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Trump, Modi call on Pakistan to stem terrorist attacks

Nonchalance is the wrong attitude here. Our plans are being systematically sabotaged. Feigning lack of concern only underscores our own ineffectiveness.

It's not so much what they declare but what goes unstated. Trump is simply not the kind of person to accept anyone into his bubble. His beaming smile during Modi embrace is the most genial he has been with any leader so far. This sets the stage for unprecedented cooperation.
let us watch and wait
Indians buy US affirmation to designate people terrorist they want to see them in that list , to satisfy their tiny ego,s how much Indians pay this time ? :P
thats it?
Arkadashim, it's called pay as you go!!! Now, it looks like even the fresh air and strolls in the rose garden aren't even free!!!!! As for Pak, living on the "razor's edge" is her destiny!!! She has already successfully dealt with the likes of Kissinger/Brzezinski/Brezhnev etc. Compared to them, who are these folks?????? Even the US Jewish folks want to lash the "son-in-law" down for his incompetence!!!!!
Arkadashim, it's called pay as you go!!! Now, it looks like even the fresh air and strolls in the rose garden aren't even free!!!!! As for Pak, living on the "razor's edge" is her destiny!!! She has already successfully dealt with the likes of Kissinger/Brzezinski/Brezhnev etc. Compared to them, who are these folks?????? Even the US Jewish folks want to lash the "son-in-law" down for his incompetence!!!!!

You seem to be consistently living in past glories....lolz

turkey is next..... :) once raqqa/Mosul is free and the kurds have a stronghold in syria/iraq ...

who do you think is next ? :D

enjoy this while you have it.
You seem to be consistently living in past glories....lolz

turkey is next..... :) once raqqa/Mosul is free and the kurds have a stronghold in syria/iraq ...

who do you think is next ? :D

enjoy this while you have it.
The Turkish folks have been in this game for the last 2500 years!!!! Heard of Newton's method of induction????? If it's true for n=0 and 1, then it's also true for n=2, 3,.......

Haven't you already seen the Turkish tanks in the streets of Doha, and the Turkish forces crushing PKK/YPG etc. inside Syria?????? And, isn't Raheel Pasha, whose uncle single-handedly crushed the ultimate dream of the Indian Chief across a 200ft canal, given the command of the Alliance forces to secure Arabia???? And, Turkey and Pak are like 2 states 1 nation!!!!! And, it's occurring at present with so much similarities to the past!!!!!
Even most trusted friend UK is rethinking Trump visit to their country, not to mention US security establishment directly defying Trump presidency. In that context, what relevance or weight trump statement carries????? Second, it is customary US practice to use terror card to gain leverage from Pakistan but that card lived off its shelf life. With CPEC, SCO and other regional convergence, US completely lost its way. India with geographical handicap situation for sure can not help US in any meaningful way for lost US position; except offcourse offering vast indian state run terror apparatus for US use.

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