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Troubled Tejas Edges Towards service.

As long as it is more advanced and lethal than it's counterpart(which actually it is), i dont really care what the critics say.
If this is a technology demonstrator, than this plane should not go into series production. As India would hold this plane back during real combat situation, why produce the aircraft in a huge volume? The production money should be use to purchase planes that Indian AF intend to use during the time of conflict. As many said, the development of the plane is an exercise of gaining technology, so this is where the focus should be in regard to this plane.

There is no series production, only limited series production...!!
Isn't every development a platform of expertise for future gen project? But you and hte author clearly state that this plane would not be in the front line combat. My feeling is that if the plane will not be in the front line combat, then Indian government would spend money more wisely on front line plane and do not waste money producing planes that is not going to see any combat.

---------- Post added at 02:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 AM ----------

The article said it clearly. Go read it again.

Hope you know what "Point defense role" is if not I will advise you to ask some elite member of this community....

LCA is not Ring form the movie "Lords of the ring.." -- One ring to rule all... :smitten:
the aircraft is stationed in sulur for logisitical ease. yelhanka is already overcrowded co next avaliable airbase close to HAL factory in bangalore is sulur. hence the aircraft has been first inducted at sulur air base.

once initial logistical problems are over come then ac wd be inducted into front line stations.
Even a glider is dangerous if it is fitting with ELTA/2032 + Derby BVR..!!
Just states what I have been saying for so long..
The learning process is the real gain.. the jet itself.. NOT!.

That's not correct!

Of course the learning process was the major point in this development, because it is the key to indigenous fighter developments and less dependance on foreign countries and that's why they went to develop radar, engine and stuff alone as well (which turned out to be a stupid idea and is the real failure!).
However, the jet was developed with the aim to be a very capable light class fighter and even when you look at the basic specs of the Tejas MK1, it is far away from beeing bad at all. It did not meet all aims, but is easily comparable to other light class fighters and in some fields it's already superior!
The problem now is, IAF wants a perfect fighter from the begining and don't want to wait till it improves during operational service, which is what PAF do now with JF17 for example.
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However, the jet was developed with the aim to be a very capable light class fighter and even when you look at the basic specs of the Tejas MK1, it is far away from beeing bad at all.

It did not meet all aims, but is easily comparable to other light class fighters and in some fields already superior!

The problem now is, IAF wants a perfect fighter from the begining and don't want to wait till it improves during operational service, which is what PAF do now with JF17 for example.

All the three points (bold) are the reason I've been asking the detractors of LCA to come up with their own views about why LCA is a slouch instead of quoting such ill informed articles.

When discussing a fighter, points like aerodynamic performance, sensors, stealth, Useful load, weapons, cost should be discussed. However, most important fact is whether the craft fits into the intended operational slot properly or not.

LCA (especially the mk2) matches the operational needs of IAF well; and that should be enough.

A mixed formation of Sukhoi MKI and LCA will be lethal.

Yes, especially noting the development of indian data link and other initiatives on the NCW front taken by the IAF.

Also, LCA would be really competitive on the LO front with all other 4.5 gen crafts, especially with the development of next generation jammers (Update expected in the coming Aero India 2011.)
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Its just western media whose is burning because of India's achievement and their loss of a big customer.

After Tejas mark II they will be forced to keep quite.
fitted with with ELTA/2032 + Derby BVR ?? :pop:

It is offcourse better than 'highly maneuverable but lack modern lethality',
like this,






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