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Transnistria asks to annex it to Russia

Btw,i hope that Ukraine is happy now that in 1992 War they've sided with the Russians.

Hope they choke on it now.
I think Crimean movement is a nice play of Russia.Even if they cant annex Transnistria .These may gave an impression that Russia is the only future for other Russian speaking people.West countries especially USA and EU idiotic policies is the main reason for this.Russia used that very well.
well , I wonder if Russia want annex Transnistria matters like being landlocked is important ?
for example look at West Berlin , didn't once east Germany put a siege on it so they can annex it but the plan failed
Moldovans are Romanians,snatched from Romania in 1944.The main issue isn't even Transnistria but a future scenario in which Russia will use Transnistria,Gagauzia and russian ethnics to intervene in all Moldova and that is the real disaster.

Even if Moldova is an independent state,it still regarded as a Romanian snatched province by most of us and even if a union is not possible we still want them as a close nation,future EU member ,not a russian protectorate.

Basically Moldova's problems are our problems,just as it was during the 1992 War.
As far as I remember, there was some thoughts of joining Moldova to Romania, even they chose the same flag as you guys. But, what has happened now? is there any talks of uniting these two countries anymore?
@flamer84 Damn bro you might have to start taking Russian language class at this rate. :(

We're at it for 200 years bro',we've lost land,we've lost people,we suffered,we got deported,my own grandparents from both sides came from current day Moldova fleeing the russians and we still speak our mother language and we always will.We are not slavs,we may be surrounded by a sea of slavs but we are not !

Last night I cried when i saw a talk show live from a Bucharest studio via a studio in Chisinau (Moldova's capital) and a connection with the Romanian head master of a Romanian highschool in Transnistria.The head master was pleading with us (Romania) to help them.He was saying:

"Every day they harrass us,trying to shot down Romanian schools,they say only russian is allowed,they stop Romanian books at the border,they say this is russian land.We are being genocided in our native lands by the invader.Help us brothers,don't leave us" Heart breaking stuff man.:(

If Transnistria goes to Russia there is talk that we will offer Romanian citizenship to every Romanian there,take them in,provide them houses and jobs.I hope we will do it even if it will cost us.We owe it to them,we couldn't stand for them militarily in the past,we need to help them now.

As far as I remember, there was some thoughts of joining Moldova to Romania, even they chose the same flag as you guys. But, what has happened now? is there any talks of uniting these two countries anymore?

Thewre was talks in the 90's than the '92 War broke out.After that our than president said that we were not ready and the ideea winded down.

Right now it doesn't have enough popular support,moldovans feel we've let them down when we didn't take them in in the 90's and they're kind of right.Economically to it would be a fiasco,Romania isn't exactly rich but Moldova,unfortunately is downright dirt poor,it would bankrupt us.For now we are on the "2 sister nations road" and that's fine.Moldova needs to develop more.
De facto Transnistria for 20 years is an enclave of Russia. But it does not have sea borders with Russia and has to wait while Odessa join Russian Federation ( I think it is only matter of time).

Russian-speaking is majority.
Before Odessa joins Russia hell will freeze over also if you guys are the brothers of Ukraine i dont want to see Ukraines enemies.......
Guys read up some history and the reason why Eastern Europe fear and despise Russia. USSR ruled those people with iron fists and backed puppets who in turn killed their own people. Poland, Romania, Hungry etc were all victims of USSR empire.
The Bolsheviks are back. Romania and Poland, prepare your anuses.
its already worn out by germany

Guys read up some history and the reason why Eastern Europe fear and despise Russia. USSR ruled those people with iron fists and backed puppets who in turn killed their own people. Poland, Romania, Hungry etc were all victims of USSR empire.

learn true history eastern europeans were always subject of colonization with exceptions to Russians. Russia had to be that way to not end like another German colony
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Before Odessa joins Russia hell will freeze over also if you guys are the brothers of Ukraine i dont want to see Ukraines enemies.......
They said so about Crimea. Most likely, in a few years all Ukraine reunited with Russia. Either wholly or in parts.
And do not confuse ordinary Ukrainians who are actually part of the Russian people and Banderivtsy - crazy Nazis, who seized power in Kiev. For the rest of Ukraine banderovets = fascist. And we're not going to live under the rule of the Nazis.
its already worn out by germany


learn true history eastern europeans were always subject of colonization with exceptions to Russians. Russia had to be that way to not end like another German colony

German colony? Please review your own history. There was no unified German state, namely, the idea of a Germania was more of a ideological consortium that was championed by the two preeminent states, the Prussian Empire and the Hapsburg Empire (later renamed to Austrian-Hungarian Empire). But, due to the racial miscegenation of Austria-Hungarian Empire and religious dichotomy (Most of the northern German states are are protestant whereas Austria and some southern German states, per se Bavaria, are Roman Catholic. This difference, therefore, championed the preference of northern German states to ally with Prussia, as seen in in the Prussian-Austrian War and subsequently in the Franco-Prussian War, in which Prussia humiliated both the militaries of the French Empire (please read the battle of Sedan!) and the Austrian Hungarian Empire.

Prussian calculus was not in the integration of slavic peoples to its eastern frontier, no, the Empire didn't really share the Austrian-Hungarian policies of a racially admixed state, rather, Prussian calculus was for the military and political unification of the German states into one nation, headed by, of course, Prussia. This would manifest later in the late 19th century with the creation of the Second Reich, the German Empire headed by Kaiser Wilhelm.

Addendum: Present day Germany preserves most of the borders of the German states. Austria, and Switzerland, both of whom are german speaking and composed of germanic peoples remain outside the sphere. Notably one understands the political catalyst of their exclusion.

That said, one could deign to to say that the Netherlands could be considered part of a 'Germania'. Since the dutch language is akin to higher german dialect. Dutch people are also racially germanic peoples.
its already worn out by germany


learn true history eastern europeans were always subject of colonization with exceptions to Russians. Russia had to be that way to not end like another German colony
Russia, too, has always been the subject of colonization for Germany. Since the Goths times. However, unlike other East European nations, Russia was able to stop the onslaught Goths / Teutonic Knights / Prussians / Germans/Nazis/(European Union?)
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