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Trump sanctions against Iran spook India

Please compare your GDP per Captia to us and you will get who are poor.

Iran 18,136

Pakistan 5,120


He meant poor as in bad luck or badbakht in farsi
Western or Central China isnt terrible

China has a enormous population concentrated on its eastern and south eastern borders, it desperately needs and wants to develop central and western China and grow the population

They have a problem financially it makes little sense for companies to move west they are in direct competition with factories on the eastern seafront so it will simply increase the costs to produce in western china or set up shop when you have to then transport to the eastern sea front and transport out.

CPEC is central to China's plans to give a route for Western China and Central China to have a straight route to Gwader

This is how they will develop Western China and make it worthwhile for people and factories to move over
please be my guest and move there
My friend Iran is playing quietly and precisely. have u noticed any panic in iranian political elite due to current Trump remarks ? they simply did what CIA Cheif Mr. Brennan warned back in December 2016 to trump, on the other hand no meter what logic we put forward, truth is ... in last ten years it is Iranians who have gained something from middle eastern crises interms of their dominance in proxy wars from Lebanon to Yemen you will find them active every where.
Iran is playing with fire this time. Trump administration is vastly different in its approach towards Iran than the former Obama administration.

Iran gained from the crises in Middle East because Obama administration did not resist its advances and rather empowered Shia elements in Iraq who happened to be under the influence of Iranian clergy. End-result is a sectarian war in the region with no end in sight.

A veteran of Iraq war got it right: America's infatuation with exporting Democracy to states where it won't work, has backfired. Democracy in Iraq fueled Shia-Sunni divide, instead of bridging it and ISIS is a bi-product of it. Iraqi leadership should have been authoritarian and preferably comprised of former members of Baath. Those guys were brutal but powerful and perfectly suited for controlling the masses and keeping Iran at bay.
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Iran is playing with fire this time. Trump administration is vastly different in its approach towards Iran than the former Obama administration. .
They are playing with same fire since 1980 faced lots of sanctions saw many ups and downs but yet their determination is still strong, sunni administrated Iraq was the biggest night mare of Iran about a million people died in the Iraq Iran war. Iran has successfully eradicated that threat.
Iran gained from the crises in Middle East because Obama administration did not resist its advances and rather empowered Shia elements in Iraq who happened to be under the influence of Iranian clergy. End-result is a sectarian war in the region with no end in sight.
in past American always put iran under sanctions recently they were planing to wave them off but with the curtsy of Mr Trump sanctions are back again. anyways Russians are the main player in the region and they are the one who have supported the Shias in iraq and Syria.
A veteran of Iraq war got it right: America's infatuation with exporting Democracy to states where it won't work, has backfired. Democracy in Iraq fueled Shia-Sunni divide, instead of bridging it and ISIS is a bi-product of it. Iraqi leadership should have been authoritarian and preferably comprised of former members of Baath. Those guys were brutal but powerful and perfectly suited for controlling the masses and keeping Iran at bay.
Agreed !!!
He meant poor as in bad luck or badbakht in farsi
Who can beat the Iranian folks in having Bedbaht??? Always lived under the shadow of the Ottomans in the west and the Pathans/Mughals etc. in the east. Other than proxy wars against the Ehl-i Sunnet could they venture out of their comfort zones??? At this present age, living under the theocracy!!!!
stop smelling my asss fartsi and start licking the mayonnaise.
I have got no time for a dumb like you

Who can beat the Iranian folks in having Bedbaht??? Always lived under the shadow of the Ottomans in the west and the Pathans/Mughals etc. in the east. Other than proxy wars against the Ehl-i Sunnet could they venture out of their comfort zones??? At this present age, living under the theocracy!!!!
Well your forefathers became muslims by Seljuk turks
They owned you and forced you to remove your past Persianized, Romanized ,Greekized adventure....

They forced you to speak Turkish, do their habits and even wear clothes like them.... They teached you Islam and Iranian culture.... If you are Sunni is because Seljuk turks wanted so.
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I have got no time for a dumb like you

Well you guys became muslims by Seljuk turks
They owned you and forced you to remove your past Persianised Romanized ,Greekized, adventure....

They forced you to speak Turkish and become muslims.
The Muslim Turkish folks started to populate Anatolia since the 11th century. Nobody was forced to be Muslims - it's against the teaching of Islam. Due to the teachings of Evlia and Ulema local folks willingly turned to Islam. So, they have no hatred against Islam. At the height of the Ottoman Empire 80% of the subjects were non-Muslims...
The Muslim Turkish folks started to populate Anatolia since the 11th century. Nobody was forced to be Muslims - it's against the teaching of Islam. Due to the teachings of Evlia and Ulema local folks willingly turned to Islam. So, they have no hatred against Islam. At the height of the Ottoman Empire 80% of the subjects were non-Muslims...
Turks saw you as pagan Anatolis. They changed your culture dot by dot. they changed everything that they wanted. they forcefully changed your habits, language, manner, dishes, arts etc... Even to this day you use hundreds of Persian words. Even for salat you don't use Arabic word but your forefothers leant to use Persian version ' Namaz '. They are so many more examples.....

You forebears forcefully got Turkized after being Persianized and Greekized for several fcking centuries.

Anyway, if we were under your ottoman shadows as you say (lol) , you were under our direct enslavement for 1500 years since Median empire. Enjoy your shiny past history poor turkizeeed anatoli...

Ps. Ottoman empire founded by some Kazak origin guy not any Anatoli.
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In all probability, this time sanctions will not have much effect on Iran and I don't think Indian investments are in danger.

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