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Trump says Jerusalem will be Israel’s ‘undivided capital’ under Middle East peace plan

They should not have built a Mosque on any part of the Temple Mount.
It is as simple as that.
And while You keep harping about the Temple of Solomon, You are conveniently forgetting about the Second Temple aka the Temple of Herod of which there is ample proof.
Well temple mount is sacred to all abrahamic religion so your claim they should have not built a mosque there is mute , baseless as non sense . Christians built a church there so Muslims also built a mosque there.we didn't built over the ruins of temple of Solomon or either the second temple.

By the way before talking nonsense about it read my post again more than 2/3rd of it is talking about the 2nd temple and I only put facts about temple of Solomon at the end .

In either case the Mosque is at least hundred of meter away. So your argument Muslim built mosque there because it was originally Jews temple is mute , nonsense, childish and at best derived from the wrong understanding of the facts.

And by the way temple mount don't belong to the Jews all the religion who find their roots in Abraham teaching care about it and I assure you there are more than Jews, muslim or Christian who are considering the root of their religion be what Abraham pbuh taught.
Again for you
Temple of Solomon

And the second temple

In either case the Mosque is more than one or two block away . and nothing is sacred about what herod built the sacred part is the temple of Solomon or more exactly where holy of holies lied inside it and nobody knew the exact location but the prevalent idea is its around the area of dome of rock or more exactly the "foundation stone" there and that's why when Jews enter the temple mount they try not put their back toward it and they won't enter it. They have no such care about Al-aqsa mosque.

Why does Abbas reject the plan ?
wmosque.why he accept to a plane that cut Palestine directly from all other Muslim countries and made it an island inside Israel. Why he must accept a plane that take still more land from the Palestinian. Why he must accept a plane which is brain child of Kushner and Netanyahu and no one asked why palestinian think . Why he must accept a plane that take away all the resources out of the hand of Palestinians . Why he must accept a plan that make Palestine more densely populated than java island and give it less resource than Sahara . Why he accept a plane that take away Palestine capital from them and turn it to an administrative building inside Israel capital. Why he must accept a plane that in it Palestinian lose everything and only recieve empty promises with not even a single guaranty that those promises will be honored.
And more importantly why he accept a plane that in it what he give is 100 time more valuable than what he receive.
wmosque.why he accept to a plane that cut Palestine directly from all other Muslim countries and made it an island inside Israel. Why he must accept a plane that take still more land from the Palestinian. Why he must accept a plane which is brain child of Kushner and Netanyahu and no one asked why palestinian think

He is talking about the 2000 peace plan which the Palestinians had no reason to reject , and had they accepted they would have a state by now.

Why did they reject this :

It is not for you to decide what is holy for the Jewish religion.
While Jews, Christianity and Islam all share the same faith in a single god,
Christianity was founded by Jews that believed Jesus Christ was Messias,
and is thus based on the Jewish religion.
Islam is not based on the Jewish religion, instead it is based on Muhammeds direct contact,
and is forced upon Jerusalem by foreigners.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built upon what was believed to be the tomb of Jesus.
That was clearly outside the temple. Christians do not make any claim to any part of the temple.
Muslims do make claims to the temple of Herod, and reject the right of Jews to their own temple.
The second intifada was started because Jews visited the wailing wall.

He is talking about the 2000 peace plan which the Palestinians had no reason to reject , and had they accepted they would have a state by now.

Why did they reject this :


I believe that Yassir Arafat commented on this himself. He rejected the deal since he feared that he would be assassinated by fanatics, if he accepted any peace agreement which was not 100% lopsided in favour of Islamists.
It is not for you to decide what is holy for the Jewish religion.
While Jews, Christianity and Islam all share the same faith in a single god,
Christianity was founded by Jews that believed Jesus Christ was Messias,
and is thus based on the Jewish religion.
Islam is not based on the Jewish religion, instead it is based on Muhammeds direct contact,
and is forced upon Jerusalem by foreigners.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built upon what was believed to be the tomb of Jesus.
That was clearly outside the temple. Christians do not make any claim to any part of the temple.
Muslims do make claims to the temple of Herod, and reject the right of Jews to their own temple.
The second intifada was started because Jews visited the wailing wall.
Again insisting on make statements that bas3d on wrong assumption.
First its not Muslims that stop Jews building their temple its Jews lack of knowledge about the exact location of the solomon temple as Jews can't enter certain places of the original temple and by the way as I showed you even Jews admit that Al-Aqsa is at least hundred meter away from the original temple. (Also the same apply about Harold temple)

By the way, why argue with me ask Jews and see what they say about herod temple its sacred or not ?
And second intefada did not started because Jews went and visited the wailing wall. It was because Sharon aka the butcher of sabra and Shatila accompanied by an army of security force entered temple mount and talked the provocative talks about east Jerusalem belong to Israel.

He is talking about the 2000 peace plan which the Palestinians had no reason to reject , and had they accepted they would have a state by now.

Why did they reject this :

aIsrael.are you sure in 2000 any peace plan was reached ? I think Palestinian right now rejected 1993 Oslo accords after this Kushner-Netanyahu incident.
Saudi Arabia backs Trump’s deal, calls for direct Israel-Palestine talks
January 30, 2020 at 10:42 am


The Saudi Kingdom announced on Wednesday its support for the US president, Donald Trump’s “deal of the century”, as announced in the White House and endorsed by Israel.

In a statement reported by news agencies, the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed: “The Kingdom reiterates its support for all efforts aimed at reaching a just and comprehensive resolution to the Palestinian cause.”

The statement added: “The kingdom appreciates the efforts of President Trump’s administration to develop a comprehensive peace plan between the Palestinian and the Israeli sides.”

READ: The Palestinians face a double battle as the repercussions of Trump’s plan emerge

As a measure to start the implementation of the deal, the statement asserted that the Kingdom: “Encourages the start of direct peace negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, under the auspices of the US.”

Meanwhile, it called to resolve any disagreements with aspects of the plan, through negotiations and: “To move forward the peace process to reach an agreement that achieves legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.”

In a move described by observers as a display of hypocrisy, the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammad Bin Salman, informed Palestinian Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, that his country’s position on the Palestinian issue: “Has not changed, all the Arabs and we are with you.”

Again insisting on make statements that bas3d on wrong assumption.
First its not Muslims that stop Jews building their temple its Jews lack of knowledge about the exact location of the solomon temple as Jews can't enter certain places of the original temple and by the way as I showed you even Jews admit that Al-Aqsa is at least hundred meter away from the original temple. (Also the same apply about Harold temple)

By the way, why argue with me ask Jews and see what they say about herod temple its sacred or not ?
And second intefada did not started because Jews went and visited the wailing wall. It was because Sharon aka the butcher of sabra and Shatila accompanied by an army of security force entered temple mount and talked the provocative talks about east Jerusalem belong to Israel.

aIsrael.are you sure in 2000 any peace plan was reached ? I think Palestinian right now rejected 1993 Oslo accords after this Kushner-Netanyahu incident.

And Sharon is a Jew who went to the Wailing Wall.
Palestinians riot when Jews go to the temple mount.
It does not matter if they say something or not.
Do you think there would be a conflict about this if Islam had not conquered Jerusalem?
@A.P. Richelieu you seem to be too much biased against muslims but I don’t know why
No matter what you will always find a way to put blame on muslims at the end
christians almost killed jews not once but twice first time it was recoqnista second time it was hitler it’s interesting to note that when spanish catholics wanted to do genocide it was the turks/ottomans(musims) who rescued them
Maybe you have just crusader mentality ;)
As i said before temple of solomon there were pagan temples in the same place in jersusalem so if we want to go back in time we should go from the beginning of earth and teach each other “lessons” who has more rights solomon(süleyman) is important figure in islam as well
In 2000 it failed because of right to return. What about adding to that not recognising 1967 borders by USA and Israel. What about not answering the temple mount issue .

I think you make it easy on yourself :

Clinton blamed Arafat after the failure of the talks, stating:

"I regret that in 2000 Arafat missed the opportunity to bring that nation into being and pray for the day when the dreams of the Palestinian people for a state and a better life will be realized in a just and lasting peace."

The failure to come to an agreement was widely attributed to Yasser Arafat, as he walked away from the table without making a concrete counter-offer and because Arafat did little to quell the series of Palestinian riots that began shortly after the summit.[29][30][31]

In My Life, Clinton wrote that Arafat once complimented Clinton by telling him, "You are a great man." Clinton responded, "I am not a great man. I am a failure, and you made me one."[33]

@A.P. Richelieu you seem to be too much biased against muslims but I don’t know why
No matter what you will always find a way to put blame on muslims at the end
christians almost killed jews not once but twice first time it was recoqnista second time it was hitler it’s interesting to note that when spanish catholics wanted to do genocide it was the turks/ottomans(musims) who rescued them
Maybe you have just crusader mentality ;)
As i said before temple of solomon there were pagan temples in the same place in jersusalem so if we want to go back in time we should go from the beginning of earth and teach each other “lessons” who has more rights solomon(süleyman) is important figure in islam as well

The original question was if Muslims have the right to Al Aqsa just because it is holy in Islam,
does that give other religions any rights to stuff that are holy to them.
The only response has been WhatAboutisms and denials that things are holy to others.
What do You expect?
Not bad deal after all. Palestinians will not get better one in foreseeable future. Only one moment - why Americans trying to solve Palestine issue without Palestinians? It does not make any sense.
The original question was if Muslims have the right to Al Aqsa just because it is holy in Islam,
does that give other religions any rights to stuff that are holy to them.
The only response has been WhatAboutisms and denials that things are holy to others.
What do You expect?
If jews find al-aqsa as holy they should respect it I don’t have problem but if they think al-aqsa should be demolished so that third temple is constructed then we have sectarian view by jews and evangelicals
First of all, if Arabs had been TRULY supporting Palestine, Trump would not have the audacity to present this horrible plan to the international world. Simple.

ARABS FAILED AGAIN, so they've lost their status and dignity AGAIN. Middle east Power is now in Turkey and Iran's hands. Thats why Ismail Haniyeh was in Tehran for Soleimani's burial.

Pakistan is pretty much a Saudi slave at this point in time, especially with the current economic conditions. I doubt we will hear anything from our government, except maybe a two sentence statement.

Oh well, I say let the Arabs sell their land away. As long as Al-Aqsa is open to Muslims, it doesn't consider me as a Pakistani. The Israelis can have the rest of Palestine.
This post started off good....but ended up delusional. Let Israel have the land? DAMN BRO....what would Pakistan be today withiout all its land? Why you fighting for Kashmir if you dont need the land??

Who cares about what UN says it’s literally the most useless international organization ever created
Everybody does... Mr.NIHILIST. LOL. The only reason you made this comment is because the UN actually matters. Maybe not completely, or accurately, or timely, but its still the most internationally relevant organization in the world. You can ignore it but that doesnt change its existence, relevance or power in the real world.
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