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Trump to visit Saudi Arabia in first foreign trip, seeking new ties with Muslim world

Jubeir: Great effort by Mohammed bin Salman led to Trump visit to Riyadh

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir. (File photo: AP)

Staff writer, Al Arabiya English
Friday, 5 May 2017

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir in a Twitter message commended the great effort by the Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in managing the Saudi-US relationship.

“The President's first foreign trip will be to a Muslim country. Thank you Mohammed bin Salman and welcome President Trump,” Jubeir said in another tweet.

Speaking to reporters in Washington, Jubeir said on Thursday that the Trump administration has taken steps in the congressional notification process to advance the sale of Raytheon Co precision-guided missiles to the US ally.

“The administration has released them and they’re in the process now of working on the notification to the US Congress,” Jubeir said.

The sale is expected to include more than $1 billion worth of the munitions made by Raytheon Co, people familiar with the talks have said, including armor-piercing Penetrator warheads and precision guided Paveway laser-guided bombs.

With regards to the sale and the Arab coalition's support of the Legitimate government in Yemen to return to power, a US official said: “The Trump administration, as you heard from (Secretary of Defense Jim) Mattis, wants to be supportive of the coalition in Yemen because they understand that this is a ... conflict that involves Iran.”

Following the 2011 uprising against Yemen’s then-President Ali Abdullah Saleh, several events occurred that led to the country’s political turmoil. As factions fought for control of Yemen, the power vacuum led Iran-backed Houthi militias to take advantage of instability and rising fuel prices to oust Hadi’s government in Sept. 2014.

Fighting extremism
The foreign minister said the upcoming visit by US President Donald Trump to the kingdom would enhance cooperation between the United States and Muslim countries in the fight against extremism.


Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said that the Trump administration has taken steps to advance the sale of Raytheon Co precision-guided missiles to the Kingdom. (Shutterstock)

Speaking to reporters after the Trump administration said the president would visit Riyadh this month, Jubeir said the trip would include a bilateral summit, a meeting with Arab Gulf leaders and another with leaders of Arab and Muslim countries.

“It’s a very clear message to the world that the US and the Arab Muslim countries can form a partnership,” Jubeir said.

“It will lead to, we believe, enhanced cooperation between the US and Arab and Islamic countries in combating terrorism and extremism and it will change the conversation with regards to America’s relationship with the Arab and Islamic world.”

“It’s a clear and powerful message that the US harbors no ill will” toward the Arab and Muslim world, he said. “It also lays to rest the notion that America is anti-Muslim. ... It’s a very clear message to the world that the US and the Arab Muslim countries can form a partnership.”

(With inputs from Reuters)

Last Update: Friday, 5 May 2017 KSA 10:36 - GMT 07:36


They have a strategic alliance between them, thee is no bribing involved, just interests, In the US and Canada, if you bribe to get business you go to jail.. KSA has almost a trillion dollar invested in the US on top of being a big weapons and civilian goods customer.. but that is not the point.. KSA is already on its way to parallel the Oil revenues with other revenues that will be enough on their own to replace the revenues from Oil..where the latter will become the second revenue instead of the principal one.. And more important is the fact that KSA has built strategic alliances with China, Japan, South Korea, African nations and the whole Muslim world, so one should understand that with the USA or without, KSA is a powerful nation..
I wish Iran good, and hopefully there will be no confrontation with Arabs, since both Sunnis and Shia'a are Muslims and confrontation between them will only benefit others, so it is advisable and wise to prevent and avoid it for the sake of the well being of all Muslims who are striving for a better life and a better future..

Well said, bro.

Anyway the troll that you are replying to is probably not even able to find his own pockets!

Walid Bin Talal holds no official position in Saudi politics..

The road to dollar survival goes through KSA.

Mr. Trump is visiting to seek assurance for the continued survival of the petro-dollar system.

Goes on to show that KSA, and per default GCC, has a yuuuge leverage...the KSA doesn't brag about it. Subtle as always.

If they can make Mr. Obama wait and come to the desert to visit the late King... well...

Mr. Trump is making his first foreign visit to KSA is a signal on so many fronts... analysts will be busy for a while...

Regardless, it appears that the KSA will continue on its current strategic course and expand Eastwards.

Just in course of a few decades... people of the desert have become central players in the world geopolitics...amazing!

Books can be written about it...but then KSA likes to keep its secrets...

Goodluck to MbS...youngman is moving fast.

Did he made an offer to Mr. Trump that Mr. Trump couldn't refuse?
So trumps going to Saudi then Israel then Rome ...
Muslims , Jews and christians

Why not India for the Hindus ?

They even worship trump and have built temples for it .
Trump understands that if he'll solve the Palestinian conflict with regional powers, it'll restore U.S un doubtful political power, and will create a western power in form of gulf + Israel powers.
This news will surely give heart burn ti those Wannabe Warrior Hindutwa Thugs who worshipped him :lol:
Are these the same people who supported Modi's trip to Saudi Arabia and UAE? If memory serves, Modi was well received there. So how will Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia exactly affect them?

After Obama left office, there was going to be an upturn in Saudi-US relations, either it be Clinton or Trump in the White House. This is what's happening.

The road to dollar survival goes through KSA.

Please explain why?

He said he will be going to SA where he will meet the gathering of other Islamic countries. As far as I know, this month the formation of Islamic military alliance headed by Raheel Shareef will take shape in Saudi Arabia. Other then that, there is no gathering happening in SA, well at least I am not aware.
Trump understands that if he'll solve the Palestinian conflict with regional powers, it'll restore U.S un doubtful political power, and will create a western power in form of gulf + Israel powers.

Well then solve the conflict, it's all in your hands. If you want a relationship with Arab nations, it's not difficult.
Goodluck to MbS...youngman is moving fast.

Did he made an offer to Mr. Trump that Mr. Trump couldn't refuse?
$100 billion arms deal and $200 billion investments and joint ventures both in KSA (contracting American companies) and directly in the US economy.. a $40 billion investment in the US infrastructure was announced a few days back.. and this is just the financial part of it..
The best part yet is the transfer of technologies to KSA as well as R&D JVs..
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$100 billion arms deal and $200 billion investments and joint ventures both in KSA(contracting American companies) and directly in the US economy.. a $40 billion investment in the US infrastructure was announced a few days back.. and this is just the financial part of it..

This is a step in the right direction. Diversification is the key here. KSA has a few Trillions tied up/invested in US for decades..both private and KSA gov holdings.

Young, educated KSA population needs a perspective.

MbS has spent his youth in the company of his good father when other young princes where partying in Paris. So he is quite mature for his age.

What I would like to see, of course, KSA expanding its investments in Pak and Turkey as well.
In the long run the combined industrial relationship will serve all very well.

Can you imagine if KSA and GCC combine invest 100 bln in Pak?

In my view Arab Heartland and the Heartlands of Pak-Turkey need to be intertwined. This is imperative on so many fronts.

Who knows one day down the road Iran can also choose to join in...then there can finally be Peace in the Greater Heartland.

All of us here on PDF must promote such integeration. The misery has lasted too long now.
KSA can always play its historic role in such integeration.

Despite the fabulus wealth that the arabs are blessed with...they still need Pak-Turkey to be in as well. So, let us all remain positive!
Iran also has oil $$$. Why don't you try bribing Trump? Stubbornly denying your mistake won't get you anywhere.
Without the sanctions, Iran would have bought more than $100 billion of weapons from the US.. So it is mostly envy.. (a negative and not too healthy emotion)..As soon as the nuclear deal was reached, Iran wanted to buy Made in USA civilian airliners worth tens of billions of $..Hypocrisy is another negative trait and emotion.. wish good for Iran though, but hope they can wish good for others too, that is the most positive emotion one can have and display..
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The folly of the Iranian mullahs in Syria has made Trump make a u-turn. Congratulations to our Iranian mullahs who simply could not see it coming.
Well those Mullahs are still better than Haseena aren't they?

So trumps going to Saudi then Israel then Rome ...
Muslims , Jews and christians

Why not India for the Hindus ?

They even worship trump and have built temples for it .
Bengalis too. I see many Moslis taunting Iran. I guess they need some Burnol.
As soon as the nuclear deal was reached, Iran wanted to buy Made in USA civilian airliners worth tens of billions of $

Is that a problem? The Americans and Europeans make the best (and in some categories the only) airliners. We were denied airliners for decades and hundreds died as a result. Are we supposed to stand by and watch our people die?
Trump is there for Saudi Oil and investments .. but lets wait till this summit is over, I am very curious to hear what Trump has to say on Islamic NATO ..
Interestingly, such an Islamic alliance was first coined by President Clinton. He even asked for suggestions from the leading Muslim thinkers of the time. Then, Monica Lewinski incident sprang up and he spent the rest of his presidency on defining what "sex" is!!!!! What a wastage of time and energy!!!!!!
Without the sanctions, Iran would have bought more than $100 billion of weapons from the US.. So it is mostly envy.. (a negative and not too healthy emotion)

You really think the political situation following the revolution would have permitted such arms sales?

And I don't think anyone envies a country with no military independence. We were like that in the 1980s and see how well that ended for us.
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