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Transformation in India Opens Door for U.S. Strategic Partnership


Jun 15, 2011
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As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrives in New Delhi today, her first order of business is to assure U.S. support for the Indian government and people as they deal with the aftermath of last week’s terrorist bombings in Mumbai.
She then should get to work on broader objectives: affirming India’s prominent role as an oasis of democratic values and economic growth in a troubled region and fulfilling the promise of a long-lasting U.S.-Indian partnership.
Americans have too often viewed relations with India solely through the prism of the chaos in neighboring Afghanistan and Pakistan. That approach is short-sighted. President Barack Obama has rightly predicted that U.S. relations with India “will be one of the defining partnerships of the 21st century.” Or, as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India put it, “the sky is the limit.” This is no hyperbole. If the two governments focus on building a strategic partnership, the benefits to South Asia and the wider world will be substantial.
Historic Transformation
India is engaged in an epic economic and political transformation. Singh’s free-market reforms have allowed his nation to shed its socialist and statist past. The world’s largest democracy is now one of the most dynamic economies.
The country’s foreign policy has evolved too. During the Cold War, India was a close ally of the Soviet Union and saw itself as a leader of the nonaligned movement. Now, its leaders see the world in much the same way as their U.S. and Western counterparts.
The U.S. partnership with India reflects shared values as much as common economic and military interests. Although its record is far from perfect, India’s democratic government has ensured both stability and openness for its 1.2 billion citizens. The nation now serves as a model for the kind of vibrant and tolerant multiethnic democracy that the U.S. hopes to foster in Pakistan and Afghanistan. In addition, India’s democracy and balanced economy are far more in line with Western values and interests than the alternative model offered by China.
Some Indians, mostly among the intellectual elites and lower-level government officials, don’t share Singh’s enthusiasm for close ties with the U.S. They see their country as the inheritor of a great civilization and fear becoming subservient to the U.S. Given these countervailing pressures on Singh’s government, there may be limits on the scope of India’s transformation that could also restrict the terms of an alliance with the U.S. But Washington shouldn’t be deterred by these internal deliberations.
Defensive Cooperation
Perhaps one of the most important benefits to the U.S. of a partnership with India would be to address a rising and more assertive China. New Delhi views China, not Pakistan, as its foremost long-term security threat. The Beijing government has at times been assertive in its claim to Indian territories along the countries’ partially unmarked border.
The Asian giants also compete for influence in the “string of pearls,” as the Chinese call countries such as Bangladesh and Sri Lanka that lie along Beijing’s sea route to Africa. Preventing Chinese expansionism and ensuring freedom of navigation in the Indian Ocean is another reason U.S. and Indian defensive cooperation should grow.
Also, if it can be convinced to do so, India can help build international support for initiatives that would otherwise be seen as made in America. For example, India could be of enormous help in isolating Iran. India is friendly with countries in Africa and Asia that are suspicious of U.S. and European motives on Iran and other issues. New Delhi’s diplomats can therefore help in ways that Washington’s traditional allies cannot.
Remarkable Restraint
Clinton should go out of her way to praise Singh’s commitment to reconciliation with Pakistan as well as the remarkable restraint he has shown in recent days. Rather than blaming the Islamabad government for the Mumbai bombings, New Delhi has said that it does not know who was responsible, and has urged the Indian news media not to speculate or point the finger at Pakistan.
As the U.S. looks for areas to expand its partnership with India, trade is a good place to start. Previously, the American strategy was to make no distinction between small issues such as opening India’s market for dairy products and much more important restrictions by New Delhi in the telecommunications and retail sectors. This made no sense. Washington should identify one or two trade priorities and push them hard. Another step is for the U.S. to push the Indians to finish negotiations on a Bilateral Investment Treaty by the end of 2012. Such an accord would provide a framework for resolving investment disputes and would build momentum for the two sides to begin negotiations on a free-trade agreement.
Clinton should also push Singh to finish implementation of the 2008 U.S.-India civilian nuclear deal, which was supposed to open the door for American companies to sell nuclear power plants to India. Since then, the Indian Parliament has adopted legislation that seems to make the suppliers, not the local utility, liable for damage from nuclear accidents. This is at odds with international practice and unacceptable to U.S. companies. The Indians need to find a way around this problem.
Working with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Clinton should seek ways to broaden military cooperation, especially as a deterrent to China. An Indian relationship with NATO would provide a mechanism for military officers from both countries to get to know each other.
The world’s two largest free-market democracies have much in common, despite a history of prickly relations. If those shared interests and values can be used as a platform, Singh’s “sky’s the limit” declaration may turn out to be prescient.

Source :http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-...-door-for-u-s-strategic-partnership-view.html
Clinton should go out of her way to praise Singh’s commitment to reconciliation with Pakistan as well as the remarkable restraint he has shown in recent days. Rather than blaming the Islamabad government for the Mumbai bombings, New Delhi has said that it does not know who was responsible, and has urged the Indian news media not to speculate or point the finger at Pakistan.

No doubt MMS deserves much praise but if India KNOW that it was Pakistan behind the bombings, then of course the restraint would be folly, it would be treason - right??
No doubt MMS deserves much praise but if India KNOW that it was Pakistan behind the bombings, then of course the restraint would be folly, it would be treason - right??

You're right. But the fact is in the past it has been quite easy for politicians to just point fingers at Pakistan before even initial investigations had started. The restraint they have shown is more amazing considering that they already are under fire for a lot of issues and triggering a wave of patriotism on the back of the bombings could've been pretty easy.
But to be honest I'm surprised except for a few stray comments none of the other political parties accused Pakistan either. There seems to be atleast a small bit of agreement among everyone that the talks need to progress.
Well, that mud would not stick but also there is some considerable progress made between the two.

As I read the "to do list" Bloomberg have prepared, I do wonder if the Indian diplomatic and political stakeholders will take kindly to the notion of playing proxy for the US - Iran is a interesting case, Indian business turn a pretty penny in Iran and the US is asking for Indian sacrifices for US gains, I really do wonder how that will play - the same is the case in Africa, in particular Southern Sudan, where Indian business may find what good for the goose will be good for the gander, buckle up!

I must say that I am rather surprised by the Bloomberg piece - I thought the "to do list" stuff was for the likes of Pakistan.
Well, that mud would not stick but also there is some considerable progress made between the two.

As I read the "to do list" Bloomberg have prepared, I do wonder if the Indian diplomatic and political stakeholders will take kindly to the notion of playing proxy for the US - Iran is a interesting case, Indian business turn a pretty penny in Iran and the US is asking for Indian sacrifices for US gains, I really do wonder how that will play - the same is the case in Africa, in particular Southern Sudan, where Indian business may find what good for the goose will be good for the gander, buckle up!

I must say that I am rather surprised by the Bloomberg piece - I thought the "to do list" stuff was for the likes of Pakistan.

Well, I agree that the Bloomberg piece isn't the best article written on the subject. It was an op-ed. Whoever wrote this is entitled to his opinion. But Bloomberg will always be leaning to the west and that reflects in this article.
Look at this statement:
Some Indians, mostly among the intellectual elites and lower-level government officials, don’t share Singh’s enthusiasm for close ties with the U.S. They see their country as the inheritor of a great civilization and fear becoming subservient to the U.S. Given these countervailing pressures on Singh’s government, there may be limits on the scope of India’s transformation that could also restrict the terms of an alliance with the U.S. But Washington shouldn’t be deterred by these internal deliberations.

While the facts presented are all accurate, the interpretation is open for deliberation.
Point taken - I am always surprised, more taken back, by the US op/Ed pieces - they really do inhabit another reality altogether - the world is their oyster, all they need do is force it open -- and of course the oyster doesn't have any say in the matter - and these are supposedly educated persons.
Point taken - I am always surprised, more taken back, by the US op/Ed pieces - they really do inhabit another reality altogether - the world is their oyster, all they need do is force it open -- and of course the oyster doesn't have any say in the matter - and these are supposedly educated persons.

That goes with power. They are certainly myopic in their view of the world. Look at the furore created when BRICS said that the next IMF chief, traditionally a European domain, should be elected from among them. Nobody even talks about World bank, who will always have an American as Chief. Even Bono of U2 was considered!
The greatest indication to me is the world series of baseball/basketball etc etc where the world means USA.
Well, I am genuinely looking to some sort of breakthrough or accommodation - and I am thinking of a trilateral accommodation (Pakistan, India, China) - right now people will say that's not possible or unrealistic - I really don't think so -- The cold war is history, the Neocon wars are near exhaustion - these events allow people to reconsider a new what "Asian century" can mean.

The US as a reservoir of capital will continue to have that role but a more circumspect one should an agreement for another reserve currency be reached.
Well, I am genuinely looking to some sort of breakthrough or accommodation - and I am thinking of a trilateral accommodation (Pakistan, India, China) - right now people will say that's not possible or unrealistic - I really don't think so -- The cold war is history, the Neocon wars are near exhaustion - these events allow people to reconsider a new what "Asian century" can mean.

The US as a reservoir of capital will continue to have that role but a more circumspect one should an agreement for another reserve currency be reached.

Keep a lookout for the SCO. Looks to be a game changer.
Keep a lookout for the SCO. Looks to be a game changer.

Let's see what happens.

I don't know if India will want to join a collective security organization with the name "Shanghai" in the title though.
You know - -- I don't know about this - See, something doesn't smell quite right about this. WHY? Who have the audacity to ask why? See, because none of the players were born yesterday, they must have put some conditions on Pakistan --- lets not kid ourselves, Pakistan at present is a nut job and it must make some fundamental structural changes --- Other than playing nice with Rao, you see any fundamental changes?? These changes would be easy for all to see, because they have to begin in the Army - you see any such change??
No doubt MMS deserves much praise but if India KNOW that it was Pakistan behind the bombings, then of course the restraint would be folly, it would be treason - right??

If you look at the multiple bomb attacks that targetted many cities that rocked India in 2007 -2008, even then India did not blame Pakistan. India showed great maturity then too. But when Mumbai attacks happened and it was found that those were indeed pakistan based, then India went public.

Pakistanis almost expect India to blame everything on them, its not true, We don't so that anymore. The problem however is that when attacks do happen from Pakistan, Pakistan's response is really poor and inspires no confidence.

You are right in saying we need to see a fundamental change in Pakistan too.
Let's see what happens.

I don't know if India will want to join a collective security organization with the name "Shanghai" in the title though.

India already indicated it wants to join and was supported by Russia. SCO plans to induct both India and Pakistan together and the last meeting of the SCO laid down the ammendments for clearing the memberships of both countries.
You know - -- I don't know about this - See, something doesn't smell quite right about this. WHY? Who have the audacity to ask why? See, because none of the players were born yesterday, they must have put some conditions on Pakistan --- lets not kid ourselves, Pakistan at present is a nut job and it must make some fundamental structural changes --- Other than playing nice with Rao, you see any fundamental changes?? These changes would be easy for all to see, because they have to begin in the Army - you see any such change??

Pretty strong words. But yeah, the current structure in Pakistan doesn't seem to be inspiring confidence among it's own people,let alone the rest of the neighborhood.
You are right in pointing out the army in Pakistan. While governments failed, the army was the one which inspired confidence among Pakistani's. They are also the ones who introduced a lot of systems which are going wrong today. They have to form the base of a fundamental change.
Pakistanis almost expect India to blame everything on them, its not true, We don't so that anymore

Well, that's mighty white of you, I mean not doing it anymore - I am sure it is appreciated. but seriously, I do take your point and I must tell you that while that fundamental change is the need, I do remain pessimistic with regard to seeing a fundamental structural change -- That is Army -- The best think tanks of Pakistan are Army Think Tanks and the best thing they have come up with is Islam-ism - is it any wonder it is referred to as a army of duffer generals?

Alright I've got the invective out of my system - so long as the Army motto is Yaqeen (Certitude) Taqva (loosely God fearing) and Jihad fi sabillah (you already know that) -- don't expect anything but cosmetics --- tough nut to crack.
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