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Trump wants to chip all Muslims with special ID noting their religion

Trump is exactly what the United States need as an 'going all out with a bang' last president. With trump in the White House, expect the U.S. to initiate world war 3.
I'm really excited for the election. I actually wanna see what he would do if he gets elected and see if the majority of Americans are really that retarded to vote him in.
I pray he wins and don't let those ''Pakistanis'' in who belittled us and tooted for Amrka like @Syed.Ali.Haider
I pray he wins and don't let those ''Pakistanis'' in who belittled us and tooted for Amrka like @Syed.Ali.Haider

You can pray all you want. I can pray too. :D
Such discrimination at a global scale....
Vote for Trump. Look on the bright side he will bring bikini clad secretaries that will help decrease the tension in serious political meetings .
If narindar mody can become PM why not trump ..lets make this world a hell...
you guys don't give chance to anyone else to make this world hell.
I don't think this will need to happen .

Current situation Muslim Quarantine themselves ... .....:undecided:
obama is a muslim. He's doing nothing against ISIS. Usa has learned nothing after 9/11. It took ages to capture the skalywag osama. Trump should destroy all mosques and temples from USA.
What Trump has suggested is stupid and needlessly divisive, but I find it duplicitous on part of Pakistanis who are offended by this move. My understanding is that the Pakistani passport already carries a section mentioning the religion of the passport holder - I am sure it is for the convenience of non-Muslims and deemed non-Muslims such as Ahmadiyas. Secondly, the constitution of Pakistan actively discriminates against non-Muslims by barring them from certain key posts (please correct me if I am wrong). Isn't this similar to what Trump and some other fringe idiots have suggested?

Charity, they say, begins at home. Evidently, the dictum doesn't apply to some.
you guys don't give chance to anyone else to make this world hell.

Lol india top by recruiting Terrorist PM mody who wants to convert whole country..invitation to terrorist org india become fertile for terrorist. Good luck
What Trump has suggested is stupid and needlessly divisive, but I find it duplicitous on part of Pakistanis who are offended by this move. My understanding is that the Pakistani passport already carries a section mentioning the religion of the passport holder - I am sure it is for the convenience of non-Muslims and deemed non-Muslims such as Ahmadiyas. Secondly, the constitution of Pakistan actively discriminates against non-Muslims by barring them from certain key posts (please correct me if I am wrong). Isn't this similar to what Trump and some other fringe idiots have suggested?

Charity, they say, begins at home. Evidently, the dictum doesn't apply to some.

Pot calling the kettle black? Or is Modi's India some beacon of tolerance?
It's entirely based on hate and militarism, from suggesting a wall be constructed with Mexico and Canada, deporting illegals aka Mexicans

How is securing an international border hatred and militarism ?
How is deporting ILLEGAL immigrants wrong ?

Remember there are millions of LEGAL immigrants peacefully living in USA without any trouble. He talked only of ILLEGAL immigrants, not all Mexicans in general. The only way Mexicans would find deportation of ILLEGAL Mexicans offensive would be if ILLEGALLY crossing international border to settle ILLEGALLY in USA was a part of their culture or something.

People are quick to point out that USA is not letting legal immigrants in that easily, but they forget to take a look at things the other way. Can a US citizen immigrate to Mexico as easily as a Mexican citizen can immigrate to the US and obtain a nationality ? The answer is a clear no.
I don't think this will need to happen .

Current situation Muslim Quarantine themselves ... .....:undecided:

I hold you all indians, responsible, for what the few violent ones have done harm to innocent people.

How is securing an international border hatred and militarism ?
How is deporting ILLEGAL immigrants wrong ?

Remember there are millions of LEGAL immigrants peacefully living in USA without any trouble. He talked only of ILLEGAL immigrants, not all Mexicans in general. The only way Mexicans would find deportation of ILLEGAL Mexicans offensive would be if ILLEGALLY crossing international border to settle ILLEGALLY in USA was a part of their culture or something.

People are quick to point out that USA is not letting legal immigrants in that easily, but they forget to take a look at things the other way. Can a US citizen immigrate to Mexico as easily as a Mexican citizen can immigrate to the US and obtain a nationality ? The answer is a clear no.

Spot on!
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