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Trump, Modi call on Pakistan to stem terrorist attacks

Now I am waiting to see what USA will get from Hindu-stan.
quid pro quo

After massaging Mother India, lets see what her business end delivers.

If you have followed Indian Media then you would know the message which India took to US was we want a win-win relationship. Yes they may get few deals which may have gone to Israel or Russia but there will be no freebies, India bargains hard and knows how to extract the best deal possible.

The direct impact of this (pressure on Pakistan) is no international pressure on India regarding Kashmir whatsoever, we can very well do whatever we want there.
All roads to AF go through Pak... those who wish or need to travel to the hellhole will always find it necessary to be nice to Paks...

Paks are after all Paks...

Regarding Mr. Trump's statement... well, Twitter King can say whatever he likes... it is only Mad Dog who matters. Pretty cosy there!
I heard the word Pakistan did not come anywhere during joint statement rupturing indian balloon.
This fake news is for domestic indian consumption ad Modi failed miserably on all account couldnt convince trump to get H1 visas or any other substantial benefit instead got spanked to open indian market for US 3rd tier weapons and other goods.
1)So be it
2)So, whats wrong with that?
3)How will this affect Indian troops going to Afghanistan?

how will this affect the Thunder program? European parts?

Nonchalance is the wrong attitude here. Our plans are being systematically sabotaged. Feigning lack of concern only underscores our own ineffectiveness.

I heard the word Pakistan did not come anywhere during joint statement rupturing indian balloon.
This fake news is for domestic indian consumption ad Modi failed miserably on all account couldnt convince trump to get H1 visas or any other substantial benefit instead got spanked to open indian market for US 3rd tier weapons and other goods.

It's not so much what they declare but what goes unstated. Trump is simply not the kind of person to accept anyone into his bubble. His beaming smile during Modi embrace is the most genial he has been with any leader so far. This sets the stage for unprecedented cooperation.
Its good the word used are " territory is not used to launch terrorist attacks on other countries" ,Its time for another statement by Monkey AKA Yadhav
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Designating Syed Salahuddin as global terrorist and now this that to naming Pakistan. Modi's US trip has been quite successful I must say.
No apart from heavenly ambience that attracts many followers into its territory, one more ecstatic adjective which they wear as badge of honour SDGT.
Here in India ,in recognition to Syed Slahuddin's achievement,Burkha dutt & her ilk will be busy in penning down nice story about "A JOURNEY FROM POLITICAL STUDENT to SDGT".
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Here is the truth:

"After Trump said it was “important that barriers be removed to the export of US goods into your markets and that we reduce our trade deficit with your country,” Modi said India was becoming an easier place for American companies to do business."

And the milking of the new rich cow starts..
No, the real purpose is of more personal nature. You know, compulsive pappi jhappi. Its Modi. :man_in_love::girl_wink::girl_wacko:
And both declared stupids:lol: No one take Trumpy serious neither Mudi;) Khoob Guzre gi jab mil jaen.........:P

Potential future consequences of this decision:

1. Cancellation of the viper deal.
2. Labeling Pakistan as state sponsor of terrorism.
3. India surrounding us by sending troops to Afghanistan.

A side effect of 2 could be further restrictions on components for our Thunder program. We are basically sitting back and letting Indian machinations against us succeed.

Sir, Australian PM paid a visit to India and lots of economic and trade deals were finalized. Western friends are telling me that after this all of a sudden they started seeing large increase in adverts by Indian prostitutes on less than savory sites!!!!!
Too much critical thoughts? Let's put it simple The Uncle Tom under Trumpy giving clear signals to Muslim countries ( don't count Saud al Sheikh bin Haram ) there is nothing positive for Muslim countries in America. Now our super retsrds politicians make a clear choice BE with America or kick it and make an official alliance with China and company, which they can't coz half of their wealth are in western countries.
Regarding that joint statement who even gives a flying fk?
Now carrry on with your critical thoughts and lives in la la la dream land:lol:
They can call us whatever they wish...Pakistan will continue to do what it feels better serve interest if and otherwise more dollars are provided in some special pockets8-):usflag::pakistan:
Pakistan showing the middle finger and moving on

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