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Trump team takes issue with Pakistani version of phone talk

Perhaps "common diplomatic nicety" would be a more accurate phrase.

I agree. Hell, I even want some of these protocols to be mandated by the UN so they are effective all across. Thee niceties as you called them, work well for everyone. Not just the US. Thanks
Trump is delusional and a proven liar. Nawaz isnt far off either. So, I don't know who to believe here. The Only thing to hint at here is the Indians panicked so much that they got someone on the trump's team to come up with this explanation today.

What people have to realize is that Trump is unpredictable. his methods are brash and highly nonsensical. He could be against something one day and pro it a day after. This is just a tiny hint of the kind of diplomatic nightmare this guy is going to be.

As far as the CNN and the rest of media houses here creating a big fuss is concerened then Pakistanis should know they it don't matter nothing what these big media wigs say. If their opinion mattered so much Trump would have never become the President. American public does not give a crap what CNN or NYT or the Washington post says. We're in a new age now. The Trump's age.

Why tk drag Indians in this self goal?
Why don't you instead worry about the illegal settlement building on Palestinian land? We will worry and take care of our leaders.

LOL Fool, Pakistanis don't give a crap about Trump or the US. The Americans chose their leader who likes to talk indecently and colorfully. We didn't tell Trump to grab a pu$$y. We are too busy developing our Pakistan whilst your country is busy killing people in Kashmir. If anything, your dear American friends cannot let go of Pakistan despite so much hate and accusations. They keep reiterating how important it is bla bla bla... Instead of lecturing us tell your American friends to stop calling as an "ally". Tell them to mind their own business because Pakistan has much better allies.
The earlier Pak can de-leverage the better. The folks getting the most of the heat are those closest. The mantra is - what have you done for me tomorrow? Good luck for them....
They don't have to; it stands as a breach of standard protocol. But it's a breach that non-Pakistani policymakers need to recognize happens all too often in discussions with their Pakistani counterparts.

One diplomat told me that the problem with Pakistan is so extensive that his counterpart reported to Pakistani press stuff totally different from their conversation - and when he complained to the press about it, he was told they'd print whatever they wanted. After that he stopped discussions with that official - it was safer not to say anything at all.

I've heard this before. There is an understanding between diplomats not to lie. pakistani diplomats routinely breach this and that's why no one likes dealing with them.
It was a stupid and idiotic move by PM and his media team they're trying to improve his image which has been badly damaged after panama leaks but i don't understand the obsession of our neighbors with this? i mean this issue is between Pak-US who the hell are you people? why don't you just learn to mind your own business?

I concur. The transcript should not have been released ideally. It is an amateur mistake and to place it like some trophy on the official site is a pathetic move. Believe it or not, the way the transcript reads it seems authentic. Such exaggerated words and phrases can only be said by Trump. No doubt. PML-N wanted to score brownie points, but it hasn't done them any good.

Like Trump, our politicians also have a terrible habit of overstating things. Our leaders are always trying to score political points at any expense for local consumption. Even if this goes against norms, convention or the interests of the nation. These are unfortunately our leaders and we cannot deny their bad habits. Imran Khan is one rare exception in my opinion. He has his weaknesses, but you won't ever see him scoring false brownie points. He may occasionally say immature stuff, but never with the intention to impress and score political points.
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Like Trump, our politicians also have a terrible habit of overstating statements. These are unfortunately our leaders and we cannot deny their bad habits.
Agreed they're really immature and because of their stupidity we've have to face this embarrassment now.
More like jewish media and indians got severe butt hurt, maybe Trump did it intentionally :lol:

We have no problem with Americans wanting to remain a white country and we have no agendas for race mixing , our only issue is intervention in our country by outside powers
If only our awaam realize that people they're voting for only care about themselves and not the country.

The trouble is that the nation is trapped and has been bred in these circumstances for decades. Additionally, as a nation we have a lot of retrospection to do. We lack character. Corruption and other terrible habits have unfortunately become part of our DNA. We don't differentiate between halal and haram. This is the bitter truth. The problem exists on both sides of the spectrum.
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