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Travelling abroad on a Pakistani passport is becoming tougher by the day

looks like the Indian trolls have once again infested a perfectly good thread.
Not surprising, can't expect a creature of habit to change :coffee:

I have reported your trolling Kiddo.
hey at least we aren't multiplying like bacteria (Chinese and Indian)!

All those idiots in the london subway bombing were born and bred in Britain! Those Bastards shouldn't even be considered Pakistani (one was Black i believe)

not enough resources for everyone, this isn't a developed country


Since when did the religiously charged poor population want or ever tried to migrate. It's only middle and upper class Pakistanis that migrate now.

And yes we CAN blame it on Zardari, he's the prime minister and the one who is the leader for the country. He should be the one directing those kinds of policies, or at least advocating for them. But he's NOT!

i recently went to Dubai nothing was so... its only in west the european and USA but if you go in russia,China,japan,india or other countries we are treated as normal people . West is just fool for example they are wasting time to know if alien exist what weapons should we have. They are frigtened of US trust me.
My Muslim friend, who did his Chemical Engineering from NIT was denied a student Visa to US even though he is an Indian. Because Muslim + Chemical engineer = Big Red Flag
i recently went to Dubai nothing was so... its only in west the european and USA but if you go in russia,China,japan,india or other countries we are treated as normal people . West is just fool for example they are wasting time to know if alien exist what weapons should we have. They are frigtened of US trust me.
The West only discriminates against Muslims thats all........They just hate them....but the normal public might not be like that......:smokin:
Ok lets c who is not following universal doctrine of live and let live type .

Westerners invaded Native Americans land in the name of discovery ,
Soviets invaded Muslims land namely Central Asia
Palestine is occupied by Isreahell
Kashmir is occupied by India
Afghanistan is occupied by by westerners
Daily drone attacks happening on Pakistan by westerners .
Iraq was invaded and occupied by westerners.
Libya is destroyed by westerners.

Now atleast I can clearly see who is not universal doctrine of live and let live type

go and pour water on ur face and take a brake from Fox News
History of kashmir:-
According to folk etymology, the name "Kashmir" means "desiccated land" (from the Sanskrit: Ka = water and shimeera = desiccate). In the Rajatarangini, a history of Kashmir written by Kalhana in the mid-12th century, it is stated that the valley of Kashmir was formerly a lake. According to Hindu mythology, the lake was drained by the great rishi or sage, Kashyapa, son of Marichi, son of Brahma, by cutting the gap in the hills at Baramulla (Varaha-mula). When Kashmir had been drained, Kashyapa asked Brahmans to settle there. This is still the local tradition, and in the existing physical condition of the country, we may see some ground for the story which has taken this form. The name of Kashyapa is by history and tradition connected with the draining of the lake, and the chief town or collection of dwellings in the valley was called Kashyapa-pura, which has been identified with Kaspapyros of Hecataeus (apud Stephanus of Byzantium) and Kaspatyros of Herodotus (3.102, 4.44).[1] Kashmir is also believed to be the country meant by Ptolemy's Kaspeiria.[2]
Cashmere is an archaic spelling of Kashmir, and in some countries it is still spelled this way.
According to legend, Jammu was founded by Raja Jamboolochan in the 14th century BC. During one of his hunting campaigns he reached the Tawi River where he saw a goat and a lion drinking water at the same place. The king was impressed and decided to set up a town after his name, Jamboo. With the passage of time, the name was corrupted and became "Jammu".
Early history

Further information: Rajatarangini, Kushan Empire, Huna people, and Buddhism in Kashmir

This general view of the unexcavated Buddhist stupa near Baramulla, with two figures standing on the summit, and another at the base with measuring scales, was taken by John Burke in 1868. The stupa, which was later excavated, dates to 500 AD
Kashmir was one of the major centre of Sanskrit scholars. According to the Mahabharata,[3] the Kambojas ruled Kashmir during the epic period with a Republican system of government[4] from the capital city of Karna-Rajapuram-gatva-Kambojah-nirjitastava.,[5][6] shortened to Rajapura,[7][8][9][10] which has been identified with modern Rajauri.[11] Later, the Panchalas are stated to have established their sway. The name Peer Panjal, which is a part of modern Kashmir, is a witness to this fact. Panjal is simply a distorted form of the Sanskritic tribal term Panchala. The Muslims prefixed the word peer to it in memory of Siddha Faqir and the name thereafter is said to have changed into Peer Panjal.[12] The Mauryan emperor Ashoka is often credited with having founded the city of Srinagar.
Kashmir was once a Buddhist seat of learning, perhaps with the Sarvāstivādan school dominating. East and Central Asian Buddhist monks are recorded as having visited the kingdom. In the late 4th century AD, the famous Kuchanese monk Kumārajīva, born to an Indian noble family, studied Dīrghāgama and Madhyāgama in Kashmir under Bandhudatta. He later becoming a prolific translator who helped take Buddhism to China. His mother Jīva is thought to have retired to Kashmir. Vimalākṣa, a Sarvāstivādan Buddhist monk, travelled from Kashmir to Kucha and there instructed Kumārajīva in the Vinayapiṭaka.
From time immemorial kashmir has been part of India and will always be ours,you need to worry about Pak OK
Now get your facts right, I dont want any BS next time
i recently went to Dubai nothing was so... its only in west the european and USA but if you go in russia,China,japan,india or other countries we are treated as normal people . West is just fool for example they are wasting time to know if alien exist what weapons should we have. They are frigtened of US trust me.
Memon sahib, Tunisia must fall in the West because I've seen two people have visa refusals despite invitation from scientific conferences. I think they think Pakistanis are from another planet or something.
Nothing new here..
Its been like this since 1998..well before 9/11..
Its a scheme to demonize,demoralize,defame Pakistanis and Pakistan,and a ploy to restrict Pakistan's financial growth...

The Arab countries are worst in this regard,i have faced more checking and delay on Arab airports than European airports on my Pakistani Passport...
Never had any problem while traveling around the world, specially Europe. But don't anything about India. Had a plan to visit old Dehli , Old Bombay and Calcutta . Approximately , how much required to travel these three cities ?
i find it unusual how it's easier for a Pakistani to go to America but harder to go to India

we haven't gone to war with America 4 times in the past 6 decades......at the same rate it's easier for an indian to go to Afghanistan than Pakistan

it's our fault, our leaders' fault for bad image of Pakistanis at these airports around the world.....many of our nationals our caught for visa violations, narcotics, etc. Some of our people give us ''normal Pakistanis'' a bad name

i'm a Pakistani national studying in the US; i personally havent encountered any problems whatsoever; but maybe that's just because i come across as a nice guy :D of course they do ask normal questions like ''what are you doing here'' and ''how long you plan to stay'' etc. etc.

every country has its bad apples....these bad apples give a country a bad name. Pakistan is not spared by this phenomenon.

we can call this wat you like.

BUT the finger of blame STARTS AT THE TOP...

WHOSE been running PAKISTAN for 60 years ??????????


normal everyday PAKISTANIS are fine
Never had any problem while traveling around the world, specially Europe. But don't anything about India. Had a plan to visit old Dehli , Old Bombay and Calcutta . Approximately , how much required to travel these three cities ?

Take Rs1000 INR/day for decent stay...otherwise no upper limit.
But do go to Lucknow, Hyderabad,Jaipur also
Take Rs1000 INR/day for decent stay...otherwise no upper limit.
But do go to Lucknow, Hyderabad,Jaipur also
1000 rs cant even get you decent accommodation in mumbai.
You need to spend at least 1500 on hotel in any metro city (delhi/mumbai/kolkata).
food will be 150 - 200 rs per day.
If you are travelling without female companion, in a group, you can do it cheaper.
Is it really true that they detain you if your last name is khan? I thought it is only a bollywood way of saying that muslims are discriminated. Did not know it is literally true. What did khans do anything to anybody?( apart from horrible dancing may be)
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