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Tribesmen demand electricity in return for polio vaccination for kids

These mosquitoes are too annoying with their cruel stings and ringtones... make people lose their ability to think rationally..

I dont blame them since they seem are far away from indus high way... their only hope of peace and tranquility lie in threatening of Polio vaccination... :lol:
The perinatal and post-natal mortality is high in this area due to lack of health facilities so who give a fck in that area about one or two kids getting affected by polio?
The region is hot desert with scarcity of water...and yet full time loadshedding? Have you ever imagined what can be the condition of newborns in this month of june?...more kids in this area die from sun stroke than polio.
And with no electric fans operating, kids and infants are bombarded by mosquitos and flies....their demand of mosquito nets is o.k
The only hospital in the district is occupied by army so they have to go to bannu for emergency cases...how many of them die in the way? Kabi socha hey, you city dwellers.
The perinatal and post-natal mortality is high in this area due to lack of health facilities so who give a fck in that area about one or two kids getting affected by polio?
The region is hot desert with scarcity of water...and yet full time loadshedding? Have you ever imagined what can be the condition of newborns in this month of june?...more kids in this area die from sun stroke than polio.
And with no electric fans operating, kids and infants are bombarded by mosquitos and flies....their demand of mosquito nets is o.k
The only hospital in the district is occupied by army so they have to go to bannu for emergency cases...how many of them die in the way? Kabi socha hey, you city dwellers.

And you forgot to tell these city dwellers that what they do with government properties in cities when load shedding increases for few hours? :frown:
@Hyperion @Secur @Armstrong Guys!! These fellows are seriously holding the future of their children hostage over electricity? :hitwall:

I know many elders who grew up in villages. Even after having a decent lifestyles, they still believe electricity is an item of luxury which should be given least priority compared to other things.
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Brother...at the cost of crippling their children..electricity is more important than their own children to them? This fits in to your idea of being logical? Bhai I thought only me and @Secur were the ones into dope here..:what:

Keeping in mind that the energy crisis is a serious problem throughout the country , not just tribal areas or KPK and even the people living in urban areas have 9-12 hours load shedding ( speaking of Karachi - the largest city and financial hub of the country here ) . Others can tell me about theirs . A token of people or a very small minority have the luxury of UPS and generators and rest all suffer in silence . Its extremely hot here and even with both fans running in the room at the moment , I am feeling no better . So , I reject this theory of holding one's own ' kids ' on ' gunpoint ' to blackmail the the Govt ' to provide electricity ' whilst thinking by getting one's children vaccinated and being saved from polio for the rest of their lives is doing the Govt a favor * dont know what did the Mullahs pull this time besides the ' Jewish conspiracy theories ' I get here in Karachi * which it cant this way , by any chance . Furthermore , think of the image of the country further tarnished in International arena and the message conveyed to other countries . We are one of three countries left who have eradicated the ancient ' Polio ' completely and that is worrying in itself because unlike Nigeria and Afghanistan , we have got the resources and facilities to counter this .

Thanks for the detailed post explaining the intense efforts that GOI had to pull , in order to eradicate the endemic from the country .
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saab jhot prapoganda mohim, to accomodate vasted intersts!
just to show all they want is progress thats why they killed polio workers?
no they killed them because they hate them, after shakeel afridi ? thats the revenge they are taking!
its again PTI sponsored news, will benefit them in the end![
its again PTI sponsored news, will benefit them in the end![

What is this ' sponsored news ' thing ? Aren't polio workers attacked in Karachi because people do not want to get their children's vaccinated citing the fatwa no xx from the local radical Mullah ?

Does this come as a surprise to you or your world is divided into ' Nawaz supporters ' and ' Imran supporters ? Let me make it very clear that I have no love for any of them .
What is this ' sponsored news ' thing ? Aren't polio workers attacked in Karachi because people do not want to get their children's vaccinated citing the fatwa no xx from the local radical Mullah ?

Does this come as a surprise to you or your world is divided into ' Nawaz supporters ' and ' Imran supporters ? Let me make it very clear that I have no love for any of them .

my very dear respected sir!
ask anyone on this fourm, may i support those in questioned by you ?
my lord , they call me the ultimate critic for them, the most hated one?look at my sign plz?
well no, i am all against of any kind of rewritten terorism on the name islam ,to achive insane agendas!
with all said & done, yes you are partly right ! but all this buchtherism has started after shakeel afridi,s capture & his story,s leak into pakistani press?
plz do your fine work, to findout how many of polio workers bieng killed before & after his arrest by ISI?
with all good intentions in my heart n mind?
nice to met some 1, who can look beyond PTI & PMLn ,s dam world!
You got to pay them to save their own children - this is Ghairat and Maardanegi, Foh sure, sugah! - I'm sure it's all on the up and up, Pashshtunwali and all that good stuff - You wonder why Al-Qaida and Talib are welcome among the Tribals?
So they're willing to kill their kids, just so they can steal electricity from the rest of the country. I say steal, because this is clearly blackmailing the gov. These people should be arrested and jailed for child abuse.
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