump will demand changes to the 2015 nuclear deal between the P5+1 group and Iran, one of his aides says.

The agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was struck in July 2015 between Iran and the P5+1 group comprising the US, France, China, Britain, Russia and Germany.

Ever since the deal was struck, its opponents in US Congress have been threatening that a future US administration opposed to the agreement would scrap it.

During the election campaign, Trump threatened that he would “tear up” the JCPOA or try to renegotiate its terms if elected president.

“Ripping up is maybe a too strong of word, he’s gonna take that agreement, it’s been done before in international context, and then review it,” Trump's adviser Walid Phares told BBC radio Thursday.

“He will take the agreement, review it, send it to Congress, demand from the Iranians to restore few issues or change few issues, and there will be a discussion,” Phares added.

Phares said, “It could be a tense discussion but the agreement as is right now…is not going to be accepted by a Trump administration.”

The JCPOA, harshly opposed by Republicans in Congress, was reached as a political commitment rather than a treaty ratified by lawmakers, making it vulnerable to a new US president.

On Thursday, the USA Today said the US House was preparing to debate legislation that aims to prevent US banks from financing Boeing’s planned sale of $25 billion worth of planes to Iran.

Boeing has signed an initial agreement to sell or lease more than 100 jets to Iran but the agreement has come under strong criticism from many American politicians.

According to the US paper, the bill from Rep. Bill Huizenga would prohibit US banks from financing the plane sale and would revoke any Treasury Department approval of the sale granted before the legislation is approved.

In a speech to the pro-Israeli lobby group AIPAC in March, Trump declared that his "number-one priority” would be to "dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran.”

By contrast, he has conceded it would be hard to destroy a deal enshrined in a United Nations resolution. In August 2015, he said he would not "rip up” the nuclear deal, but that he would "police that contract so tough they don’t have a chance.”


Officials and diplomats from Iran, the EU, and the P5+1 group of countries pose for a picture during a final press conference after the Iran nuclear talks in Vienna, Austria, July 14, 2015. (Photo by AFP)
On Thursday, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, who represented the P5+1 during the nuclear negotiations, told CNN that the US cannot cancel the deal.

“The Iranian nuclear agreement is not a mutual deal between Iran and US, but a multilateral agreement, which I am still responsible as the chairman of joint commission to supervise the full implementation of nuclear agreement by all sides,” she said.

Russia and France have also made assertions to the same effect.

Iranian reaction

President Hassan Rouhani said Wednesday that the nuclear deal has been reflected in a United Nation Security Council resolution and cannot be dismissed by one government.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Muhammad Javad Zarif also urged Trump to stick to international agreements.

"Every US president has to understand the realities of today's world. The most important thing is that the future US president stick to agreements, to engagements undertaken," Zarif said in Romania.

Other Iranians, however, said the country was prepared for any eventuality.

"We have defined our nuclear program in such a way that we can continue in any situation," the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran's spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi said.

“When Trump assumes office, his advisers will tell him that he does not have too many options versus Iran and cannot turn a blind eye to Iran’s interests,” he added.

Back in July, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said, “We will not violate the JCPOA, but if the opposite side violates it - as US presidential candidates are currently threatening to tear up the JCPOA - if they tear up the JCPOA, we will burn it.”

Don't read too much about Trump's election rhetoric against Muslims:

However, Iran nuclear deal might get derailed though, because it was no treaty, it was just a political commitment by Obama admin, and Trump, backed by Sheldon Adelson, a Jewish billionaire, and staunch opponent of Iran, both businessmen are friends to each other.


The Trump campaigners and the media are trying to hide the connection between the candidate and the Jewish community, knowing full well that Trump’s family has close ties to the Jewish community in that his daughter Ivanka is married to a Jew Jared Kushner and converted to Judaism, and his son Eric is married to a Jewish woman, Lara Yunaska.

As I told someone else just recently do not call me "boy" or "junior" for that matter it's disrespectful. I certainly wouldn't call you "boy", just because I want to say a simple message.

Love, I'm a girl so it makes no sense for you to call me boy.

Using derogetory words like "boy" even though you know nothing about me to reach that conclusion, taints your own sense of civility and only ruins the future prospect of us both having a civilized conversation. I would like to believe that persons on the forum have a level of professionalism when they a dress another but that seems to not be the case.

My child, calm down we aren't in the days of duels and honour anymore. Stop being so grumpy.
Lets hope trump starts another war in the middle east and ends the sand people
Any political discussion about leaders should, first of all, not revolve around calling any of them idiots. Doesn't matter what they say or how they act, none of them are leaders, because an idiot won't be able to reach such a high status. Doesn't matter which country. They will have a certain skillset, talent, and intelligence to be able to reach a level that millions others in their country won't be able to do.

So, put aside the idiocy line of argument, and then look at any leader in a more pragmatic manner.

Trump's success is not a surprise. He has had experience with politicians, the media, business world, and show business. He is a pragmatic person. As of now, we really don't know him that much, because while we can't rely on any politician's statements during campaigning, we specially can't know Trumps. But we do know, at least, that Clinton would have been an absolutely terrible choice for Iran.

People need to understand that Obama wasn't good for Iran at all. People keep talking about Obama's deal with Iran. But Obama's Deal with Iran merely removed 50% of the restrictions HE HIMSELF PLACED ON IRAN. It's like someone burning down your big house, and then giving you a temporary small apartment because you are homeless, and you become so happy for their charity, forgetting that the reason you needed their charity was due to their own damn fault!

Let us be reminded that the most DAMAGING sanctions against Iran was in 2010, a year after Obama took office,
Ayatollah Khamenei

“Unlike some of those in the world who have either been mourning or celebrating the results of the American elections, we are neither mourning nor celebrating and the results make no difference to us,” he said in Tehran on Wednesday.

“We have no worries and by the grace of God, we are ready to face any possible eventuality,” the Leader told a group of visitors from the central Iranian city of Isfahan.

From here on really depends on how top iranian figures , non-clerical , get along with Trump . If they indeed fall for the democratic american propaganda and bash trump just because he's not a black iconic figure head like obama ; then trump is gonna strike back if not with sanctions then with tomahawk missiles , it's at the utmost importance to remind people in iran how important it is just to get along with trump and do not make ridicule of him or his wife

Personally i think trump is not after iran by default , if he wants to start a war to save his credentials at home it would be either in a place like philipines or in africa .. where obama comes from ..

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