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Tribesmen demand electricity in return for polio vaccination for kids

Yara Secur, with due respect,

it also means,

our intellectuals spend too much time talking and f@rting about drones (like 99%)


too little time (like less than 0.005%), showing pictures of polio afflicted kids, and other horrible horrible diseases that could easily be stopped via early childhood vaccination.

In other words

We are giving tribals the wrong kind of education.

then what should we expect when they behave and follow what we teach them. what we prioritize for them in our media, our colleges, our mosques.

If we are telling them 24 hours that America is bad, Islam is in danger, Jews are out to get you, then how on earth they will readily accept medicine donated by the same West. How?

Sadly. it is like

We sow cactus, and when it comes up, we cry, "Oh God! Where are our mangoes".

We want mangoes, sweet sweet chotay chotay, mangoes that we all can suck on. Why oh why we are getting these thorny things, that are splitting open our mouths.

Cry cry cry, weep weep, where are our mangoes. cry cry cry. weep weep weep.

Hope we all understand our responsibilities first before laughing our @rses off on Tribals.

Thank you

You insult the word and class of people known as ' Intellectuals ' implying that those anchor persons and analysts on the media have some ' intellect ' whilst the truth is , they do not have any by a long shot .

Imagine the people who cant realize the big picture , do not understand the gravity of situation , have no idea about this war of ideologies and yet criticize drones day and night which are carried with permission of Pakistan and has been of immense help taking the top Taliban commanders out . They just focus on something unavoidable - collateral damage .

Maybe show a couple of reports how over-producing children is resulting in stretched thin resources and much difficulties for the people themselves with the kids not receiving the education and other facilities and hence more vulnerable to be recruited by the militants/extremists for their holy mission .

But forget it all , contraception and population control are unislamic and jewish , we shouldn't follow this at all because its a ploy to decrease the number of Muslims in the country .

Precisely , we are seeing the results and they do not look good for the country .

Karl Marx famous quote comes to my mind seeing this religious fundamentalism and extremism , honestly .
pakistani state hasn't done anything for these people, I really wonder why are they with Pakistan. Stop blaming these poor folks when you have used them for your own purposes
Common sense is not so common, it depends on where you get your info from.

I would have given a few examples of India but that is irrelevant here and off topic , leave it . I take your word for now .

Appears so .
Most of them are illiterate and heavily influenced by the local God's viceroy on earth - the Mullah who serves as the representative of the God . No , they do not understand but this isn't a thing to understand , this is common sense . They aren't doing anyone a favor by this absurd ' blackmail ' . The state of Pakistan wants to eradicate the ' Polio ' for the good of their children and honestly with just three countries still remaining in the list of ' polio-endemic ' , this is quite serious . There's no cure to illiteracy and stupidity , Dillinger .

Dude we had a hard time eradicating polio ourselves..only now are we considered as a success story in that field and labeled as a polo free country. Imagine..thousands upon thousands of hours of advertisements exhorting the people to get their kids vaccinated. Hoardings and boards doing the same on every corner or every road..hell we even had adds running on the All India Radio and every other FM frequency as often as a mullah strokes his beard in an hour. All of that and soo much more..along with..of course the actual vaccination program on the ground..even recently there were vaccination booths setup everywhere..in schools..metro stations and they even go house by house and keep solid records of the kids per home in a locality. "Mammoth" doesn't even begin to describe the scope of the initiative.

These people are just adding a very unwanted burden to an already difficult task. I hope they realize that their crippled kids won't be able to protect them from the Jews.
As much as polio is a birth right of all kids, electricity is the birth right of all human. tribal people are not wrong in demanding what they rightly deserve
As much as polio is a birth right of all kids, electricity is the birth right of all human. tribal people are not wrong in demanding what they rightly deserve

By blackmailing the government and saying that we won't LET anyone vaccinate our kids IF we don't get electricity?? Do you seriously see any sense of proportion in such a step?
By blackmailing the government and saying that we won't LET anyone vaccinate our kids IF we don't get electricity?? Do you seriously see any sense of proportion in such a step?

YES. this maybe the only option left for their voice to be heard.
YES. this maybe the only option left for their voice to be heard.

Brother...at the cost of crippling their children..electricity is more important than their own children to them? This fits in to your idea of being logical? Bhai I thought only me and @Secur were the ones into dope here..:what:
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not true for India. Most Indians have high level of trust in govt (in fact too much I would say) , when govt say something is good, most people think it must be good.
This has relation with conspiracy theory, because many educated person believe in such theries, unable to figure out which news source to trust. Imagine the plight of illiterates and semi literates.

Common sense is not so common, it depends on where you get your info from.

hope this helps.


Think BIMARU states, think tribal areas. Same thinking, same poverty stricken outcome.
---- All the while Indian states next door show how to work hard and change your life.

Now step-2
Think BIMARU states, think all Indian media (and forums like PDF) telling them, America is out to get you.

Now step-3
Think BIMARU states roiled up against West, think polio vaccine coming from the same West

Because you all are lucky to have nationalist media so you all donn't get to step-2.

Back in 50s and 60s the same tribals were not roiled up against the West, so guess what, UN organizations did a heroic job and eradicated many many diseases.

This brings me to step-4.

We can't change Pakistani media. they will continue spreading Islamist $hit.

But we on PDF can make sure that Islamist and ethnic $hit is not spread, especially by the posters with Indian flags.

Brother...at the cost of crippling their children..electricity is more important than their own children to them? This fits in to your idea of being logical? Bhai I thought only me and @Secur were the ones into dope here..:what:

i don't know. maybe because i don't have kids nor do i plan to have one in near future thats why i can't see things from your perspective
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^^^ lol, you are the sh*t master... enjoy your sh*t filled post yourself, no way am reading your long post bla bla.
By blackmailing the government and saying that we won't LET anyone vaccinate our kids IF we don't get electricity?? Do you seriously see any sense of proportion in such a step?

Not sure if this "blackmailing" is what you think.

May be some smartelik tribal lord came up with this deal to convince his own people.
That they are getting something extra if they do "favor" to Pakistan by getting their own damn "kids" vaccinated.

In some ways it is a favor to us the city dwellers.

If the world imposes travel ban to Pakistan and for Pakistan,

Tribals will not be impacted. They are living in stone age already.

But we the middle class and upper class elite suffer from sanctions against Pakistan.

Hope you get the point.

I am not supporting this $tupid stance in any way
As much as polio is a birth right of all kids, electricity is the birth right of all human. tribal people are not wrong in demanding what they rightly deserve

Polio is a birth right of all kids?!
Assuming that you meant vaccination. Tribals are thinking that it is something for the govts own profit that the vaccination is being done, that it is not them but the govt who would gain something out of it. Otherwise no one threatens to injure his left leg if his right one is not treated.
Their demand is right, but what they are keeping hostage is health of their own kids.

And while govt is not gaining anything except for healthier citizens, they have lot to loose. Lot is spend on vaccination each year. And this also presents threat to rest of the Pakistan and world.
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