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Trump storms out of Exec Order signing ceremony

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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Donald Trump has stormed out of an executive order signing ceremony without singing the orders after being questioned over Michael Flynn and Russia.

Exactly a week after his vow to “repeal and replace” Obamacare imploded in Congress, the President told assembled reporters he was going to “get down to some serious business”.

The two executive orders, sitting on his desk in the Oval Office, aimed to put his drive for American trade and manufacturing jobs back at the top of the agenda, ordering a study into the cause of US trade deficits and a crackdown on import duty evasion.

“We're going to investigate all trade abuses, and, based on those findings, we will take necessary and lawful action to end those many abuses,” Mr Trump said, before handing over to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and National Trade Council Director Peter Navarro.

But after Mike Pence hailed a “great day for the American economy” in a planned speech, Mr Trump took back the podium to cut the event short.

“Thank you everybody, you’re going to see some very, very strong results very, very quickly – thank you very much,” he said, before swiftly walking towards the door.

Mr Pence gave him a passing tap on the arm as other attendees at the signing ceremony appeared confused, with Mr Trump flashing a thumbs up before leaving the Oval Office.


Donald Trump leaves without signing executive orders on trade during a ceremony at the Oval Office of the White House on 31 March (AP)

The President appeared to become flustered as a reporter called out questions on his former national security adviser Mr Flynn, who Mr Trump claimed should “ask for immunity” in investigations into links between his administration and the Russian government.

“With your tweet, were you trying tell the Justice Department to grant immunity to Michael Flynn?” he could be heard asking.

“Were you trying to do that Mr President, was that your intention sir?”

The Vice President rushed to the doorway and had a brief word with his superior, presumably to tell him he had forgotten to sign the executive orders waiting on his desk.

Mr Trump motioned towards himself before disappearing into a corridor, leaving Mr Pence to collect the documents and lead the group out in front of bemused members of the press.


Vice President Mike Pence was left to collect the executive orders Donald Trump had been due to sign on 31 March (Reuters)

The incident unfolded on the White House’s official live stream of the event but was cut from an edited video later posted on Mr Trump’s personal Twitter account.

A lawyer for Mr Flynn said he was in talks with congressional committees investigating Russia’s alleged interference in the US election to testify before them in exchange for immunity from prosecution.

He was forced to resign from his role as national security adviser after admitting he gave the Vice President “incomplete information” about discussions with the Russian ambassador over sanctions.

Mr Trump took to Twitter to urge Mr Flynn to “ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!”

Critics swiftly pointed out that the President had himself attacked the practice after Democratic staff were given immunity in the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

“If you're not guilty of a crime, what do you need immunity for?” he asked a supporters’ rally.

Mr Trump has been struggling to move attention away from the continuing scandal over Russia’s alleged interference in his favour but has suffered several embarrassing defeats on his attempted immigration bans and healthcare reforms.

His latest executive orders came before he meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Florida, a summit that promises to be fraught with trade tensions.

Mr Trump said he and Mr Xi were “going to get down to some serious business” and vowed that “the theft of American prosperity” by foreign countries would end.

One of the orders directed the Commerce Department and the US trade representative to conduct a 90-day review of the causes of massive trade deficits, with the second trade will non-payment and under-collection of anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties on foreign goods.
What a baby. This man is the Commander in Chief of the United States? LOL! The fact that this man has access to nuclear weapons is a very worrying thought. I have a feeling this nutcase is going to do something quite breathtakingly stupid on a global scale. It is just a matter of time. He is funny now but just wait and see how seriously screwed up and dangerous this all gets.
What a baby. This man is the Commander in Chief of the United States? LOL! The fact that this man has access to nuclear weapons is a very worrying thought. I have a feeling this nutcase is going to do something quite breathtakingly stupid on a global scale. It is just a matter of time. He is funny now but just wait and see how seriously screwed up and dangerous this all gets.

LOL this man has divided his country so bitterly. Never before have we seen such hatred, division and anger among the populace.

Trump also has a serious ego problem. He can go to any length to get his right. The Americans are in for a very rude awakening with Trump as their president.

As long as Trump keeps pissing off people on his own shores the world can live with that.
LOL this man has divided his country so bitterly. Never before have we seen such hatred, division and anger among the populace.

Trump also has a serious ego problem. He can go to any length to get his right. The Americans are in for a very rude awakening with Trump as their president.

As long as Trump keeps pissing off people on his own shores the world can live with that.

Trump is the face of the emasculated white male in the USA who is terrified of becoming a minority on their stolen plot of land. He is also the face of the Alt-Right where the real power is in his administration. Steve Bannon is the one with the brains in this White House and is immensely powerful. But he also has an agenda which he calls 'economic nationalism' which is basically a euphamism for rebuilding 'white power' all over the Anglo Saxon world. Bannon is the dangerous one, he also has a deep obsession with 'war' and see's it in a romanticised way, epic producing events. He is an archetypal Right wing white racist nutjob. Trump is the dog and pony show to keep everyone entertained while Bannon proceeds to 'dismantle the administrative State' (those are his own words and phraseology). Trump's treatment of Merkel is an example of what the Trump administration really is. Merkel is hated by the Alt Right, including Steve Bannon and why? Because they think Merkel is responsible for the 'Islamization' of Europe. This is going to get much much worse.
The difference between Pakistani politicians and Donald trump is, in Pakistan people are worried that politicians don't fulfill their promise these politicians made before elections while in US the people are worried what if Donald trump fulfill all he promises he made prior to the elections.
The difference between Pakistani politicians and Donald trump is, in Pakistan people are worried that politicians don't fulfill their promise these politicians made before elections while in US the people are worried what if Donald trump fulfill all he promises he made prior to the elections.

LOL! Indeed.
Trump is the face of the emasculated white male in the USA who is terrified of becoming a minority on their stolen plot of land. He is also the face of the Alt-Right where the real power is in his administration. Steve Bannon is the one with the brains in this White House and is immensely powerful. But he also has an agenda which he calls 'economic nationalism' which is basically a euphamism for rebuilding 'white power' all over the Anglo Saxon world. Bannon is the dangerous one, he also has a deep obsession with 'war' and see's it in a romanticised way, epic producing events. He is an archetypal Right wing white racist nutjob. Trump is the dog and pony show to keep everyone entertained while Bannon proceeds to 'dismantle the administrative State' (those are his own words and phraseology). Trump's treatment of Merkel is an example of what the Trump administration really is. Merkel is hated by the Alt Right, including Steve Bannon and why? Because they think Merkel is responsible for the 'Islamization' of Europe. This is going to get much much worse.

You do realize that Anglo-Saxons make up maybe 8% of the US population.
English speaking then. Is that better?

Not sure what English speaking gains. Even English is just a secondary language in most of Europe.

Also not sure what your non-white thing is about since even middle easterners are considered white in the US.
Not sure what English speaking gains. Even English is a second language in most of Europe.

Alright, I will dispense with the niceties. Steve Bannon is a white supremacist racist. His concern is for white people everywhere whether they are Anglos or not. All his euphamisms such as 'economic nationalism' are just replacements for white supremacy. His wet dream is a white America and a white Europe free from Islam which he perceives to be 'cancerous' for Western civilization. That is the gist and if you want to go onto details please visit Breitbart news which was his spiritual home for a long time.
Alright, I will dispense with the niceties. Steve Bannon is a white supremacist racist. His concern is for white people everywhere whether they are Anglos or not. All his euphamisms such as 'economic nationalism' are just replacements for white supremacy. His wet dream is a white America and a white Europe free from Islam which he perceives to be 'cancerous' for Western civilization. That is the gist and if you want to go onto details please visit Breitbart news which was his spiritual home for a long time.

The problem is you are confusing white with some European-centric thing.
As I stated even middle easterners are considered white in the US.

If you think Bannon has some pro-european tilt in immigration then maybe that could be true but I'm sure there are plenty of European countries he wouldn't like either. So maybe he only wants people from the top European countries.

I work with a Syrian and he is about as white looking as anybody from Europe.
RSS placed their bet on the wrong horse to destroy Islam rather he is destroying himself and not letting baniyas in on H1B visas


Alright, I will dispense with the niceties. Steve Bannon is a white supremacist racist. His concern is for white people everywhere whether they are Anglos or not. All his euphamisms such as 'economic nationalism' are just replacements for white supremacy. His wet dream is a white America and a white Europe free from Islam which he perceives to be 'cancerous' for Western civilization. That is the gist and if you want to go onto details please visit Breitbart news which was his spiritual home for a long time.
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