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Transnistria asks to annex it to Russia

Western Ukraine hates you guys more then the devil the only possibility of them "joining" you is if you defeat them in a war and annex them
That's what I'm telling you. Banderovtsy hate everyone, and Ukrainians and Russian hate Banderivtsy. Benderovtsy seized power forcibly, prompting the South East of Ukraine to seek joining to Russia. If the fascists will not give power - all Ukraine will reunited with Russia. And Western Ukraine we will return to the Poles - Poles owned Galicia 14 to 20 century.
why sad? if russia takes it away moldova has nothing more left than to join romania

The Romanians there man,the Romanians there.We have to get them out.What if the Russian minority in Moldova starts acting out like in Ukraine if they see Transnistria going Russia's way ? Altough,they're only 10 %...but you never know.
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