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'Tragedy' Pakistan has nukes but no power: Sharif

last time i checked we are doing waay better then india as far as local nuclear tech goes.
and soon we will build our own reactors. but the world is moving away from nuclear. renewable energy is the future.

In 2009 PEAC chairman made a statement claiming that Pakistan was doing better than India in civilian nuclear technology. He predicted that by 2011 most of Pakistan's energy crisis would be sorted out. In 2013, most parts of Pakistan faces loadshedding for up to 20 hours a day :D Let's not bring India into this shall we :D
It's unfortunate that Pakistan is using most of its nuclear fuel for producing nukes instead of electricity with disastrous consequences where its industry is being crippled beyond redemption. The Establishment is so paranoid of a so called 'Indian threat' that it has paid little or no heed to the dire need for nuclear power generation to kick start its industries and instead is wasting precious resources on producing nukes! The consequences are there for all to see.
As of 2012,the installed power capability is 21,103 MW,

fossil fuel – 13,637 MW – 65% of total
hydro – 6,654 MW – 31% of total
nuclear – 812 MW – 4% of total

Plan for any new thermal/Nuclear Power plants??

It's unfortunate that Pakistan is using most of its nuclear fuel for producing nukes instead of electricity with disastrous consequences where its industry is being crippled beyond redemption. The Establishment is so paranoid of a so called 'Indian threat' that it has paid little or no heed to the dire need for nuclear power generation to kick start its industries. The consequences are there for all to see.

Comeon man,they are building a 1000MWe reactor with chinese assistance

so what are you saying? our nuclear weapons are the reason for our power shortages?

What he is saying is that its all a question of Priorities..

The Nukes were priority so they came, producing electricity evidently isnt a priority.
In 2009 PEAC chairman made a statement claiming that Pakistan was doing better than India in civilian nuclear technology. He predicted that by 2011 most of Pakistan's energy crisis would be sorted out. In 2013, most parts of Pakistan faces loadshedding for up to 20 hours a day :D Let's not bring India into this shall we :D

yh he under estimated zardari and thats about it, if zardari wasnt around this guys predictions would be true.

What he is saying is that its all a question of Priorities..

The Nukes were priority so they came, producing electricity evidently isnt a priority.

security is a priority when you have a neighbor who is menace in the region.
yh he under estimated zardari and thats about it, if zardari wasnt around this guys predictions would be true.

True indeed. If the government acted on his recommendations then at least 30% of Pakistan's power problems would be behind it. But, what to expect of a governments in Sth Asia...they ignore the pragmatic officials for the foolish advice of blundering beaurocrats. It's a signature trend of the governments there :D
It is not a tragedy that we have nukes but no power, but the inevitable result of misplaced priorities, flawed policies, poor decisions and horrible choices, compounded by stupidity, apathy, incompetence and egos.

Need I say more?
last time i checked we are doing waay better then india as far as local nuclear tech goes.
and soon we will build our own reactors. but the world is moving away from nuclear. renewable energy is the future.

Can you elaborate? How many PHWR, Fast breeders, miniaturized plants etc have Pakistan designed and build?
On what points do Pakistani nuke tech surpass that of Indian? Don't say number of nukes, that has nothing to do with tech, nor are quantity/quality of nukes an authentic value.

FYI India is already working on Thorium plants to circumvent the need of imported Uranium. And this would be one of its kind in the world. Can you list any comparable innovation from Pakistani nuclear agency?
Can you elaborate? How many PHWR, Fast breeders, miniaturized plants etc have Pakistan designed and build?
On what points do Pakistani nuke tech surpass that of Indian? Don't say number of nukes, that has nothing to do with tech, nor are quantity/quality of nukes an authentic value.

FYI India is already working on Thorium plants to circumvent the need of imported Uranium. And this would be one of its kind in the world. Can you list any comparable innovation from Pakistani nuclear agency?

dont worry well start on thorium as well soon, right now we building our nuclear arsenal so we'll stick to uranium and plutonium.
Can you elaborate? How many PHWR, Fast breeders, miniaturized plants etc have Pakistan designed and build?
On what points do Pakistani nuke tech surpass that of Indian? Don't say number of nukes, that has nothing to do with tech, nor are quantity/quality of nukes an authentic value.

FYI India is already working on Thorium plants to circumvent the need of imported Uranium. And this would be one of its kind in the world. Can you list any comparable innovation from Pakistani nuclear agency?

The few reactors that China's built and is building in Pakistan are of 70's tech and with fewer safety standards compared to the latest reactors.

Safety is also a major concern, as the reactors at Chashma, including the third and fourth units China has planned, are derived from designs dating back to the 1970s, said Mark Hibbs, an expert on atomic policy at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, who has closely followed Chinese-Pakistani nuclear cooperation.

This means they have fewer safety features than the newer models Beijing will increasingly use for domestic nuclear plants.

“The oldest reactor (design) that China is building is this reactor in Pakistan. It’s a very old design,” said Hibbs, who is based in Berlin and visited Pakistan this week.

“If China wants to help Pakistan build a reactor right now, they’re locked into this design,” Hibbs said in a telephone interview, citing patent restrictions and atomic export barriers that prevent China from selling more up-to-date designs abroad.

dont worry well start on thorium as well soon, right now we building our nuclear arsenal so we'll stick to uranium and plutonium.

You would not, there is no point for Pakistan to do so, it doesn't have the large thorium reserves that India does, so no point in shifting to thorium.

You made the claim that in nuclear technology, Pakistan is ahead. I asked you, in which technology is Pakistan ahead of India?
NS is dumb ..why do he keep giving stupid statements ....bus altaf bhie k tarah gana ganah he reh gaya ha
Sounds dangerous -- It sounds like justification for more hare brained "schemes" -- Pakistani power plants do not produce power at the capacity they can -- Why not? Rea Riaz Haq's thread in the economy section -

Over and over and over again, Pakistanis opt for "solutions" that have failed, over and over and over again - some quote Einstein and say insanity if doing the same thing ove and over again and expecting different results - like those who plant corn and expect to harvest wheat

Friends, isn't it time we rejected populist Awaami economics of subsidy?? Is it not time to return to economics of common sense and incentive??

A private Saudi Steel mill in Pakistan runs at 100% capacity, while Pak Steel mills cannot make the same claim?? What is the difference between the two? In one there is a an "incentive" to generate a profit for it's owners, in the other, there is an incentive to socialize loss and privatize benefits accruing to govt appointed management -- Who is to blame ? we are, we reject simple common sense of our experience for ideology
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