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Trump says Jerusalem will be Israel’s ‘undivided capital’ under Middle East peace plan

First of all, if Arabs had been TRULY supporting Palestine, Trump would not have the audacity to present this horrible plan to the international world. Simple.

a vassal state gives support? someone who is on behalf of another one on the throne will oppose them? man the arabs are ruled by a bunch of vassals, dictators, and cia agents they do as commanded..

thank them for splitting up and killing the only entitiy that would have secured them..

israel will grab more and more.. palestinians have lost.. eu us and israel is getting more and more powerfull agressive and rightwing and will do more and more steps forward and they will never ever step back!

I ask myself do the palestinians still work together with saudi and israel in the mediterranean sea? do they? did they step back? this is a serious question wich needs to be anwered..
Not bad deal after all. Palestinians will not get better one in foreseeable future. Only one moment - why Americans trying to solve Palestine issue without Palestinians? It does not make any sense.
they didn't want to join the talks
If jews find al-aqsa as holy they should respect it I don’t have problem but if they think al-aqsa should be demolished so that third temple is constructed then we have sectarian view by jews and evangelicals

Yes, you do not have a problem if the ”right” of Islam is honoured,
but a problem if the ”right” of Jews and Evangelicals are honoured.
What you should come up with is a compromise which gives equal rights
to all religions.
And Sharon is a Jew who went to the Wailing Wall.
Palestinians riot when Jews go to the temple mount.
It does not matter if they say something or not.
Do you think there would be a conflict about this if Islam had not conquered Jerusalem?
with an army and what about his speech there .
it was a calculating and provocative act . he and his groups didn't want peace as there was groups on other side who didn't wanted peace .
Yes, you do not have a problem if the ”right” of Islam is honoured,
but a problem if the ”right” of Jews and Evangelicals are honoured.
What you should come up with is a compromise which gives equal rights
to all religions.
And what would be the compromise?? If you have idea then please share it would be appreciated
religious rules in jerusalem have been made by sultan in coordination with western most powerful states at the time
You can say that palestinians are rejecting everything that they act selfishly but on the other side israel is doing the same thing but there are major differences israel is one of the top military powers with nukes and they can do anything they want as long as US is behind them (forever)
My solution would be to take jerusalem from jews and palestinians it’s obvious that they are too much sectarian and don’t deserve the city
Jerusalem should have be governed by international security forces and should have foreign mayor that will be only focused on economy related issues
As for the religious rules this is interesting situation cause before ottoman sultan the roman emperor made them then followed arab islamic states and finally ottoman sultan my question is who has now right to change the rules cause all of the mentioned historical states are gone
Should we give that privilege to US which has fake history or to be more specific it is artificial state made by transferring european settlers 250-280 years ago
Why should country that doesn’t have tradition be allowed to decide about religious issues? If we allow that to US then for we should allow gay church as well in jerusalem
why not if we break the rules then anarchy is the solution and everyone can do whatever he wants
My point is that religion issues are based on history and traditions if we start fixing them by modern means(I don’t have problem with this method) then lots of things will change in the world but i am not sure if for better or worse
The original question was if Muslims have the right to Al Aqsa just because it is holy in Islam,
does that give other religions any rights to stuff that are holy to them.
The only response has been WhatAboutisms and denials that things are holy to others.
What do You expect?
and you missing the point that the temple mount is sacred to all Abrahamic religion not only Jews and Al-Aqsa is at least 100m away from Temple of Solomon or second temple

And what would be the compromise?? If you have idea then please share it would be appreciated
religious rules in jerusalem have been made by sultan in coordination with western most powerful states at the time
You can say that palestinians are rejecting everything that they act selfishly but on the other side israel is doing the same thing but there are major differences israel is one of the top military powers with nukes and they can do anything they want as long as US is behind them (forever)
My solution would be to take jerusalem from jews and palestinians it’s obvious that they are too much sectarian and don’t deserve the city
Jerusalem should have be governed by international security forces and should have foreign mayor that will be only focused on economy related issues
As for the religious rules this is interesting situation cause before ottoman sultan the roman emperor made them then followed arab islamic states and finally ottoman sultan my question is who has now right to change the rules cause all of the mentioned historical states are gone
Should we give that privilege to US which has fake history or to be more specific it is artificial state made by transferring european settlers 250-280 years ago
Why should country that doesn’t have tradition be allowed to decide about religious issues? If we allow that to US then for we should allow gay church as well in jerusalem
why not if we break the rules then anarchy is the solution and everyone can do whatever he wants
My point is that religion issues are based on history and traditions if we start fixing them by modern means(I don’t have problem with this method) then lots of things will change in the world but i am not sure if for better or worse
you welcome to do that . nor Jews neither Muslims will agree to that . the only solution is a country for both of them with equal rights and duties , pursuing any two country solution is waste of time and useless
Yes, you do not have a problem if the ”right” of Islam is honoured,
but a problem if the ”right” of Jews and Evangelicals are honoured.
What you should come up with is a compromise which gives equal rights
to all religions.
Also evangelicals are basically christian wahhabies( christians puritanists) in otner news they don’t represent in reality christians but if you think they do then i would respect your view and won’t counter it with arguments/facts

and you missing the point that the temple mount is sacred to all Abrahamic religion not only Jews and Al-Aqsa is at least 100m away from Temple of Solomon or second temple

you welcome to do that . nor Jews neither Muslims will agree to that . the only solution is a country for both of them with equal rights and duties , pursuing any two country solution is waste of time and useless
Jerusalem should be governed by a normal man that understands all sides not some crazy zionist/jihadist/crusader retarded mind
with an army and what about his speech there .
it was a calculating and provocative act . he and his groups didn't want peace as there was groups on other side who didn't wanted peace .
That would have been a valid argument if that was the only time when Palestinians riot about the Temple Mount.
Are you claiming that Palestinians do not riot for other reasons on this issue?
That would have been a valid argument if that was the only time when Palestinians riot about the Temple Mount.
Are you claiming that Palestinians do not riot for other reasons on this issue?
they usually riot about Al-Aqsa mosque not Temple mount
And what would be the compromise?? If you have idea then please share it would be appreciated
religious rules in jerusalem have been made by sultan in coordination with western most powerful states at the time
You can say that palestinians are rejecting everything that they act selfishly but on the other side israel is doing the same thing but there are major differences israel is one of the top military powers with nukes and they can do anything they want as long as US is behind them (forever)
My solution would be to take jerusalem from jews and palestinians it’s obvious that they are too much sectarian and don’t deserve the city
Jerusalem should have be governed by international security forces and should have foreign mayor that will be only focused on economy related issues
As for the religious rules this is interesting situation cause before ottoman sultan the roman emperor made them then followed arab islamic states and finally ottoman sultan my question is who has now right to change the rules cause all of the mentioned historical states are gone
Should we give that privilege to US which has fake history or to be more specific it is artificial state made by transferring european settlers 250-280 years ago
Why should country that doesn’t have tradition be allowed to decide about religious issues? If we allow that to US then for we should allow gay church as well in jerusalem
why not if we break the rules then anarchy is the solution and everyone can do whatever he wants
My point is that religion issues are based on history and traditions if we start fixing them by modern means(I don’t have problem with this method) then lots of things will change in the world but i am not sure if for better or worse

You break it, you fix it.
Not my job to come up with a solution.
The initial idea for partition was to split the mandate into two parts with Jerusalem as a separate entity. The Arabs rejected this in 1948, and neighbouring countries occupied what was supposed to be the Arab part.
Meanwhile Israel has had control over Al-Aqsa for over 50 years without it beeing destroyed.
You break it, you fix it.
Not my job to come up with a solution.
The initial idea for partition was to split the mandate into two parts with Jerusalem as a separate entity. The Arabs rejected this in 1948, and neighbouring countries occupied what was supposed to be the Arab part.
Meanwhile Israel has had control over Al-Aqsa for over 50 years without it beeing destroyed.
If they won’t destroy it then status quo should continue
Maybe best thing for arabs and jews is to return jerusalem under turkish control ;) hahahahah
and you missing the point that the temple mount is sacred to all Abrahamic religion not only Jews and Al-Aqsa is at least 100m away from Temple of Solomon or second temple

you welcome to do that . nor Jews neither Muslims will agree to that . the only solution is a country for both of them with equal rights and duties , pursuing any two country solution is waste of time and useless

The whole Temple Mount was within the Second Temple.
And no, I don’t forget.
Many Muslims want exclusive rights to the Temple Mount,
and believe their rights are important, while the rights of others can be dismissed.
The Palestinian leadership does not want a state where Jews are even allowed to live, let alone given rights.

If they won’t destroy it then status quo should continue
Maybe best thing for arabs and jews is to return jerusalem under turkish control ;) hahahahah
The Israelis has shown that they can respect some Muslim rights.
The Palestinians are yet to show that they are capable of respecting the rights of Israeli citizens AFAIK.

they usually riot about Al-Aqsa mosque not Temple mount
The Al Aqsa is situated on the Temple Mount.
No contradiction here.

Also evangelicals are basically christian wahhabies( christians puritanists) in otner news they don’t represent in reality christians but if you think they do then i would respect your view and won’t counter it with arguments/facts

Jerusalem should be governed by a normal man that understands all sides not some crazy zionist/jihadist/crusader retarded mind
US Evangelicals are definitely extremists, no question about it.
There is no reason that Muslim extremists should have more rights than other extremists.
The whole Temple Mount was within the Second Temple.
wrong and more importantly its not even important as there was no herod temple for at least 700 year
i suggest go and look t the map i post here earkier

The Al Aqsa is situated on the Temple Mount.
No contradiction here.
Al-Aqsa mosque is a tiny place at the side of temple mount

look at the area marked red
wrong and more importantly its not even important as there was no herod temple for at least 700 year
i suggest go and look t the map i post here earkier

Al-Aqsa mosque is a tiny place at the side of temple mount

look at the area marked red
The whole wall is part of the second temple, not just the central building.
You might find it unimportant due to the time since the Romans destroyed it, but that does not make it so.
The whole wall is part of the second temple, not just the central building.
You might find it unimportant due to the time since the Romans destroyed it, but that does not make it so.
the wall or Buraq wall or wailing wall whatever you call it is in western side of temple mount not southern side that Al-Aqsa is situated
as it seems that you are not aware of the geography of temple mount let post another picture of the wailing wall

gain its away from Al-Aqsa and has nothing to do with it.
by the way the wall is not part of the temple, why you insist on spreading the misinformation ?
its part of retaining wall that Herod built when he wanted to expand temple mount . but it was not part of the second temple you can see it by the pilgrims who put their hand in the crack of the wall while praying , if it was part of the second temple they were not allowed to do so.
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