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Trump Plans India Visit Now That China Trade Deal Is Inked

Oh, the irony.....while Indian members here are ready to kill their Cows to present a feast to Donald Trump....all the main Indian papers are giving major coverage to Trump Imran meeting.
Oh, the irony.....while Indian members here are ready to kill their Cows to present a feast to Donald Trump....all the main Indian papers are giving major coverage to Trump Imran meeting.
Why shouldnt they. Unlike Pakistani media entirely controlled and run by the "Army" , Indian media will report anything and everything. Including the 5 minute Photo op for Imrans benefit that Trump allowed after months of begging.
Exactly, and for a narcissist like him, that very label will be eating at him considerably.
agreed. but the thing is that narcissists have a deep founded conviction of taking revenge...here, the revenge is gonna be against the american parle themselves; after all, it was them who voted the democrats into the congress. We've already seen the beginnings of trump's revenge...

Why shouldnt they. Unlike Pakistani media entirely controlled and run by the "Army" , Indian media will report anything and everything. Including the 5 minute Photo op for Imrans benefit that Trump allowed after months of begging.

I think you killed, nay, BUTCHERED your credibility by barfing out the three following points:
1. Pakistani media is "entirely" controlled by the army (you haven't watched the Pakistani media, have you).
2. indian media will report anything and everything (as if they are independent, the world over knows how modi has reduced most of the indian media to the levels of short skirted cheerleaders).
3. PMIK begging for a meeting (apparently you missed, perhaps willfully, the 21 gun salute the yankee government gave em just to beg us to save their bungholes in Afghanistan).
RIP your credibility (not that you ever had one). :lol:
LOL, Li Xi Ping had already held a meeting with PM IK and discussed what he's gonna tell india to further China's policy of surrounding india and dominating the region wih OBOR.

your views? oh wait, NO BODY GIVES A DAMN! :lol:

I don't think you realize how the u.s. constitution works. IT DOESN'T MATTER IF HE GETS CONVICTED OR NOT IN THE SENATE! he will FOREVER carry the label on his forehead that he has been impeached REGARDLESS of conviction or not.
And your point? Clinton got impeached as well, did that change anything? Impeachment has been turned into a partisan weapon by both parties. The next time there is a democratic president and a GOP House, the House will definitely find a reason to impeach.
And your point? Clinton got impeached as well, did that change anything? Impeachment has been turned into a partisan weapon by both parties. The next time there is a democratic president and a GOP House, the House will definitely find a reason to impeach.
and did you not notice how it has haunted the clinton family since? cost his wife the presidency...TWICE! you live in india where being smeared with shit is deemed normal, I mean, just look at the chai wala whose ruining, err...I mean running, oh wait no, I DID mean ruining your bharat mata. :lol: here in america, being shit-smeared is a big humiliating for american leadership.
Its been 6 months you tell me where are the huge protests , riots and bloodshed that yiu guys anticipated ?
There are gruesome videos of Muslims being beaten to death and shot by the the Indian apparatus forces and too gruesome to put on PDF . It is bad, extremely bad in India and being hidden by the Nazi ruling party.
This ‘mini deal’ should see the restoration of preferential market access for India in return for India acceding to some trade concessions. Trump basically bullied India into accepting American demand and called it a deal.

On the bright side, restoration of regular trade can hopefully lead to a proper trade deal in future that will herald a tariff reduction for both sides.
China-US Trade Deal is inked and now the visit.... Seems like there will be too much of grievances to Trump during his stay in India. Feel it.
Trump will expect some defense deals which will not be there until he gets re-elected this is just for PR ultimately trip will bring nothing out.
some members here definitely need a truckload of this
Larger economy, yet can't provide a better capita per GDP.

More growth rate, yet cannot produce jobs.

Larger defence budget, yet shittier weapons than France, UK and Israel.

More billionaires... I don't even know what to say to this one, lol. How irrelevant, but keep up the circle jerk.

Larger army, yet in a hypothetical scenario, everyone would say French and Israeli army would come out on top.

Larger navy, this is ok.

more R&D spending, but not exactly the hub of innovation, are u lot.

Indian navy is ranked #7 below France, Japan and the UK according to global firepower. Indian boasting like a retard.

All i know is if India tries to take Azad Kashmir, Pakistan will send nukes into India.
Why shouldnt they. Unlike Pakistani media entirely controlled and run by the "Army" , Indian media will report anything and everything. Including the 5 minute Photo op for Imrans benefit that Trump allowed after months of begging.
Lol, we all saw the so-called independent Indian media post 27th Feb.....towing the Modification line, no questions asked, no explanation necessary, just make a hero out of a zero.....and yea it will report anything to divert attention from home issues....as for begging, make sure your Trump sees his statue where you worship him like an idol.
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