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Trump: 'Saudi Arabia buys a lot, I don't want to lose them'


Jul 8, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

US President Donald Trump speaks to his supporters at a MAGA rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin [Darren Hauck/AFP]

US President Donald Trump has reiterated his support for Saudi Arabia at a 'Make America Great Again' (MAGA) rally where he described a negotiation tactic he used to get more money from the kingdom for the United States' military support.

During a rally with his supporters in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Trump indicated that he would remain a steadfast supporter of the Saudi government, largely due to Riyadh's purchases from US companies.

"They have nothing but cash, right?" he told the crowd. "They buy a lot from us, $450 billion they bought."

"You had people wanting to cut off Saudi Arabia ... I don't want to lose them," he said.

It's unclear where Trump drew the $450bn figure from. PolitiFact, a fact-checking website, has previously rated the claim as "Pants on Fire".

trump then described a recent phone call with Saudi King Salman in which he demanded more money from the oil-rich nation in exchange for the defence the US provides.

"We lose $4.5 billion on a country to defend them, and they're rich," Trump said.

"So I called them. I said: listen, no good. They were in a state of shock because they've never got a call like this in 25 years, right," he said as the crowd cheered.

Trump went on: "I said we're losing $4.5 billion every year, we can't do this anymore. This is crazy. He [King Salman] got very upset, angry, said this is not fair. I said of course this is fair. He said we'll give you $500 million more ... I said I want more. We argued. So they paid us more than $500 million for one phone call, it took me one call."

He said the king then asked him why he was calling, because "nobody had made such a call".

"That's because they were stupid!" Trump said.

Increased scrutiny
US-Saudi ties have faced increased criticism since the murder of Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October.

MBS approved 'intervention' against dissidents: NYT report
Khashoggi, a longtime royal insider who had become a critic of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (also known as MBS), was killed and his body dismembered by a Saudi team.

The murder prompted a global outcry, with several countries imposing an arms embargo on the kingdom in light of the controversy.

But Trump stood with the Saudi leadership.

At the time of the murder, Trump said: "If we foolishly cancel these contracts, Russia and China would be the enormous beneficiaries, and very happy to acquire all of this newfound business.

"It would be a wonderful gift to them directly from the United States."

In November, the CIA concluded that MBS, the de facto ruler and heir to the Saudi throne, ordered the assassination.

Saudi authorities have strongly denied the claim, and in private conversations with Western officials have instead criticised Turkish authorities for failing to stop the murder.

"Their intelligence knew that a (Saudi) hit squad was coming. They could have stopped them!" one of them quoted a Saudi official as saying.


Trump went on: "I said we're losing $4.5 billion every year, we can't do this anymore. This is crazy. He [King Salman] got very upset, angry, said this is not fair. I said of course this is fair. He said we'll give you $500 million more ... I said I want more. We argued. So they paid us more than $500 million for one phone call, it took me one call."

trump really know how make money 500 mil in one phone call :enjoy:
trump really know how make money 500 mil in one phone call :enjoy:
To be honest this is all about one of the greatest open secrets of all time. The convergence and friendship between the Judo-American global order and Saudia Arabia. One of the greatest alliances of the 20th century that has lasted over 70 years to the enormous benefit of USA, Israel and Saudia Arabia/GCC.

The amount of money at play is so vast that it's workings are muzzled in the western [so called free media] and the Muslim world. MBS and Trump are the latest iteration of this friendship.
To be honest this is all about one of the greatest open secrets of all time. The convergence and friendship between the Judo-American global order and Saudia Arabia. One of the greatest alliances of the 20th century that has lasted over 70 years to the enormous benefit of USA, Israel and Saudia Arabia/GCC.

The amount of money at play is so vast that it's workings are muzzled in the western [so called free media] and the Muslim world. MBS and Trump are the latest iteration of this friendship.
Iran was doing the same in the Shah era.. and would have been doing more if there were no spite with the US.. find out about the amounts of money dealt with between the US (or the Judeo-American global order as you call it) and Japan, Germany, most of Europe, Asia, South America and mostly China.. this is global economy.. either you are in for mutual benefit or you are out of it..So this is far from being exclusively concerning Saudi Arabia and the US..
Photo Number 1.


"We protect Saudi Arabia. Would you say they're rich? And I love the King ... King Salman but I said 'King, we're protecting you. You might not be there for two weeks without us. You have to pay for your military,"


Photo Number 2.


Photo Number 3.


Now combine the parts. The wealth of the Saudi people is paid as a bribe to the United States to protect the King's throne. Otherwise, there is no logical explanation for the defense budget of a country such as Saudi Arabia to be more than Russia, UK, France..
To be honest this is all about one of the greatest open secrets of all time. The convergence and friendship between the Judo-American global order and Saudia Arabia. One of the greatest alliances of the 20th century that has lasted over 70 years to the enormous benefit of USA, Israel and Saudia Arabia/GCC.

The amount of money at play is so vast that it's workings are muzzled in the western [so called free media] and the Muslim world. MBS and Trump are the latest iteration of this friendship.

Yes I am afraid due to ummah feelings the Muslim world has elevated Saudi too much.

Don’t Saudi get embarassed by this? They are literally thought of as a bank account by the West. They need to escape their British created mindset.
Iran was doing the same in the Shah era
Have a look at your calendar. It's 2019. What you describe happened over 40 years ago.

this is global economy
Ask the Iranians, North Koreans.

So this is far from being exclusively concerning Saudi Arabia and the US..
I never said it is exclusive. Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Singapore enjoy similar if not even greater 'friendship' with the judo-American order. However this was about Saudia Arabia.

I actually respect Saudia for being part of the Judo-American order. It is without doubt a mutually beneficial relationship. One look at KSA and UAE is evident of the benefits. I only wish Pakistan was also as tight a buddy with this Judo-American order.

My gripe with this not that KSA is sleeping with USA but the hypocracy that KSA lovers spout. They are one hand thew biggest screamers of "Amrika evil, Israel even more evil" but then do a about turn on the fact that the country they worship is in bed with the very same entity - the Judo-American order. Of course they then grab the useless Palestinians as a rallying call.

Frankly I don't give a flying fcuk about Palestne. And as I said neither does KSA. Or else they would not be in bed with USA. I only wish Pakistani's saw through this fraud and openly accepted the Judo-American order along with recognizing Israel. That way there would least be a connect between reality and policy.

How deeply the judo-American order works with Saudia is evident in the recent events. Trump wants to screw Iran and make beggars of the mullahs by starving them of petrodollars. Only one problem if China, India stop buying mullah oil where are they going to fuel their economies. Meaning making the beggars into beggars requires finding alternative oil supply for China and India. Solution?

Simple. Trump rings up Saudia and UAE. Both agree to pump extra oil and cover China, India. Problem sorted. Trump is happy. Crown Prince Mohammed Salman is happier. Netanyu is happiest of the lot.

Mullahs? They be screwed!

US President Donald Trump speaks to his supporters at a MAGA rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin [Darren Hauck/AFP]

US President Donald Trump has reiterated his support for Saudi Arabia at a 'Make America Great Again' (MAGA) rally where he described a negotiation tactic he used to get more money from the kingdom for the United States' military support.

During a rally with his supporters in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Trump indicated that he would remain a steadfast supporter of the Saudi government, largely due to Riyadh's purchases from US companies.

"They have nothing but cash, right?" he told the crowd. "They buy a lot from us, $450 billion they bought."

"You had people wanting to cut off Saudi Arabia ... I don't want to lose them," he said.

It's unclear where Trump drew the $450bn figure from. PolitiFact, a fact-checking website, has previously rated the claim as "Pants on Fire".

trump then described a recent phone call with Saudi King Salman in which he demanded more money from the oil-rich nation in exchange for the defence the US provides.

"We lose $4.5 billion on a country to defend them, and they're rich," Trump said.

"So I called them. I said: listen, no good. They were in a state of shock because they've never got a call like this in 25 years, right," he said as the crowd cheered.

Trump went on: "I said we're losing $4.5 billion every year, we can't do this anymore. This is crazy. He [King Salman] got very upset, angry, said this is not fair. I said of course this is fair. He said we'll give you $500 million more ... I said I want more. We argued. So they paid us more than $500 million for one phone call, it took me one call."

He said the king then asked him why he was calling, because "nobody had made such a call".

"That's because they were stupid!" Trump said.

Increased scrutiny
US-Saudi ties have faced increased criticism since the murder of Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October.

MBS approved 'intervention' against dissidents: NYT report
Khashoggi, a longtime royal insider who had become a critic of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (also known as MBS), was killed and his body dismembered by a Saudi team.

The murder prompted a global outcry, with several countries imposing an arms embargo on the kingdom in light of the controversy.

But Trump stood with the Saudi leadership.

At the time of the murder, Trump said: "If we foolishly cancel these contracts, Russia and China would be the enormous beneficiaries, and very happy to acquire all of this newfound business.

"It would be a wonderful gift to them directly from the United States."

In November, the CIA concluded that MBS, the de facto ruler and heir to the Saudi throne, ordered the assassination.

Saudi authorities have strongly denied the claim, and in private conversations with Western officials have instead criticised Turkish authorities for failing to stop the murder.

"Their intelligence knew that a (Saudi) hit squad was coming. They could have stopped them!" one of them quoted a Saudi official as saying.


Good then he should be prepared to kiss their feet and they should have enough brains to twist his arms
Yes I am afraid due to ummah feelings the Muslim world has elevated Saudi too much.

Don’t Saudi get embarassed by this? They are literally thought of as a bank account by the West. They need to escape their British created mindset.

Because Saudi Arabia holds the two holy cities hence why they are elavated a lot.
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