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Trump team takes issue with Pakistani version of phone talk

Releasing the conversation is a diplomatic master stroke by Pakistan.

NS and team deserves full credit.
Have you seen the quality of their diplomats? During the match fixing saga in london, their top diplomat there came out and said to media " i have had a word with the players and they are innocent ".

This seriously happened. He had a word with the players and concluded they were innocent.
There is nothing wrong with their quality of diplomats. The problem is that their military wants to run their diplomats. These are two different skills. Plus they run diplomacy on emotions.
Did they deny the 'substance' of the relese? No. But that it lacked 'flowery language'.

Yes they did DENY the substance , now if you are not willing to read then thats not my problem i provided you with a credible link

(WASHINGTON: The Trump transition team has issued its own version of the Sharif-Trump telephone call, saying that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and US president-elect Donald Trump did have a ‘productive conversation’ on Wednesday, but it lacked the “flowery language” included in the Pakistani version of this talk.)

(“President-elect Trump and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif spoke … had a productive conversation about how the United States and Pakistan will have a strong working relationship in the future,” said the Trump transition team in a rare readout of his conversation with a foreign leader.

“President-elect Trump also noted that he is looking forward to a lasting and strong personal relationship with Prime Minister Sharif,” the statement added.

An unidentified adviser to the Trump team said the Pakistani readout of the talk had “committed the president-elect to more than what he meant”.

Other members of the Trump team, quoted in media, pointed out that the Pakistanis overplayed Mr Trump’s offer to play “a role” in resolving Pakistan’s disputes with India )

India. http://www.dawn.com/news/1299914/trump-team-takes-issue-with-pakistani-version-of-phone-talk

now it doesn't takes a genius to figure out that in diplomatic language that's not only a denial , but also a clear cut Rebuke !

@Solomon2 @Syed.Ali.Haider
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as long as people within Pakistan believe what they are told, there is no problem.

Nobody in Pakistan is dancing to the beats of dhol to celebrate whatever the US president elect said over the phone to PM of Pakistan. What I see is an unidentified Trump adviser making indians have an orgasm of their life.

And my personal opinion may be people living in Pakistan know something more about their country than people who left Pakistan .............. the later should visit sometime to come up with better ideas at how not to always criticize Pakistan and its people.
Yes they did DENY the substance , now if you are not willing to read then thats not my problem i provided you with a credible link

(WASHINGTON: The Trump transition team has issued its own version of the Sharif-Trump telephone call, saying that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and US president-elect Donald Trump did have a ‘productive conversation’ on Wednesday, but it lacked the “flowery language” included in the Pakistani version of this talk.)

(“President-elect Trump and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif spoke … had a productive conversation about how the United States and Pakistan will have a strong working relationship in the future,” said the Trump transition team in a rare readout of his conversation with a foreign leader.

“President-elect Trump also noted that he is looking forward to a lasting and strong personal relationship with Prime Minister Sharif,” the statement added.

An unidentified adviser to the Trump team said the Pakistani readout of the talk had “committed the president-elect to more than what he meant”.

Other members of the Trump team, quoted in media, pointed out that the Pakistanis overplayed Mr Trump’s offer to play “a role” in resolving Pakistan’s disputes with )

India. http://www.dawn.com/news/1299914/trump-team-takes-issue-with-pakistani-version-of-phone-talk

now it doesn't takes a genius to figure out that in diplomatic language that's not only a denial , but also a clear cut Rebuke !

@Solomon2 @Syed.Ali.Haider

An unidentified adviser to the Trump team said (to who????) the Pakistani readout of the talk had “committed the president-elect to more than what he meant”.

Other members (who said to whom?) of the Trump team, quoted in media, pointed out that the Pakistanis overplayed Mr Trump’s offer to play “a role” in resolving Pakistan’s disputes with )

Here you go, you missed highlighting those few words, which are the soul of that whole story from Dawn. Seriously, this is what your argument is based upon? and you feeling like a champ, aren't you???? annnnnnd you got +20 :rofl:, I am seriously thinking about resigning from here :disagree:, raising voice for changing rating system, but right now have to get a very goooood night sleep, so I am out, adios amigos.
I have never seen a more country on foreign policy then pakistan. This is not just one incident, they constantly make errors and the prime reason for the same is they think foreign policy is gali ke dosti. Acchi batin kar li chai pela di ghuma diya aur ksush.

I am saying about press brief........i can show you many videos where leaders and diplomats making blunders in their speech.. your PM was infamously reading from a piece of paper in front of Obama.and it was so embarrassing . it happens. happens with many leaders.... what i am saying is when you release a statement to media .......follow diplomatic protocol....the words which have been used by your press release.......its childish.....see the reactions from all quarters....look at your media .. how they are making fun of it.
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