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Trump wants to chip all Muslims with special ID noting their religion


Aug 29, 2014
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Donald Trump stuck a toe across the Nazi line Thursday morning in the ongoing hysteria over Muslim immigrants.

The Republican presidential frontrunner refused to rule out requiring Muslims to carry special identification showing their faith — which the Third Reich required Jews to do with a yellow badge that resembled the Star of David.

“We’re going to have to do things that we never did before,” Trump told Yahoo News. “Some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule.”

The Nazi policy was based on an anti-Semitic practice in Medieval and Renaissance European nations, and historians say it played a large role in paving the way for acceptance of the Holocaust.

“The German government’s policy of forcing Jews to wear identifying badges was but one of many psychological tactics aimed at isolating and dehumanizing the Jews of Europe, directly marking them as being different (i.e., inferior) to everyone else,” according to the Holocaust Center. “It allowed for the easier facilitation of their separation from society and subsequent ghettoization, which ultimately led to the deportation and murder of 6 million Jews.”

Trump also refused to rule out warrantless searches as part of his call for increased surveillance of Muslim houses of worship, and he has also suggested that U.S. mosques could be shut down if they are deemed to be a security threat — although he’s not certain that’s legal.

“Certain things will be done that we never thought would happen in this country in terms of information and learning about the enemy,” Trump said. “We’re going to have to do things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago.”

The real estate tycoon and reality TV star said he was open to registering U.S. Muslims in a special database, in addition to requiring them to publicly identify themselves by their faith.

“We’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,” Trump said. “We’re going to have to look at the mosques. We’re going to have to look very, very carefully.”

The GOP candidate suggested that he would consider former New York Police Department Commissioner Ray Kelly, who oversaw a controversial surveillance program against Muslims following 9/11, for a position in his administration, if he was elected next year.

“Ray’s a great guy,” Trump said. “Ray did a fab job as commissioner, and sure, Ray would be somebody I’d certainly consider.”

Trump has repeatedly praised the program, which remains the subject of a federal lawsuit and did not result in a single investigative lead or arrest.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump would not explain how registering American Muslims in a “database” would be different from the identification Germany’s Nazi regime forced upon Jewish residents, in footage aired on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show on Thursday night.

The footage shows NBC reporter Vaughn Hillyard asking from off-camera, “Why would Muslim databases not be the same thing as requiring Jews to register in Nazi Germany? What would be the difference? Is there a difference between the two?”
After asking Hillyard where he works, Trump refuses to say anything but, “You tell me” before walking away.

“Should Muslims be fearful?” Hillyard asks. “Will there be consequences if they don’t register?”

However, Trump says nothing and continues walking away from the reporter.

The real estate mogul’s reluctance to address the question came after he told Hillyard that he “would certainly implement” such a database against the country’s Muslim population, saying that it would be “good management.” Later, Hillyard said, his campaign staff refused his request to obtain further clarification from Trump regarding his remarks.

Hillyard pursued that line of questioning following Trump’s refusal earlier in the day to discount forcing Muslims to carry specialized identification marking their religion, saying, “Certain things will be done that we never thought would happen in this country in terms of information and learning about the enemy.”

Real-estate mogul Donald Trump doubled down on potentially closing down certain US mosques during a Tuesday interview on Fox News.

Host Sean Hannity pressed on Trump on the topic, emphasising that any shuttered mosques would be places where authorities could prove there was “terroristic threats” and “talk of jihad.”

“Nobody wants to say this and nobody wants to shut down religious institutions or anything, but you understand this,” Trump replied.

“We’re gonna have no choice,” he added. “There’s absolutely no choice. Some really bad things are happening and they’re happening fast.”

The Republican presidential front-runner generated national headlines earlier in the week when he said he’d “strongly consider” closing some US mosques in order to combat terrorism.

“You’re gonna have to do something,” Trump emphasised during his Hannity interview. “Some bad things are happening — and a lot of them are happening in the mosque. And you’re gonna have to do something. And I’m not the only one saying this. Other countries are saying this, frankly. But some really bad things are happening.”

Trump also repeated his controversial vow to kick out Syrian refugees in the US if he wins the presidential race.

“If they come into this country, they’re going out. If I win, they’re going out,” Trump said, warning that the refugees could be “the ultimate Trojan horse” for terrorists.

“It’s not worth the risk,” he added.
And after that I suppose he will suggest Mexicans and all Latinos in the US be chipped as well.
After His genious Trump to carry a badge or ID noting "stupidity ahole candidate blower"
"Proposes tracking down illegal immigrants through employers"

So what's wrong with that????
It's probably standard procedure in many countries.
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If Americans will vote for him, I will doubt their intellectuality. What is wrong with this guy? He doesn't even have ability to interrupt things, have no maturity, no respect for others, no respect for current president. ANDDDDD he wants to run for presidency???? MR. TRUMP WE HAVE A PROBLEM CALLED TRUMP. MAY GOD SAVE USA FROM THIS PROBLEM. Also, if you think with oppressing Muslims in USA will help you to win the election, you are very wrong.
Keep in mind a large percentage of White Americans support him and his rhetoric, that's why he's one of the leading candidates of the Republican platform. It's entirely based on hate and militarism, from suggesting a wall be constructed with Mexico and Canada, deporting illegals aka Mexicans to creating a database with mandatory registration for Muslims. The entire premise of this database is preposterous as there's no way to categorically know who's Muslim or not unless you racially profile based on suppositions and that's exactly the underlying meaning behind it.

The focus shouldn't be so much on Trump but the rising neonazi fascist attitudes of Whites everywhere which includes large portions of Europe. As the West continues to weaken economically in the face of a rising Asia, this type of rhetoric and scapegoating will continue to gain traction until race wars inevitably break out in the US and elsewhere. At that point it won't matter if you're Muslim, Chinese, Indian, Mexican or Black, it will be everyone vs neonazi Whites.
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Keep in mind a large percentage of White Americans support him and his rhetoric, that's why he's one of the leading candidates of the Republican platform. It's entirely based on hate and militarism, from suggesting a wall be constructed with Mexico and Canada, deporting illegals aka Mexicans to creating a database with mandatory registration for Muslims.

The focus shouldn't be so much on Trump but the rising neonazi fascist attitudes of Whites everywhere which includes large portions of Europe.

It is a natural response to the rising terrorist attitudes of muslims everywhere /s
If narindar mody can become PM why not trump ..lets make this world a hell...
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