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Trump on Soleimani strike: 'His reign of terror is over'

question is how? sorry but they cant sir

I have to agree with you there, the sooner the Iranians realize this the better. :usflag:

The Iranians are upset, which is understandable, we have just taken out Khamenei's favorite general and he is not happy about this, just like when you take a candy off a baby.

Now lets fast forward, what do Iranians plan to do about it? We know Iran is talking about painful revenge, but we all know we heard this before and nothing happens.

Iran and her proxies might throw some grenades here and there out of anger.
I have to agree with you there, the sooner the Iranians realize this the better. :usflag:

The Iranians are upset, which is understandable, we have just taken out Khamenei's favorite general and he is not happy about this, just like when you take a candy off a baby.

Now lets fast forward, what do Iranians plan to do about it? We know Iran is talking about painful revenge, but we all know we heard this before and nothing happens.

Iran and her proxies might throw some grenades here and there out of anger.

In 1987 when Iran was pathetically weak it still managed to wipe out 200+ marines sleeping in their barracks.

In 2003-2008 when Iran was still a small regional player. It managed to kill countless US soldiers with its RFP technology, with impunity.

So let’s not walk around thumping our chest that Iran can’t do this or can’t do that.

History has shown that Iran will strike US interests when it needs to.

Only a fool would underestimate his enemy.
So let’s not walk around thumping our chest that Iran can’t do this or can’t do that.

History has shown that Iran will strike US interests when it needs to.

The US is waiting and I agree the Iranians won't let this one slide.
The US is waiting and I agree the Iranians won't let this one slide.

It’s been 24 hours. This isn’t McDonald’s or your favorite video games.

It takes time to prepare and select the targets while avoiding US intelligence assets.

Given the # of high ranking officials that have said a response will be coming. You can be assured it. But any response will be proportional to what was conducted. Iran is not after an extreme strike that makes war inevitable.

So anyone dreaming of an aircraft carrier being attacked or Centcom being attacked needs to face reality, those are targets of war not targets of tit for tat conflict.

I won’t even guess what Iran will do because it’s a fools errand. Nothing like this has happened in history of the Republic so there is no precedent.

No one in the intelligence community expected the sophisticated attack that took place on Armaco. So who knows what kind of attack Iran could do.
I have to agree with you there, the sooner the Iranians realize this the better. :usflag:

The Iranians are upset, which is understandable, we have just taken out Khamenei's favorite general and he is not happy about this, just like when you take a candy off a baby.

Now lets fast forward, what do Iranians plan to do about it? We know Iran is talking about painful revenge, but we all know we heard this before and nothing happens.

Iran and her proxies might throw some grenades here and there out of anger.
So you are still alive long time no see
As an Indian, I don't know if any Pakistani will take my advice seriously but I would suggest Pakistan to abstain from taking any side. It will only cause you more problems.
question is how? sorry but they cant sir
Iran need to boost intelligence in Afghanistan and iraq.. Sure they can revenge eliminating any American general or govt official in both countries.. Not impossible
Iran need to boost intelligence in Afghanistan and iraq.. Sure they can revenge eliminating any American general or govt official in both countries.. Not impossible
Sir USA did it after saving her arse
people of middle east are hailing him as martyr i think iran will strike military installments in iraq of us or escalation in strait of hourmuz this can potentially come to our region
They would do some thing in Afghanistan. Where it is the most convinient. Be ready for some huge attack at American embassy.
I hope Pakistani establishment is ready .
We are part of no war . And we should start telling it to our gulf countries and Americans so as they don't come to us to be their partners and if we don't join them threat us. We should start preparing them that we cannot be part of anything as our own condition doesn't allow this.
Trump is a pawn, I doubt if he was even consulted for this assassination or not.
as for reign of terror comment I do agree with him. Solemani was a big hinderene toward the Americans and their aliies project of Daesh and Jamat AL Nusrah etc.

might is right and Americans show no respect for any country, they killed the Iraqis in this strike as well. shows the level of frustration this guy gave them in their middle eastern project.
the Daesh wont be terrorized anymore.

on the other note I fear for Arab states they are willing/ unwilling pawns of this American and Israeli game, they have to host American bases as well in the name of safety but these very Americans might occupy them one day in the name of security. Iranians have legendary resolve and they can fight for centuries their military might be defeated within weeks by the Americans but their people are extremely nationalist and they wont rest and keep striking Americans for years to come.

we are also the unfortunate neighbor and will bear the brunt like the Afghanistan war and then will also face the blame for supporting Iran when the things wont go American way. they crippled Iran with economic sanctions, they have assassinated their leadership, instigated uprising inside Iran to topple regime and and have now started a direct conflict too.

lets see if Iranians loose their mind and play into the hands of Americans or they frustrate the Americans the way that guy did.

from Pakistan point of view and as a neighbor I feel sad that when it comes to a power like America, there is no stopping it from committing crime whenever it wants. it invaded Iraq on false pretext and is responsible in the killing of millions of Iraqis, it invaded Afghanistan and let Osama escape from tora bora in the beginning and is responsible for the deaths of Afghans and Pakistanis. there seems to be nothing that can stop it or confront it beyond words of caution and restraint there is nothing more which has made American policy makers even more brazen.
Americans have no love for Syrians or Iraqis or any other country, this assassination was done because he was a hurdle in their Middle eastern plans he and his regime might be very bad and oppressive and there maybe racial and sectarian reasons why his death is great news for some Arab countries but Americans are no angles as well.
America needs to be defeated military and kicked out from the region. There are no two ways about it. Pakistan as much as we want cannot stay idle because we share a border with Iran and any de-stability caused will fall on our borders because a) we have a border with Iran b) we have a large Shia population sympathetic to Iran and c) US end goal is to destabilize Balochistan enough to carve out a free Balochistan from Pakistan and Iran and in turn hold China'a progress in CPEC and otherwise.
Yes Iranian Mullahs are no friends of Pakistan that much is clear however we have our own interests to follow. Another US misadventure cannot be allowed no matter the cost.
Stop predicting the future which is also Haram. No one predicted this assassination of Gen. Solaimani. Neither he himself could foresee this happening in Baghdad. Therefore, stop predicting what Iran will do. I am sure they will do something what no one ever predicted before.
people of middle east are hailing him as martyr i think iran will strike military installments in iraq of us or escalation in strait of hourmuz this can potentially come to our region
no only in iran
wow janab in which world you think ?sulemani killed after us contractor killed and mob attacked us embassy(no one hurt) so tell me scale of US response after iran launch missiles ? they may nuke iran janab .do not under estimate yunks

even no safety sir just few km from iran an admiral is sitting on AC .

And what do you Americans or Israelis are just gonna take it. You want to throw Chemical weapons at them after all. FYI They too are considered WMDs.
This is the response you they will get if they use chemical weapons.
What if I told you that there is a probability that Iran has developed it's own nuke....
Just like Pakistan which become nuclear power a long before 1998.....
It was only the tests ....
There patriotic missile does not complement 40 or 50 missile launched on them?
And Iran also has the support of Russia and China....
So it's equalize the equation....

He thinks Americans will be just sitting there, twiddling their thumbs, watching the ballistic missiles on the radars hurtling towards them and that's it. Iran simply wins.
Nahh USA will first call Avengers Iron man Thor Captain America Hulk and Even
Black widow Captain marvel
images - 2020-01-04T114624.004.jpeg
Then they will call the justice league
Superman Batman Aquaman Green Lantern
Wonder Woman and shazam to Save them from up coming a volley of ballistic missile....
images - 2020-01-04T114648.545.jpeg
Any high ranking official from any intelligence agency of any country needs to think twice from now on before traveling to a conflict zone. This includes everyone ! There is no longer any deterrence for any official. NATO, Indian and Pakistani generals will be really worried before traveling to Afghanistan for instance. Turkish generals will be also worried before traveling to Libya. Same applies to Russian generals in Syria and Donbass. The line has been crossed which had been shown by Trump.

Not really. Only dangerous for Iranian Generals because IRGC is a declared terrorist organisation.

I'm surprised that the Iranian military was dumb enough to think after being declared a terrorist organisation, they won't be targeted by the US like this.
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