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Tripura Watch Thread


Feb 13, 2014
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isn't this place near Burma and Bangladesh border?
maybe use of those Burma style tactics
India is utter hindutva extremist communal shithole

Disaster of a country

Then they ask why Indian Muslims and minorities are supporting Pakistan in cricket
No. It borders BD.

Use of BD style tactics i guess. Spill over from BD violence.
And where did the violence of BD spilled over from
remember NE journalist jumping on dead body- I am pretty sure it had something to do in rise of tensions in Bangladesh
Is there lection or what? what is the reason?
Bangladesh may not be perfect but at least ideologically we are opposed to all sorts of communalism. In the aftermath of the events, everyone cooperated with the law enforcement to arrest the violence while everyone condemned the events regardless their religion or political affiliation.

In India, they elect an extremist party to power while the religious violence there are sponsored by the state. People who condemn the violence in India are not appreciated rather served legal notice.
Man beaten to death by mob in Tripura


An unidentified man was lynched by a group of people in Kamalnagar village of the Sonamura area in Tripura in the early hours of Saturday.
Though the victim is yet to be identified, the police said they found a mobile phone and Bangladesh’s currency in his possession.
“According to the locals here, the thief is from Jamnagar in Bangladesh. There were two more with him, all from Kumilla district in Bangladesh. We recovered Bangladesh currency (taka) and a mobile set with Bangladesh connection from his possession,” News18 quotes a police officer as saying.
The villagers beat the youth to death following they accused him of cattle theft.
“He (the deceased) was giving misleading information when questioned,” a member of the killer mob said to reporters.
Two young men who were with the deceased managed to escape from the mob’s attack. When the trio allegedly entered the house of one Litan Paul to steal cows, the owner caught them in the act with the help of a neighbor, according to NDTV.
Last year, three Bangladeshi nationals were lynched by a Hindu mob in the Karimganj district of another northeast state Assam, following the mob had accused Bangladeshi nationals of cattle smuggling. In this case, last week, the Assam Human Rights Commission had issued a fresh notice to the Superintendent of Police of the Karimganj district seeking the status of the probe. Earlier, noting that the probe into this case was yet to be completed by the Karimganj District police, the Commission had, by its order dated September 22, 2021, asked the Superintendent of Police, Karimganj to submit a status report of the ongoing investigation.
Stressing that any form of lynching can’t be permitted in our society, the Commission headed by Justice T. Vaiphei, in its order observed that such a matter should not go unpunished as otherwise, it would send a wrong signal to others.
Brutal mob killings, mainly Hindutva mob lynchings of Muslims now seem to have become very normal in India with more than 100 cases of brutal lynching have been reported in two years even in the time of the pandemic.

Wow tripura watch thread...... keep watching :lol::lol::lol:

Lol @ you trying to pretend it's funny and nothing to you when we all know H's are seething and trying to clamp down and arrest any journo reporting on your chimpouts. Bet it makes you even more mad that you pajeets can't get your government to have some anti national law slapped on me.
Bangladesh may not be perfect but at least ideologically we are opposed to all sorts of communalism. In the aftermath of the events, everyone cooperated with the law enforcement to arrest the violence while everyone condemned the events regardless their religion or political affiliation.

In India, they elect an extremist party to power while the religious violence there are sponsored by the state. People who condemn the violence in India are not appreciated rather served legal notice.
Tripura violence is just a spillover of anti Hindu violence in Bangladesh a month ago. Tripura is also a Bengali speaking state so it was it. Some temples have also been destroyed in Tripura meanwhile

Some temples have also been destroyed in Tripura meanwhile

No temple has been destroyed by the looks of it. Also funny how there are organized Hindu mobs out there openly tearing and burning down masjids and then conveniently enough, some unknown miscreants pop out nowhere to "desecrate" one single temple. Hmm, I wonder which lying and amoral people could be behind this!
Just read some hindus posters post here. Man, these hindus are pathetic...

Literally the definition of cowards. Only attack in packs. Will go after the old and young. Use weapons on completely defenceless people. Can't even own up to it afterwards and try to pretend to be the victims. Nasty people. Vermin. Obviously has something to do with their value system and the things they've been raised to believe but I haven't studied enough of their religion to put my finger on it.
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Man beaten to death by mob in Tripura


An unidentified man was lynched by a group of people in Kamalnagar village of the Sonamura area in Tripura in the early hours of Saturday.
Though the victim is yet to be identified, the police said they found a mobile phone and Bangladesh’s currency in his possession.
“According to the locals here, the thief is from Jamnagar in Bangladesh. There were two more with him, all from Kumilla district in Bangladesh. We recovered Bangladesh currency (taka) and a mobile set with Bangladesh connection from his possession,” News18 quotes a police officer as saying.
The villagers beat the youth to death following they accused him of cattle theft.
“He (the deceased) was giving misleading information when questioned,” a member of the killer mob said to reporters.
Two young men who were with the deceased managed to escape from the mob’s attack. When the trio allegedly entered the house of one Litan Paul to steal cows, the owner caught them in the act with the help of a neighbor, according to NDTV.
Last year, three Bangladeshi nationals were lynched by a Hindu mob in the Karimganj district of another northeast state Assam, following the mob had accused Bangladeshi nationals of cattle smuggling. In this case, last week, the Assam Human Rights Commission had issued a fresh notice to the Superintendent of Police of the Karimganj district seeking the status of the probe. Earlier, noting that the probe into this case was yet to be completed by the Karimganj District police, the Commission had, by its order dated September 22, 2021, asked the Superintendent of Police, Karimganj to submit a status report of the ongoing investigation.
Stressing that any form of lynching can’t be permitted in our society, the Commission headed by Justice T. Vaiphei, in its order observed that such a matter should not go unpunished as otherwise, it would send a wrong signal to others.
Brutal mob killings, mainly Hindutva mob lynchings of Muslims now seem to have become very normal in India with more than 100 cases of brutal lynching have been reported in two years even in the time of the pandemic.

Lol @ you trying to pretend it's funny and nothing to you when we all know H's are seething and trying to clamp down and arrest any journo reporting on your chimpouts. Bet it makes you even more mad that you pajeets can't get your government to have some anti national law slapped on me.
Found Bangladeshi currency, must have been an Indian who got killed.

Just read some hindus posters post here. Man, these hindus are pathetic...
Quite rich coming from a BDiot who’s country did an Anti Hindu pogrom during Dussehra, burnt temples and did not even spare our Bhagwat Gita. And shameless lot of you guys were claiming it be India sponsored.
No temple has been destroyed by the looks of it. Also funny how there are organized Hindu mobs out there openly tearing and burning down masjids and then conveniently enough, some unknown miscreants pop out nowhere to "desecrate" one single temple. Hmm, I wonder which lying and amoral people could be behind this!
The ones who’re behind are mentioned if your eyesight is helping you.
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Literally the definition of cowards. Only attack in packs. Will go after the old and young. Use weapons on completely defenceless people. Can't even own up to it afterwards and try to pretend to be the victims. Nasty people. Vermin. Obviously has something to do with their value system and the things they've been raised to believe but I haven't studied enough of their religion to put my finger on it.
Pure 3rd class dishonest people...

There is nothing to study about hinduism. It isn't even a religion. Hinduism is a name given by muslims to every type of pagans.

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