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Trump says Jerusalem will be Israel’s ‘undivided capital’ under Middle East peace plan

I have been following your conversation , have not joined in because I think Human life is more important than some stone structure.

But you are right that all main stream Rabbis prohibit going up the temple mount , since no one knows for sure exactly where the holly place of the temple was located.

I thought it worth mentioning , that the third prophesied temple that is supposed to come at the end of days , is not something that man can build by itself. As it is supposed to represent a situation where man will have a direct connection to God.

If you remember , both temples where built in a time when we still had living prophets walking among us.

If some man attempts to build it on his own today , it would be just another house of bricks and stone , with no spiritual value what so ever , and of those we have plenty of.

Even worse, it would be the source of conflict rather than peace , not what was promised by the prophets.

Here is how the prophet Isaiah describes it :

" And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. "

Isaiah 2:2

thanks , intresting to read those aspect of it.
by the way , the holy site is supposed to be somewhere inside the first temple , and we knew in time of Herod they extendd mount temple . I wonder if the ban on entering mount temple is just on its original area or entering the extended area is also banned?
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thanks , intresting to read those aspect of it.
by the way , the holy site is supposed to be somewhere inside the first temple , and we knew in time of Herod they extendd mount temple . I wonder if the ban on entering mount temple is just on its original area or entering the extended area is also banned?

There are many elaborated rules regarding the temple mount .

Just to get a notion:

In the past , before they could enter anywhere in the temple mount they had to purify themselves ( e,g bath in a live source of water )

Than the more you got closer to the " holy of holiest " ( the place where only the high priest would enter ), there where more rules and restrictions.

The " holy of holiest " was the place where the ark of the covenant was standing.

This is how it is described in the Quran :

" And their prophet said to them, "Indeed, a sign of his kingship is that the chest (tābūt) will come to you in which is assurance (sakīnatun) from your Lord and a remnant of what the family of Moses and the family of Aaron had left, carried by the angels. Indeed in that is a sign for you, if you are believers "

~ Chapter 2 (Sura 2) of the Quran (Verse 248) ~

This is how the bible describe what happened after placing the ark in the temple of Solomon .When the priests emerged from the holy place after placing the Ark there, the Temple was filled with a cloud :

" For the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord "

~ 1 Kings 8:10-11 ~

Like i stressed before. People maybe able to build a house made of bricks and stones , but they can not make the spirit of God to dwell in this house . . .


Trump can't just sign a paper and hand over Al Quds to the Israelis, it's not going to happen, unless the Arabs and Muslims are distracted to the full meaning of the word, there has to be a World War or a Pandemic or something huge, and of course Israel is the only power that can instigate such war .
Trump can't just sign a paper and hand over Al Quds to the Israelis, it's not going to happen, unless the Arabs and Muslims are distracted to the full meaning of the word, there has to be a World War or a Pandemic or something huge, and of course Israel is the only power that can instigate such war .

He pretty much already did honestly and theirs not much Muslims can do as we’re weak as the foam on the ocean water just being pushed where the wind takes us.
Just a chapel not a church and don't forget it added to a mosque not to a church that converted to a mosque there never was a Jewish temple or church in the site of al-aqsa mosque .
And as I said before 2000-2001 they had reasonable access to the Al-aqsa Mosque and Dome of Rock

Reasonable according to a Muslim I guess.
Never EQUAL Access.

The site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque is the Temple Mount.
Anything within the walls built by Herod is part of the Temple Mount.
Any extension of the plateau of the Temple Mount is part of the Temple Mount.

The Temple Mount is holy to Jews, and Muslims do not have any right to deny access, if the motivation for claims on Al-Aqsa is that it is holy to Muslims.

Reasonable according to a Muslim I guess.
Never EQUAL Access.

The site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque is the Temple Mount.
Anything within the walls built by Herod is part of the Temple Mount.
Any extension of the plateau of the Temple Mount is part of the Temple Mount.

The Temple Mount is holy to Jews, and Muslims do not have any right to deny access, if the motivation for claims on Al-Aqsa is that it is holy to Muslims.

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by the way jews are not barred from temple mount , they are barred from dome of rock and only after 2000-2001
and for the record when muslim took control of temple doom it was a trash dump nothing more
by the way jews are not barred from temple mount , they are barred from dome of rock and only after 2000-2001
and for the record when muslim took control of temple doom it was a trash dump nothing more
For the record, The Temple Mount guardians discriminate non-Muslims.
Apparently Muslims like yourself refuse to admit that.
They cannot fill it with God's spirit but they can fill it with the false messiah. Messeh ad dajjal. Who will first masquerade as a savior/as Jesus. Then he will call himself a god.
There are many elaborated rules regarding the temple mount .

Just to get a notion:

In the past , before they could enter anywhere in the temple mount they had to purify themselves ( e,g bath in a live source of water )

Than the more you got closer to the " holy of holiest " ( the place where only the high priest would enter ), there where more rules and restrictions.

The " holy of holiest " was the place where the ark of the covenant was standing.

This is how it is described in the Quran :

" And their prophet said to them, "Indeed, a sign of his kingship is that the chest (tābūt) will come to you in which is assurance (sakīnatun) from your Lord and a remnant of what the family of Moses and the family of Aaron had left, carried by the angels. Indeed in that is a sign for you, if you are believers "

~ Chapter 2 (Sura 2) of the Quran (Verse 248) ~

This is how the bible describe what happened after placing the ark in the temple of Solomon .When the priests emerged from the holy place after placing the Ark there, the Temple was filled with a cloud :

" For the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord "

~ 1 Kings 8:10-11 ~

Like i stressed before. People maybe able to build a house made of bricks and stones , but they can not make the spirit of God to dwell in this house . . .


They cannot fill it with God's spirit but they can fill it with the false messiah. Messeh ad dajjal. Who will first masquerade as a savior/as Jesus. Then he will call himself a god.

Nothing in the Quran about dajjal and Jerusalem temple , you are mixing two things together.
Yes, You have shown that while you acknowledge that there are more religions that consider the Temple Mount holy, you are not prepared to respect them as equals.
you don't get it equal right =/= same right
Jews can't build their temple there unless they determine where exactly the temple of Solomon was and as it's explained the third temple is supposed to be a place that every body can talk with God, not some building , built from stone and wood to just serve mens ego .
about christian , was the temple mount ever a worshiping site for them , which church exactly they had there ?

before 2000-2001 Jews and christian had access to the dome of rock and Al-Aqsa outside praying time , after that , the situation there was not normal and you cant complain about ideal situation unless the situation become normal.
you don't get it equal right =/= same right
Jews can't build their temple there unless they determine where exactly the temple of Solomon was and as it's explained the third temple is supposed to be a place that every body can talk with God, not some building , built from stone and wood to just serve mens ego .
about christian , was the temple mount ever a worshiping site for them , which church exactly they had there ?

before 2000-2001 Jews and christian had access to the dome of rock and Al-Aqsa outside praying time , after that , the situation there was not normal and you cant complain about ideal situation unless the situation become normal.
As long as there are restrictions on non Muslims and little or no restrictions on Muslims it is a clear case of discrimination.
It is not for Muslims to determine what other religions can do, unless they accept restrictions on themselves imposed by other religions.
As long as there are restrictions on non Muslims and little or no restrictions on Muslims it is a clear case of discrimination.
It is not for Muslims to determine what other religions can do, unless they accept restrictions on themselves imposed by other religions.
whatever , I'm sure muslims can fill an encyclopedia with different rabbies decree on entering temple mount .
by the way what you say belong to normal time not when time that tention is so high. since 2000-2001 tension in the city is so high that its looking like Gunpowder barrels only a spark is enough to blow away all the city. so specia measure is understandable.
by the way jst think you want equal access to Al-Aqsa mosque even in praying time , that never gonna happen because it only disturbing the praying and again result in clash .
whatever , I'm sure muslims can fill an encyclopedia with different rabbies decree on entering temple mount .
by the way what you say belong to normal time not when time that tention is so high. since 2000-2001 tension in the city is so high that its looking like Gunpowder barrels only a spark is enough to blow away all the city. so specia measure is understandable.
by the way jst think you want equal access to Al-Aqsa mosque even in praying time , that never gonna happen because it only disturbing the praying and again result in clash .
It means that Muslims do not get more praying time than anyone else on the Temple Mount.
It means that Jews has the right to build the third temple, if and when they can find any traces of the temple of Solomon. Equal visiting times. Muslims banned during Jewish and Christian Holidays etc.
- Or just close the whole thing, until there is a peace agreement.
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