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"Trump must support India against China"


Jan 20, 2010
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Tensions between two nuclear-armed powers, China and India, are rising.

At contention is a mountainous border area between China, Bhutan, and India.

Alleging that Indian soldiers are threatening Chinese territory, on Monday, the Chinese military threatened India to think carefully about its continued deployments. According to Reuters, a Chinese spokesman remarked that "Shaking a mountain is easy, but shaking the People's Liberation Army is hard." The spokesman continued, "India should not leave things to luck and not harbor any unrealistic illusions."

These are Chinese fighting words. They are also totally unjustified.

For a start, China has been far more aggressive in the contested border regions in question. Openly building railway lines and other symbols of state power in disputed areas, China has given a one-fingered salute to India's Hindu-nationalist government. And while China's motivations are partly trade-related, their central concern is one of pride.

China knows that India's growing economy, democratic foundation, and increasingly close relationship with the United States make it a major world power. Crucially, China wants to ensure the new kid on the block doesn't disrupt its efforts to dominate Asia.

For that reason, America should offer clear support to India as it confronts China. As I've noted, India-U.S. relations offer special value in our shared ability to deter and counter growing Chinese aggression. But with China now threatening U.S. military personnel elsewhere, we should also recognize that the stakes are growing. When one considers the nuclear dimensions at play, the risks are great. Correspondingly, both India and the U.S. are much stronger standing together. Only by doing so can we deter Chinese imperialism.

Fortunately, India isn't bowing to Chinese threats. On the contrary, the Indian news outlet Zee News reports that "Indian soldiers deployed in the disputed area have pitched in tents, in an indication that they are unlikely to retreat unless there was reciprocity from China's PLA personnel ... A steady line of supplies is being maintained for the soldiers at the site, official sources said, signaling that Indian Army is not going to wilt under any pressure from China."

This is good news because China revels in its belief that its vast military can overwhelm any adversary. Yet it also knows India would be no pushover. In the event of a conflict, China might suffer major military and economic losses. By putting faith in its own power, India reinforces its deterrent posture in refusing to accept Chinese blackmail.

The U.S. should not sit idle here. We must support our ally and rally the world in diplomatic condemnation of China's threats. Moreover, going forwards, as I've arguedbefore, President Trump should work hard to strengthen his relationship with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. On issues of nuclear security, trade, and international order, Modi offers a partnership for 21st-century stability. The alternative is a world ruled by Chinese imperial aggression.

And we know from 1930s imperial Japan that the choice of appeasement is the surest path to eventual war.
His daughter and his son in law has lot of business in China, why they will borther to offend China for India? Except for selling some super expensive weapon to India, nothing is done yet.

All lip services
I strongly feel that this is just muscle flexing from both sides.Both of them cant afford to fire a bullet as the stakes are high.
But it's clear that India will come out stronger and bolder after this episode because China has exposed it's inability to launch an offensive against India.Just too many empty threats have weakened China's position.And China has uselessly taken a hard stance on dialouge as well.Ultimately,we all know that both sides have to talk it out.Ignore the media hype.
If war was so easy,India and Pakistan would have been at it again.
Just like Pakistan becomes more aggressive and bold in face of empty Indian threats,India will be gaining the same advantage after this saga is over.
His daughter and his son in law has lot of business in China, why they will borther to offend China for India? Except for selling some super expensive weapon to India, nothing is done yet.
All lip services

India is the natural ally of western bloc, from the very beginning, India is positioned as a balanced power to counter China in Asia.
I strongly feel that this is just muscle flexing from both sides.Both of them cant afford to fire a bullet as the stakes are high.
But it's clear that India will come out stronger and bolder after this episode because China has exposed it's inability to launch an offensive against India.Just too many empty threats have weakened China's position.And China has uselessly taken a hard stance on dialouge as well.Ultimately,we all know that both sides have to talk it out.Ignore the media hype.
If war was so easy,India and Pakistan would have been at it again.
Just like Pakistan becomes more aggressive and bold in face of empty Indian threats,India will be gaining the same advantage after this saga is over.

Very good post but a small correction. Our threat is not empty. we take minimum necessary action on border conflict and we are outrightedly on diplomatic agression. It is Pakistan who is begging for tlks but India is denying.
I strongly feel that this is just muscle flexing from both sides.Both of them cant afford to fire a bullet as the stakes are high.
But it's clear that India will come out stronger and bolder after this episode because China has exposed it's inability to launch an offensive against India.Just too many empty threats have weakened China's position.And China has uselessly taken a hard stance on dialouge as well.Ultimately,we all know that both sides have to talk it out.Ignore the media hype.
If war was so easy,India and Pakistan would have been at it again.
Just like Pakistan becomes more aggressive and bold in face of empty Indian threats,India will be gaining the same advantage after this saga is over.
It's too early to give a cheap conclusion like this one. Anyone get on PRC's tail doesn't have good ending. It's your call when to start it, but it's our turn when to close it.

The road is almost completed, ready for your destination.
His daughter and his son in law has lot of business in China, why they will borther to offend China for India? Except for selling some super expensive weapon to India, nothing is done yet.

All lip services
Best of luck looking for logic in the Trump administration

Your fake independent policy. Always happy to serve your masters in the west.
Says someone who has been known as the "Court Jester of the Imperialists".
Chinese daily accuses US of trying to escalate Sikkim standoff
Jul 26, 2017, 01.51 PM IST

BEIJING: A Chinese daily today accused the US and other countries of trying to escalate the Sino-India standoff to replicate the "South China Sea trick" and seek strategic benefits.

"More than five weeks into the border standoff between China and India, some countries other than the two directly involved are trying to step in," an op-ed article in the state-run Global Times said, directly mentioning the US and Australia.

The article titled 'Instigating Sino-India confrontation won't benefit US' referred to commentaries in the US media calling on Washington to provide to support India to "deter and counter" China and rally the world against Beijing.

It also took exception to Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop's call for resolving the Doklam issue peacefully, saying "Bishop intends to blur the nature of the face-off and shows disguised support for India."

The article said "so far, the Donald Trump administration has paid little attention to the US-India ties, and their divergences over issues like trade and immigration remain".

"The Americans may think they can copy their South China Sea trick. But what did the US get from the maritime disputes? Likewise, Washington won't get any benefits from the escalation of the Sino-India confrontation. China won't give up safeguarding its territory because of US interference," it said.

The article said the US seems to be everywhere when conflicts come up and it seldom takes an impartial posture to help address the problems.

"There are certain forces in the West that are instigating a military clash between China and India, from which they can seek strategic benefits at no cost to themselves. Washington applied this scheme in the South China Sea disputes," it said.

China claims nearly all of the strategically vital South China Sea. The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei, as well as Taiwan, also claim parts of the sea.

While the US is not a claimant, it has criticised what it has termed Chinese "militarisation" of the sea.

The article also blamed the US and the erstwhile Soviet Union for the 1962 India-China war.

"It's necessary to note that half a century ago behind the border war between China and India, there were the invisible hands of the US and the Soviet Union," it said.

The article said "neither China nor India wants a war".
Very good post but a small correction. Our threat is not empty. we take minimum necessary action on border conflict and we are outrightedly on diplomatic agression. It is Pakistan who is begging for tlks but India is denying.

India is getting a good beating at LOC. Something worst than Congress rule. At least this Chinese saga can be a good face saving for Modi who failed to deter or force Pakistan in retreat as he claimed in his election campaign.
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