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Transnistria asks to annex it to Russia

Russia, too, has always been the subject of colonization for Germany. Since the Goths times. However, unlike other East European nations, Russia was able to stop the onslaught Goths / Teutonic Knights / Prussians / Germans/Nazis/(European Union?)

Gothic times occurred centuries ago, and they were invited into the region by the Polish lords to quell the pagan Prussiy tribe. In payment of gratitude, the lands in present day Old Prussia were given to the Teutonic knights. And subsequent migration of germanic peoples from Saxony (northern germany) occurred into present day Old Prussia. Forays into the Russia never occurred, and the early expansion of early Prussian power was limited only due to the combined forces of Polish-Lithuanian cavalry (at the time considered one of the best in Europe). Eventually, however, we were able to break Polish dominion.

Prussians never feared Russians. Your civilization was reduced to mere ashes by Tatars and the Mongols. Kievan Rus' fall is testament to that.
Gothic times occurred centuries ago, and they were invited into the region by the Polish lords to quell the pagan Prussiy tribe. In payment of gratitude, the lands in present day Old Prussia were given to the Teutonic knights. And subsequent migration of germanic peoples from Saxony (northern germany) occurred into present day Old Prussia. Forays into the Russia never occurred, and the expansion of early Prussian power occurred only due to the combined forces of Polish-Lithuanian cavalry (at the time considered one of the best in Europe).

Prussians never feared Russians. Your civilization was reduced to mere ashes by Tatars and the Mongols. Kievan Rus' fall is testament to that.
Incidentally only by will of Russian Tsar Alexander I Prussia was preserved as a state. Napoleon offered to the Tsar to divide Prussia between two Empires.
Teutons went to the crusades against the Baltic tribes and Russian principalities (although Russia for several centuries was Christian ) .
"Drag nach Osten" - the ancient principle of the Germans. They assimilated Western Slavic tribes Bodrichi and Lyutichi (Berlin was founded by the Slavic ) . And later assimilated Balto-Slavic tribe of Prussia. ( Russia and Prussia - very similar, is not it? )
German colony? Please review your own history. There was no unified German state, namely, the idea of a Germania was more of a ideological consortium that was championed by the two preeminent states, the Prussian Empire and the Hapsburg Empire (later renamed to Austrian-Hungarian Empire). But, due to the racial miscegenation of Austria-Hungarian Empire and religious dichotomy (Most of the northern German states are are protestant whereas Austria and some southern German states, per se Bavaria, are Roman Catholic. This difference, therefore, championed the preference of northern German states to ally with Prussia, as seen in in the Prussian-Austrian War and subsequently in the Franco-Prussian War, in which Prussia humiliated both the militaries of the French Empire (please read the battle of Sedan!) and the Austrian Hungarian Empire.

Prussian calculus was not in the integration of slavic peoples to its eastern frontier, no, the Empire didn't really share the Austrian-Hungarian policies of a racially admixed state, rather, Prussian calculus was for the military and political unification of the German states into one nation, headed by, of course, Prussia. This would manifest later in the late 19th century with the creation of the Second Reich, the German Empire headed by Kaiser Wilhelm.

Addendum: Present day Germany preserves most of the borders of the German states. Austria, and Switzerland, both of whom are german speaking and composed of germanic peoples remain outside the sphere. Notably one understands the political catalyst of their exclusion.

That said, one could deign to to say that the Netherlands could be considered part of a 'Germania'. Since the dutch language is akin to higher german dialect. Dutch people are also racially germanic peoples.
there was no united german state but german states, prussia and austria being the biggest colonizer in eastern europe along with turks

learn history
Incidentally only by will of Russian Tsar Alexander I Prussia was preserved as a state. Napoleon offered to the Tsar to divide Prussia between two Impires.
Teutons went to the crusades against the Baltic tribes and Russian principalities (although Russia for several centuries was Christian ) .
"Drag nach Osten" - the ancient principle of the Germans. They assimilated Western Slavic tribes Bodrichey and Lyutichey (Berlin was founded by the Slavic ) . And later assimilated Balto-Slavic tribe of Prussia. ( Russia and Prussia - very similar, is not it? )

Well, if you're going to find the commonality. It is this: Germans and Russians are warlike. I don't think there is an argument to that, considering the military history of Germania ; being the only region in Europe that was not romanized by the Roman Empire. The notion of the proto-German hero Hermann (Latin name was: Arminius) who led the ambush against Augustus' 3 legions into Magna Germania...and perished.


The statue of Hermann (Arminius). The Liberator of Germany.

As for Napoleon. Napoleon's tactics were, during the first half of his rule in France, impeccable. His Grande Armee' was defeated not by Russian military prowess, but by what your people refer to as "General Winter", am i right? The Battle of Borodino amassed heavy casualties on the French forces only after a majority of them were starved to death and weakened by the relentless winter.

Now, in regards to Napoleonic France and Prussia. One name you should remember or know:

Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher


there was no united german state but german states, prussia and austria being the biggest colonizer in eastern europe along with turks

learn history

Incorrect. There were 3 epochs in German history where the Germans states were united:

a) the First Reich (Charlemagne's Empire)
b) the Second Reich (Unification of Germany under German Empire, and the dissolution of Prussia)
c) the Third Reich (Nazi Germany)
Well, if you're going to find the commonality. It is this: Germans and Russians are warlike. I don't think there is an argument to that, considering the military history of Germania ; being the only region in Europe that was not romanized by the Roman Empire. The notion of the proto-German hero Hermann (Latin name was: Arminius) who led the ambush against Augustus' 3 legions into Magna Germania...and perished.


The statue of Hermann (Arminius). The Liberator of Germany.

As for Napoleon. Napoleon's tactics were, during the first half of his rule in France, impeccable. His Grande Armee' was defeated not by Russian military prowess, but by what your people refer to as "General Winter", am i right? The Battle of Borodino amassed heavy casualties on the French forces only after a majority of them were starved to death and weakened by the relentless winter.

Now, in regards to Napoleonic France and Prussia. One name you should remember or know:

Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher


Incorrect. There were 3 epochs in German history where the Germans states were united:

a) the First Reich (Charlemagne's Empire)
b) the Second Reich (Unification of Germany under German Empire, and the dissolution of Prussia)
c) the Third Reich (Nazi Germany)
During the Seven Years War Russian troops invaded East Prussia, whose citizens (including the philosopher Immanuel Kant) took the oath of allegiance to the Russian crown. Pending the conclusion of Peter III of peace with Prussia in Königsberg on behalf of the Russian empress ruled the governors-general:
Count V. Fermor (1758-1758)
Baron Korf (1758-1760)
V.I. Suvorov (1760-1761)
Count P.I. Panin (1761-1762)
Voeikov F.M. (1762)
As for Napoleon. Napoleon was defeated by Russia. Did he knew that he going to a country where is real winter? Knew. Even a child wears when he is cold. This is a ridiculous excuse. I can not understand how it exists so many years even centuries.
Incidentally only by will of Russian Tsar Alexander I Prussia was preserved as a state. Napoleon offered to the Tsar to divide Prussia between two Empires.

It was the Prussian Army , under the command of General Blucher, that changed the course of the Battle of Waterloo. In addition, after the collapse of Napoleon's forces, it was Blucher that fused the Armies of Silesia and Armies of Bohemia and led to the conquest and occupation of Paris.

The Russian Czar Alexander I (who was himself part Swedish and of german ancestry) said to Blucher, "Sie schneiden den Kuchen."


During the Seven Years War Russian troops invaded East Prussia, whose citizens (including the philosopher Immanuel Kant) took the oath of allegiance to the Russian crown. Pending the conclusion of Peter III of peace with Prussia in Königsberg on behalf of the Russian empress ruled the governors-general:
Count V. Fermor (1758-1758)
Baron Korf (1758-1760)
V.I. Suvorov (1760-1761)
Count P.I. Panin (1761-1762)
Voeikov F.M. (1762)
As for Napoleon. Napoleon was defeated by Russia. Did he knew that he going to a country where is real winter? Knew. Even a child wears when he is cold. This is a ridiculous excuse. I can not understand how it exists so many years even centuries.

Please, why are you posting wikipedia information?

Alexander I was actually half Prussian. His mother was Sophie Dorothea of Württemberg, daughter of the Duke of Wurttemberg.

And Alexander I's paternal grandmother was Catherine the Great , who was not even Russian, but a German princess of the Kingdom of Anhalt-Zerbst.

Alexander I was 3/4 German and 1/4 Slav. Your Czar was more German than he was Russian...lol
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It was the Prussian Army , under the command of General Blucher, that changed the course of the Battle of Waterloo. In addition, after the collapse of Napoleon's forces, it was Blucher that fused the Armies of Silesia and Armies of Bohemia and led to the conquest and occupation of Paris.

The Russian Czar Alexander I (who was himself part Swedish and of german ancestry) said to Blucher, "Sie schneiden den Kuchen."


Please, why are you posting wikipedia information?
So that you know that the Russian army defeated the Prussian army, and Prussia was part of Russia for several years already in the 18th century.
The Battle of Borodino was at summer.
At the expense of German princesses well said Frederick the Great - "German princess - best seller in Europe." Almost all the kingdoms of Europe were related with some German royal race.
the Russian empress ruled the governors-general....

lol. yes, I know about Catherine the Great, also known as Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg.

She was a German princess who's brother became King of Sweden and herself became Czarina of all The Russias.

A German...LOL.

How does it feel to know that your nation's greatest monarchs were German by blood?
lol. yes, I know about Catherine the Great, also known as Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg.

She was a German princess who's brother became King of Sweden and herself became Czarina of all The Russias.

A German...LOL.

How does it feel to know that your nation's greatest monarchs were German by blood?
I think all Germans are proud of the fact that the Russian tsars took a wife of the German girls. And the German girls became good Russian queens.
So that you know that the Russian army defeated the Prussian army, and Prussia was part of Russia for several years already in the 18th century.
The Battle of Borodino was at summer.
At the expense of German princesses well said Frederick the Great - "German princess - best seller in Europe." Almost all the kingdoms of Europe were related with some German royal race.

As I said in my earlier post, after the havoc the winter had on the Grande Armee, which had an originally force of 500,000, that number diminished to less than 200,000 with auxiliary support during that said battle. And the ones accounted for were starving , sickly, and underfed. Napoloen's command structure, by then had already collapsed and he abandoned the army to rush to France for fear of a coup.

I suggest you read more on Napoleonic history and political praxis.

I think all Germans are proud of the fact that the Russian tsars took a wife of the German girls. And the German girls became good Russian queens.

Not only that, practically rumaged the entire aristocratic class. The nobility of Russia had a good percentage of German or Swedish blood. While the mass of slavs remained ruled over?

Alexander I, who was czar during the napoleonic times, was actually more western than he was russian in terms of his ideology and linguistic preference. He spoke his mother's native language, German. Then again, his father was also, himself, half German.....

At the expense of German princesses well said Frederick the Great - "German princess - best seller in Europe." Almost all the kingdoms of Europe were related with some German royal race.

I would even strike to compare two very prominent Russian Czarinas: Elizabeth and Catherine.

The former viewed Frederick as the arch enemy of Russia whilst on the other hand, Catherine the Great undertook the first of several partitions of Poland with the same Frederick the Great, which gave Russia territory along Poland's northeastern fringes, but seemed to benefit Prussia much more proportionately, with West Prussia connecting East Prussia to Brandenburg proper, thus becoming far more dangerous to Russia.

Why was there so nearly opposite directions in the two policies by two rulers of the same country, one shortly after the other, toward a common antagonist, Frederick the Great? Was German-born Catherine more pro-German ?

I leave that to you, my russian comrade.
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well if that happens,russia will completely sandwich ukraine.
wish there was a sea link.
As I said in my earlier post, after the havoc the winter had on the Grande Armee, which had an originally force of 500,000, that number diminished to less than 200,000 with auxiliary support during that said battle. And the ones accounted for were starving , sickly, and underfed. Napoloen's command structure, by then had already collapsed and he abandoned the army to rush to France for fear of a coup.

I suggest you read more on Napoleonic history and political praxis.

Not only that, practically rumaged the entire aristocratic class. The nobility of Russia had a good percentage of German or Swedish blood. While the mass of slavs remained ruled over?

Alexander I, who was czar during the napoleonic times, was actually more western than he was russian in terms of his ideology and linguistic preference. He spoke his mother's native language, German. Then again, his father was also, himself, half German.....

I would even strike to compare two very prominent Russian Czarinas: Elizabeth and Catherine.

The former viewed Frederick as the arch enemy of Russia whilst on the other hand, Catherine the Great undertook the first of several partitions of Poland with the same Frederick the Great, which gave Russia territory along Poland's northeastern fringes, but seemed to benefit Prussia much more proportionately, with West Prussia connecting East Prussia to Brandenburg proper, thus becoming far more dangerous to Russia.

Why was there so nearly opposite directions in the two policies by two rulers of the same country, one shortly after the other, toward a common antagonist, Frederick the Great? Was German-born Catherine more pro-German ?

I leave that to you, my russian comrade.
Napoleon invaded Russia , with half a million soldiers . Almost all his victories given to him with great difficulty. In the summer , the French army suffered high losses , what not happend in any European country. In August , after the battle of Borodino, Napoleon said
"Of all my battles worst is that I gave at Moscow. The French showed themselves in it worthy of victory , and the Russian courted right to be invincible ... Of the fifty battles I have given in the Battle of Moscow [ French ] showed most valor and won the smallest success ".
When the colds came, Napoleon was already escaping from Russia. Flee. And could escape only twenty thousand men of half a million that came.
I can not understand your logic - from your words it turns out that taking a wife in Germany - it is something shameful or indecent for the Russian people? In Europe, the easiest way to find a wife of royal blood was in Germany, because Germany had about a hundred kingdoms, duchies, and other "independent" states. All European monarchs took wives of German princesses. There is nothing to be ashamed of.
They said so about Crimea. Most likely, in a few years all Ukraine reunited with Russia. Either wholly or in parts.
And do not confuse ordinary Ukrainians who are actually part of the Russian people and Banderivtsy - crazy Nazis, who seized power in Kiev. For the rest of Ukraine banderovets = fascist. And we're not going to live under the rule of the Nazis.
Western Ukraine hates you guys more then the devil the only possibility of them "joining" you is if you defeat them in a war and annex them
Western Ukraine hates you guys more then the devil the only possibility of them "joining" you is if you defeat them in a war and annex them

nonsense. Ukrainian people are just brainwashed from western media and western puppets.
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