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Transfer of S-300 airdefence systems from the Russian Federation to the Islamic Republic on 18 Feb

Probably because they won't sell iran , Russian thieves you know


Those are the greek s-300s , probably one of the most modern of them all , that's why i compared them with a medieval sultan with his harem and concubines , i bet it takes several hours to unpack these at a designated site and ready them up

Here look it's the concubine and the sultan

I almost fell off my chair laughing. :rofl:. You are funny mate. :D

Coming to topic, you can't blame Iran that much though, since Tehran has little choice other than to rely on whatever weapons Russia agrees to sell them(weather they are midern enough or not). Who else(with the capabilities) will sell them such advanced weapons systems? Iran relations with the west isn't very good as if now, regardless of sanctions being lifted. So they have only Moscow to rely on for now.
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The Russians have finally honored their word. It was as if they were extorting Iran for these missiles. Very unreliable folks to team up with.

Just wait what are they going to do with Bashar..they pretty much own everything and owe nothing as per the treaty signed between Bashar Syria and Putins Russia
Today is February 18th, did you get the s-300?
No sarcasm, honest question
Better make your own long range anti air systems
If This government admiration didn't reduce budget of our Defense ministry's R&D section by 90% in past 2 years , we could do this .... how can we build fighter and anti air defense system and UAV and tank with just 1 billion dollar ...

this government believe that we should import even underwear from other countries ( I'm not joking )

LOL what a joke. You guys claim to be 'independent' and 'advanced' enough to build your own air defence system that's better or similar to the S300 but lose it when you haven't received them yet.
LOL what a joke. You guys claim to be 'independent' and 'advanced' enough to build your own air defence system that's better than the S300 but lose it when you haven't received them yet.

You know what's ironic? Nobody in Pakistan wants to invade Iran. Nobody in Turkey wants to invade Iran. None of the GCC states is capable of invading Iran even if they wanted to.

So yes Putin is happy for Iran to become even more isolated than it already is in the region. More rubles for him. And the more isolated it becomes, the more weapons it needs, and the more weapons it buys, the more it will be feared.

From Putin's perspective he has a captive market. :lol:

He thought he could drive up the price of oil, by ramping up the war in Syria, but the Saudi's outplayed him. So now he's ramping up the chaos by setting Iran against everyone else. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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