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Transformation in India Opens Door for U.S. Strategic Partnership

Rather than blaming the Islamabad government for the Mumbai bombings, New Delhi has said that it does not know who was responsible, and has urged the Indian news media not to speculate or point the finger at Pakistan.
Ah! So no Pakistan bashing this time for a change! So far it was to blame Pakistan for all of India's woes. This was the easiest escape route for the incompetence of the political establishment and the inefficient police force and intelligence agencies!

Making Pakistan a scape goat every time seems to have run its course.

It will be back in vogue before too long - bombings are not the only thing dysfunctional between us.
India could be of enormous help in isolating Iran. India is friendly with countries in Africa and Asia that are suspicious of U.S. and European motives on Iran and other issues. New Delhi’s diplomats can therefore help in ways that Washington’s traditional allies cannot.

I dont agree India should not & must not jeopardize its relationship with Iran, India should stay out of this both Iran & the GCC states are important for India & represents enormous advantage both in economic & diplomatic terms the best for India is to keep its U.S. Strategic Partnership separate from its ties regarding Iran,Russia, & the GCC gulf states & not to interlink them
I dont agree India should not & must not jeopardize its relationship with Iran, India should stay out of this both Iran & the GCC states are important for India & represents enormous advantage both in economic & diplomatic terms the best for India is to keep its U.S. Strategic Partnership separate from its ties regarding Iran,Russia, & the GCC gulf states & not to interlink them

That's why I said that the Op-ed states facts accurately but the interpretation could be debated :).
I must say, I feel great going through these posts. It has never happened that the thread contributors are trying to be self-critical and balanced in their view.

Adding to this thread, I must say as an Indian it is easy to point finger and then stop talking, but it is not going to give the sub-continent any respite. The best way to make the dialogue process immune to occasional disturbances. I believe the dialogue can be a great help in building a sense of confidence that can provide both the country some intelligence sharing mechanism.
Well, I agree that the Bloomberg piece isn't the best article written on the subject. It was an op-ed. Whoever wrote this is entitled to his opinion. But Bloomberg will always be leaning to the west and that reflects in this article.
Look at this statement:
Some Indians, mostly among the intellectual elites and lower-level government officials, don’t share Singh’s enthusiasm for close ties with the U.S. They see their country as the inheritor of a great civilization and fear becoming subservient to the U.S. Given these countervailing pressures on Singh’s government, there may be limits on the scope of India’s transformation that could also restrict the terms of an alliance with the U.S. But Washington shouldn’t be deterred by these internal deliberations.

While the facts presented are all accurate, the interpretation is open for deliberation.

fear of those Indians is reasonable. US policy implies dominance over world by every mean.

in any bilateral talks with their allies US has upper hand and their allies have lesser say.

i personally wants an INDO US relationship in which both nations will have equal status.

correct me if i am wrong.
fear of those Indians is reasonable. US policy implies dominance over world by every mean.

in any bilateral talks with their allies US has upper hand and their allies have lesser say.

i personally wants an INDO US relationship in which both nations will have equal status.

correct me if i am wrong.

Lol on the bold part.Ideally allies should have equal status. But that's never gonna happen without some wily backstage diplomacy by India.
In this case, the alliance seems to be driven by both economic and strategic interests. But you can never be sure in world politics. There are no permanent allies or enemies.
Any relationship is based on give and take. Don't do anything based on "promises".
You're right. But the fact is in the past it has been quite easy for politicians to just point fingers at Pakistan before even initial investigations had started.
I don't recall any cases where senior govt. officials or ministers have blamed Pakistan without reason. Or may be I am too naive.
Let's see what happens.

I don't know if India will want to join a collective security organization with the name "Shanghai" in the title though.

India doesn't have any problem with China or any country for that matter.

India won't join SCO because it's a security organization not because it has 'Shanghai' in its' name. In fact India won't join ANY security organization whether be it NATO or SCO because of its' non-alignment policy.
It will be back in vogue before too long - bombings are not the only thing dysfunctional between us.

you are right...b/w how did Pak media reacted on no blame game from India this time???
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