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Tribal girl stripped over 'affair', molested by hundreds in Bengal

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Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Tribal girl stripped over 'affair', molested by hundreds in Bengal
Someswar Boral, TNN, Aug 9, 2010

SURI: A 17-year-old tribalgirl was stripped, beaten and forced to walk nude for 8km across three villages with hundreds of men molesting her all the way and taking videos on their mobiles. It was a shocking reminder of the Guwahati incident in November 2007 when a teenager was stripped and molested by a mob during an ethnic clash. An MMS clipping of the Birbhum girls ordeal is now doing the rounds under the name 'Adibasi girl'. And it is this footage that is finally getting the victim some justice.

According to sources, the girls fault was that she loved a boy from another community. Police were shocked to learn that the panchayats and other local bodies knew of the incident but hadn't bothered to inform the administration. The incident happened four months ago but the girl was too traumatized to go to the authorities. It is only when the administration came to know of the MMS that police swung into action on their own and arrested five of the culprits on Sunday.

Some frames in the video are, too, horrific to watch. The girl has a dazed, dead look on her face as she staggers along dusty dirt tracks. A jeering crowd of tribals follows her, beating drums and thrashing her with sticks whenever she stops. Little boys throw stones at her. She takes the blows, defenceless, as she uses her arms in a futile attempt to protect her honour. Men pounce on her, pull her arms apart and molest her amid laughter as the drums beat up a frenzy.

This torture went on for hours in broad daylight, in the scorching heat of April. The footage shows just 11 minutes of it. On Saturday, some journalists showed the clipping to SP Humayun Kabir and DM Saumitra Mohan demanding why they were not taking any action.

Tribal girl stripped over 'affair', molested by hundreds in Bengal - India - The Times of India
these guys dnt hve humanity
These sub-humans should be kept behind bars at all times!
Tribal girl stripped over 'affair', molested by hundreds in Bengal
Someswar Boral, TNN, Aug 9, 2010

SURI: A 17-year-old tribalgirl was stripped, beaten and forced to walk nude for 8km across three villages with hundreds of men molesting her all the way and taking videos on their mobiles. It was a shocking reminder of the Guwahati incident in November 2007 when a teenager was stripped and molested by a mob during an ethnic clash. An MMS clipping of the Birbhum girls ordeal is now doing the rounds under the name 'Adibasi girl'. And it is this footage that is finally getting the victim some justice.

Only good thing in the news is that bolded part..they shoot it and send it on MMS and now police can easily find which ever retards touched that poor girl..hope strong action should be taken against them..already 5 of them got arrested..

Some frames in the video are, too, horrific to watch. The girl has a dazed, dead look on her face as she staggers along dusty dirt tracks. A jeering crowd of tribals follows her, beating drums and thrashing her with sticks whenever she stops. Little boys throw stones at her. She takes the blows, defenceless, as she uses her arms in a futile attempt to protect her honour. Men pounce on her, pull her arms apart and molest her amid laughter as the drums beat up a frenzy. This torture went on for hours in broad daylight, in the scorching heat of April.

Just pathetic :angry::angry:...these people are not supposed to live, should give them severe punishment that rest of the people will remember it for a long time..What that girl gone through is beyond imagination ..:frown: 17 years of age..at that time we were living with out a care for the world and she has gone through a horrible incident that will haunt her rest of her life ..

Sad to hear that, just speechless :cry::cry::cry:
If this was in Pakistan i bet it would be blamed on Islam!

No. Such incidents are endemic mostly to our region. In this particular case, the girl was in love with a guy from another community which didnt go well with her community. Those guys, from her own community/tribe are the perpetrators of this heinous act. Shoot those rabid dogs.

Its all about male insecurity and the age old 'tradition' that males are superior to women prevalent in our region. these traditions are followed by many communities and tribes both in Pakistan and India where the women are sorely mistreated. Actually religion has nothing to do with it. Its man's own perversion.

Stupid insecure brutes.
This case has made me speechless...what type of tribal people are these...that find this type of behavior acceptable.....That poor girl....the trauma will probably stay with her for the rest of her life. Asia needs to stop this brutality on women.....seriously women need to be treated with kindness and respect....not paraded around like a animal..with no honour left.
Lets see how the Government of india acts. Again Please Please Educate as many as you can. It is the only solution or such acts will appear from time to time.
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