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Tripura Watch Thread

Liars remain liars

You are aware the lying Hindu group and lying Hindu family he was part of originally tried to lie and pretend that he was stabbed because he was fundraising for some monkey temple? Probably an excuse for them to go out and rape little Muslim kids. It was only AFTERWARDS we found out that Rinkjeet was a drunkard picking fights with Muslim men. We all know who the liars are here. Good thing is that the world has to deal with one less liar.

Keep seething

Seething about what? You're the guy crying about 6 gorillion temples getting mysteriously vandalized. I'm seething about the fact that you're lying as you guys always do?
Idk what you're talking about? It's just an internet cartoon? Not even the mention of a Jew in it? Jews and giving phool shapport to them rent free in your head. Pathetic.
it's the same old cartoon that's being recycled by professionally hateful imageboarders for every religion.

As Exposing the English Defence League points out, the cartoon is in fact a clumsy adaptation of a cartoon popular in neo-Nazi and white supremacist circles, which portrays fascist graffiti on synagogues as part of a Jewish conspiracy to frame the far right.
it's the same old cartoon that's being recycled by professionally hateful imageboarders for every religion.

Ok, I guess I'm not allowed to use cartoons which occasionally gets used by bigots because that apparently makes me an anti-semite too. I guess every Hindu out there is a schizo antisemite given their love of swastikas.
no, not occasionally. it's the exclusive domain of bigots. as your own example demonstrates.

Indians have called protesting farmers terrorists, protesting Muslim women Jihadis, and journalists reporting on issues anti-nationals. I have no problem if an Indian calls me a bigot. We know how you guys love to stretch definitions so anyone you dislike or disagree with snugly fits in.

Btw thank you Indians for derailing yet another thread. Doesn't matter how many masjids get destroyed and how many Muslims beaten to death, they need to mention how their pet violent drunkards in the Bajrang Dal got killed.
Indians have called protesting farmers terrorists, protesting Muslim women Jihadis, and journalists reporting on issues anti-nationals.
you again demonstrate your irrational bigotry. Indian does this.... therefore all Pajeet Pagans..... therefore I have a license to bigotry. no different from, "I don't care if some Muslim calls be bigot because.....". you're a professional bigot with a great experience of bigotry with professional imageboard bigots.
Think through stuff analytical- religion by itself doesn't define every dynamics in a particular situation
Thats what I’m saying, labelling everything a genocide is just plane stupidity, I know no state sponsors random violence that erupts, but some media portray as such.
Indians have called protesting farmers terrorists, protesting Muslim women Jihadis, and journalists reporting on issues anti-nationals.
Pakistanis have called anti blasphemy protesting TLP as Indian funded terrorists, christians as sewer cleaners and journos reporting on that stuff as… well they get stab attacked, even abroad.
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Literally the definition of cowards. Only attack in packs. Will go after the old and young. Use weapons on completely defenceless people. Can't even own up to it afterwards and try to pretend to be the victims. Nasty people. Vermin. Obviously has something to do with their value system and the things they've been raised to believe but I haven't studied enough of their religion to put my finger on it.
Value system: Hindutva ideology combined with ethnic tribal racism. Nasty combination. In 1982, Assam or this area saw the massacre of thousands of Bengalis. I would send the Bengali Muslims to Bangladesh and bring back the Biharis home who will be Biharis even after ten generations. Bangladesh doesn't want them.
And where did the violence of BD spilled over from
remember NE journalist jumping on dead body- I am pretty sure it had something to do in rise of tensions in Bangladesh
Violence in BD didn't spill over from anywhere but some muslim guy maliciously put Quran on Idol which started the violence in BD.

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