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Trump sanctions against Iran spook India

Turks saw you as pagan Anatolis. They changed your culture dot by dot. they changed everything that they wanted. they forcefully changed your habits, language, manner etc... (Even to this day you use so many Persians words like 'Namaz' (salat) )

They completely made you Turks.

Anyway, if we were under your ottoman shadows as you say (lol) , you were under our direct enslavement for 1600 years since Median empire. Enjoy your shiny past history poor anatoli...
There's nothing more gracious in this world than to be a Muslim and that too from the Ehl-i Sunnet. You may have problem with Mekke and Medine, but the Turkish folks feel themselves honored to be the Hidmat-ul Haremain, and the proud custodian of the swords of the Prophet (PBUH) and Halife-i Rashidin including Zulfiker...
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There is no such thing as ah e sunnet or shia, both parties , are non Muslims if they say, they are such and such instead of , just one true thing, "Muslim". followers of Mohammad PBUH, not followers of Ali, Umer,Abu baker R.A, (even though they were the best followers of Mohammad PBUH) yet they are zero , as by their own words, only the messenger PBUH is to be followed. Anything besides that is not Islam.

Anyways too bad Iran was, recovering. I do wonder why the urge to test ballistic missiles, they could of had waited. Look at pakistan, they have waited for so long and yet only revealed half of their capabilities.
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Bad news for India. India has been playing both sides for too long. Time has come to pick a side and Trump will demand loyalty from India. All the call center jobs and other freebies weren't free after all.

Pakistan should continue developing Gwadar with Chinese assistance. Our future is bright.
We dont have any issues with anyone other that couple of countries which cannt think above their knees :-)
Our relations dint stop when most of the countries including your country did not deal with them when they where under economic sanctions,we where the highest importer of their old. our future dsnt end there we have long way to go..

Lol your future looks bright becuase your tunnel(vision) is small mate.tell a third person your country has put all the eggs in the same basket for the bright future of your country and India has in many and they will tell you what is in hold for you..

India - Iran relations dint start yesturday and wont stop in the near future we have much more to achive together.

Any by the way you can be assured that we wont pick sides on a single phone call ,wtf a single phone call :-).can you believe it.
We dont have any issues with anyone other that couple of countries which cannt think above their knees :-)
Our relations dint stop when most of the countries including your country did not deal with them when they where under economic sanctions,we where the highest importer of their old. our future dsnt end there we have long way to go..

Lol your future looks bright becuase your tunnel(vision) is small mate.tell a third person your country has put all the eggs in the same basket for the bright future of your country and India has in many and they will tell you what is in hold for you..

India - Iran relations dint start yesturday and wont stop in the near future we have much more to achive together.

Any by the way you can be assured that we wont pick sides on a single phone call ,wtf a single phone call :-).can you believe it.

Depends on the content of the phone call, I guess you don't know, afghan, Pakistanis and iranians, a lot can change with type of words uttered, these three nations have one thing in common, Warfare mentality, they will drop multiple nukes if they have to, and without second thought!
Depends on the content of the phone call, I guess you don't know, afghan, Pakistanis and iranians, a lot can change with type of words uttered, these three nations have one thing in common, Warfare mentality, they will drop multiple nukes if they have to, and without second thought!
Muslim unity army under Kutubeddin Aybek, in service of Sultan Ghori, against Prithiraj, or, one under Shah Ebdali against Marathas...
:pop::pop:No Problem India a trusted friend of Iran won't allow US to harm its relation with Iran.:usflag:..India jany or Iran jany...
Trump make america great again:usflag:
Depends on the content of the phone call, I guess you don't know, afghan, Pakistanis and iranians, a lot can change with type of words uttered, these three nations have one thing in common, Warfare mentality, they will drop multiple nukes if they have to, and without second thought!
the content as the great general himself said was told will be bombed back to stone age and the general forgot to fire those nukes.
the content as the great general himself said was told will be bombed back to stone age and the general forgot to fire those nukes.
Why its is necessary to remind beautiful Inidans...That NUKES, MISSILE and everything is just directed to you people i.e.. India
it is indeed unnerving... trump does not sound like a guy who listens to others... just like our sunny paaji.. :(

Did you think that it would turn out differently when many indians were busy cheer leading for him before the election?

:pop::pop:No Problem India a trusted friend of Iran won't allow US to harm its relation with Iran.:usflag:..India jany or Iran jany...
Trump make america great again:usflag:

Modi can try one thing. He should send one of those vedic gurus to hypnotize Trump into thinking Iran as Israel or perhaps a glass of cattle uricola would do the job. After all Trump has been heard saying that he loves everything from india.
Why its is necessary to remind beautiful Inidans...That NUKES, MISSILE and everything is just directed to you people i.e.. India
We know the world of Pakistan start and ends with us i.e India.i was telling him about the content of the call and that no nukes fired.
afghan, Pakistanis and iranians, a lot can change with type of words uttered, these three nations have one thing in common, Warfare mentality, they will drop multiple nukes if they have to, and without second thought!

That NUKES, MISSILE and everything is just directed to you people i.e.. India
Seeing these messages I believe we can play a game in every PDF thread - to predict how many posts it takes for the n-bomb threat. In addition to the positive / negative / thanks received statistic, there should be one for n-threats delivered.

At times like this I wonder how uncannily accurate the late Z A Bhutto was when he famously declared that, “We will eat grass, even go hungry, but we will have our own,” in relation to the attainment of nuclear weapons. Looks like he was right.

the content as the great general himself said was told will be bombed back to stone age and the general forgot to fire those nukes.

"Fire those nukes" at who? USA? Or do you mean NATO Countries? Or Europe?
There were multiple logical reasons against " firing nukes"

1. USA had not physically threatened PAKISTAN, they only said they will bomb is back to stone age.

2. USA was A major Ally Partner in , economy, AID, Defence , Science Education etc what the general did was, decide which Ally USA or Taliban were more useful to keep as friends. The answers was, USA was far more valueable. And worth the risk.

3. nuclear missiles shall be fired only when we have to. And that phone call didn't make it so that, we had to use those nukes.

4. Hypothetically even if we decided we needed to "Fire those nukes" we didn't have capability to Strike USA or European Mainland , which is crazy to think as, Europe and America were and still are, awesome people and can be great friends. They are not and might never be an enemy to pakistan.

5. Only Enemy we had \ have is , INDIA as India threatens our existence , no other country does that, Hence "Fire those nukes" this sentence is only for our enemies, which at that time and still now is a singular (Enemy) INDIA.

I think you are a young person, Hence your idea of warfare and geo-politics is limited. Or is it that most of the people in your community think that way? That would bizare if that's the case!
it is indeed unnerving... trump does not sound like a guy who listens to others... just like our sunny paaji.. :(
i think he was listening to Arabs and Jews... that's why new sanctions on Iran..

Says the Smelly Pakee
(using your own language)

Limits Irani Limits..
World's most unhygienic people belong to you.. You mind your language & Get your head out of your @$$ .... Remember this Gem..
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